Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
I think that "he" can speak for himself.

Point out the stupidity and hypocrisy of this article, which is pretty much the foundation for this 3 part thread (the role of civil government as seen through the Eyes of God).

"The Lord established three fundamental institutions for the governance of men: family, the Church, and civil government. While these three institutions are separate spheres of authority under God, they clearly have mutually supportive, interwoven functions. The performance — or lack of performance — of each inescapably influences the functioning of the other two."

I think I can say what I said about him while he is away. You've spoken for him too, idjut. :kiss:

You missed the point.


Hall of Fame
I often pointed out that both gay and feminist activists lie like horses, but you, anna, and rusha never acknowledged/agreed with it, and you joined them in labeling me a misogynist. Ha, brilliant. :plain:

You left one off the list. Misogynists "lie like horses" to promote their own agenda which includes pointing their finger at everyone else.


New member
aCW: Just wondering if you have ordered this from LaBarbera,
and will you be using this in your church and your network? :think:

Watch: Order the ‘Light Wins’ Movie to Educate and Mobilize Your Network
Against Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Tyranny


Also from LaBarbera: Your thoughts on this? :think:

VIDEO: #HatchKids Video Shows Young Children Being Manipulated
toward Approving of Bruce Jenner’s Gender Confusion
If you go to the
VIDEO HERE you can really get a feel for how manipulative this really is.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
Is it the old adage "Birds of a feather flock together"?

I think of the old adage "You can't judge a man by the company he keeps."

I like this one:

"Homosexuality is a violent behavior".

Accused gay-bash attacker at Dallas BBQ surrenders to NYPD, but lawyer says he's gay too: sources

June 16, 2015

The man accused of bashing a gay couple with a chair in a Chelsea barbecue restaurant surrendered to cops Tuesday — but hasn’t been arrested on hate-crime charges because he’s gay, too, police sources said.

Bayna-Lehkiem El-Amin, 41, surrendered to NYPD Hate Crime detectives at the Seventh Precinct with his attorney and was charged with assault and attempted assault. His arraignment was pending Tuesday night.

A police source said El-Amin wasn’t charged with a hate crime because the Bronx man was gay and the attack wasn’t motivated by hatred of homosexuals.

El-Amin allegedly slammed a chair over the heads of Jonathan Snipes, 32, and Ethan York-Adams, 25, during a brawl inside a Dallas BBQ on Eighth Ave. near W. 23rd St. on May 5.

According to a jaw-dropping video taken during the fight, the 6-foot-6 El-Amin began stomping one of his two victims before several patrons started pulling him back. York-Adams and Snipes appear to be egging El-Amin on, then turned their backs to him, the video shows. A split-second later, El-Amin picks up a chair and brings it down on their heads.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york...bbq-surrenders-nypd-sources-article-1.2259759


What is so sad about our current criminal justice system is that had the accused not been a sexual deviant, the crime would have somehow been considered more serious.

The Horn

Anti-gay bigots claim they don't "hate" gay people . But the KKK doesn't say it "hates " blacks people . It just wants to keep those uppity n++++++ from being allowed to vote , to serve in the military and marry white people etc .
They really "like" black people . Anti-gay bigots say there is no such thing as homophobia because they don't "fear " gay people , Wring. Homophobia DOES mean hostility, fear and hatred of gay people .
Many ignorant right-wing parents are terrified of having their kids meet gay people in schools or see gay characters in movies and on TV, or see them portrayed as nice people because this will supposedly
"make their kids gay ". You can no more "make kids gay " than you can make right-handed kids left-handed .
Well, as a liberal , I don't hate the homophobe , I hate his bigotry .


New member
Anti-gay bigots claim they don't "hate" gay people . But the KKK doesn't say it "hates " blacks people . It just wants to keep those uppity n++++++ from being allowed to vote , to serve in the military and marry white people etc .
They really "like" black people . Anti-gay bigots say there is no such thing as homophobia because they don't "fear " gay people , Wring. Homophobia DOES mean hostility, fear and hatred of gay people .
Many ignorant right-wing parents are terrified of having their kids meet gay people in schools or see gay characters in movies and on TV, or see them portrayed as nice people because this will supposedly
"make their kids gay ". You can no more "make kids gay " than you can make right-handed kids left-handed .
Well, as a liberal , I don't hate the homophobe , I hate his bigotry .

I agree, and THIS homophobe should know better as he claim to be a Christian.


New member
Let's learn a bit more about Stephen Fry (who "just happens to be a sodomite") :

"Fry is gay, and his outspoken nature on gay rights would probably qualify him as a liberal. Take for example his response to a proposed law in Russia that would fine anyone charged with the “spreading information that can damage the health and moral development of underage children, and make them believe that both traditional and gay relationships are normal.” Fry said:

Hell’s teeth. Something must be done to stop these fantastical monsters. Will talking about Tchaikovsky be banned?7"

It so refreshing to know that homosexual activist Stephen Fry thinks that the protection of children from moral degenerates is one big joke.
(aCW rushes off to bone up on Stephen Fry :chuckle:)

Clearly your knowledge of Stephen Fry, as gleaned apparently from a site concerned with the spiritual and political thinking of celebrities, isn't particularly comprehensive.
Also as a comedian, Fry sometimes may use levity and some dramatic overstatement, as here, for effect, perhaps something that goes over the heads of the Saudi Arabian owner of the site and certain right wing homophobic Christian fundamentalists.:plain:

Btw like many other gay males he[Fry] claims not indulge in sodomy, while many heterosexuals clearly do.

Paraphrasing the words of that brilliant pagan Rusha (aka Sandy)

"Then he's not a real homosexual".
Let's try be clear here can we aCW?
You apparently think that homosexuals are only those people who actively engage in sodomy, yes?
It doesn't matter what gender may sexually stimulate a person, for you it's the act of sodomy that makes someone homosexual?
If Stephen Fry, who is sexually attracted to males, has never actually sodomised anyone then what is he? Heterosexual, homosexual, neither? :liberals:

If you just happened to be more sexually attracted to males aCW but never acted on it, is this how you think you can allow yourself to deny your own homosexuality and are thereby a "good Christian"?:think:


Anti-gay bigots claim they don't "hate" gay people . But the KKK doesn't say it "hates " blacks people . It just wants to keep those uppity n++++++ from being allowed to vote , to serve in the military and marry white people etc .

Speaking of thieving white trash racists:

'Big 4' firm 'let Clintons skim millions from AIDS charity'

June 16, 2015

NEW YORK – The “Big Four” accounting firm Pricewaterhouse Coopers failed to detect and report the Clinton Foundation’s “apparent massive diversions of funds” from a global charity that fights HIV/AIDS, according to respected Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel. As WND reported Tuesday, Ortel has concluded after a thorough investigation of the Clinton Foundation’s financial records that Pricewaterhouse Coopers, or PWC, bears civil and possibly criminal liabilities, either intentionally or through negligence, for participating in financial fraud by generating audit financial statements riddled with errors and misstatements. Ortel, managing director of Newport Value Partners LLC, contends PWC, which began auditing the Clinton Foundation in 2013, allowed the Clintons to continue diverting millions of dollars donated for charitable purposes...
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/06/big-4-fi...llions-from-aids-charity/#M0sBxRsuwG66M8CO.99...



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Let's learn a bit more about Stephen Fry (who "just happens to be a sodomite") :

"Fry is gay, and his outspoken nature on gay rights would probably qualify him as a liberal. Take for example his response to a proposed law in Russia that would fine anyone charged with the “spreading information that can damage the health and moral development of underage children, and make them believe that both traditional and gay relationships are normal.” Fry said:

Hell’s teeth. Something must be done to stop these fantastical monsters. Will talking about Tchaikovsky be banned?7"

It so refreshing to know that homosexual activist Stephen Fry thinks that the protection of children from moral degenerates is one big joke.

(aCW rushes off to bone up on Stephen Fry )

The things that you can learn about a celebrity if you just type their name into a search engine followed by the word "fag".

Clearly your knowledge of Stephen Fry, as gleaned apparently from a site concerned with the spiritual and political thinking of celebrities, isn't particularly comprehensive.

Either he made the comment about the Russian law or he didn't.

Also as a comedian, Fry sometimes may use levity and some dramatic overstatement, as here, for effect, perhaps something that goes over the heads of the Saudi Arabian owner of the site and certain right wing homophobic Christian fundamentalists.

I get the feeling that the parents of the children who have been molested and indoctrinated by homosexuals aren't laughing.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Paraphrasing the words of that brilliant pagan Rusha (aka Sandy)

"Then he's not a real homosexual".

Let's try be clear here can we aCW?
You apparently think that homosexuals are only those people who actively engage in sodomy, yes?

Looking at the world's population, I'm pretty sure (based on what I learned in 9th grade biology class) that the billions of people on it didn't get here from acts of sodomy.

It doesn't matter what gender may sexually stimulate a person, for you it's the act of sodomy that makes someone homosexual?
If Stephen Fry, who is sexually attracted to males, has never actually sodomised anyone then what is he? Heterosexual, homosexual, neither?

Are you saying that Stephen Fry (who identifies himself as a homosexual) just likes to look at the menu?

What's that make him?

A cross between a chicken and a wise man.


The world is changing. Indeed, it already has.

Movies--just to mention one area--are telling stories around new myths in this country.... Myths of preserving human dignity, including the shunned and the marginalized into the larger community, teaching us to see the value in others--even in our enemies.

Receiving a lesson in myth is like smuggling a book through customs. One the subconscious tears off the silly wrapper, it can see what it actually is.


New member
The things that you can learn about a celebrity if you just type their name into a search engine followed by the word "fag".
Clearly you are a true Christian aCW. :rolleyes:

Either he made the comment about the Russian law or he didn't.
And you're none to bright about the context and the subtleties sometimes used when speaking in English.

I get the feeling that the parents of the children who have been molested and indoctrinated by homosexuals aren't laughing.
Fry is a gay man not someone who ever advocates molesting children in any way.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Paraphrasing the words of that brilliant pagan Rusha (aka Sandy)

"Then he's not a real homosexual".

Looking at the world's population, I'm pretty sure (based on what I learned in 9th grade biology class) that the billions of people on it didn't get here from acts of sodomy.
Perhaps, but that isn't answering my question.

Are you saying that Stephen Fry just likes to look at the menu?

What's that make him?

A cross between a chicken and a wise man.
Are you really that dumb aCW?
You can't imagine ways gay couples can have sex together without involving sodomy?
I would still like answers to the three questions I just put that I think I do know the answers to by your reluctance to answer them.

Let's try be clear here can we aCW?
You apparently think that homosexuals are only those people who actively engage in sodomy, yes?
It doesn't matter what gender may sexually stimulate a person, for you it's the act of sodomy that makes someone homosexual?
If Stephen Fry, who is sexually attracted to males, has never actually sodomised anyone then what is he? Heterosexual, homosexual, neither? :liberals:


The world is changing. Indeed, it already has.

Movies--just to mention one area--are telling stories around new myths in this country.... Myths of preserving human dignity, including the shunned and the marginalized into the larger community, teaching us to see the value in others--even in our enemies.

Receiving a lesson in myth is like smuggling a book through customs. One the subconscious tears off the silly wrapper, it can see what it actually is.

Speaking of movies: The 20th annual Seattle LGBTQueer film festival will be held in October.

Perhaps you could review some of the films and show us some of the finer points of the LGBTQueer 'culture'?


Speaking of movies: The 20th annual Seattle LGBTQueer film festival will be held in October.

Perhaps you could review some of the films and show us some of the finer points of the LGBTQueer 'culture'?
This should not be shocking. At least it is not to me.

In their long history to be accepted, blacks began making their own movies with their own actors and directors (the film "SuperFly" comes to mind). This is a natural progression for folks in our world today--if they are not accepted by the majority, then make their own "mirror image" world by themselves.

The American fundamentalist Christian movement is doing the same. Feeling marginalized and under attack, the faith now has its own movies, institutions, leaders, computer programs, websites, etc.

When groups are prevented from assimilating with the rest of us, or if they still feel suspicious in doing so, it shouldn't be defined as the end of the world.

Just my conjectures...

You need not get angry with me (your sentence "Why don't you [review gay cinema]?"). You are clearly at the point where you feel justified in flinging out sarcasm. And sarcasm is always a "cover emotion" for deep-seated anger.

Unless you can channel that anger in mature and effective ways, I see that you will fail miserably in spreading your ideas.


I would still like answers to the three questions I just put that I think I do know the answers to by your reluctance to answer them.

I see four questions, which one would you like me to disregard? (ah heck, I'll answer all 4).

Let's try be clear here can we aCW?

As clear as one can be with a moral relativist atheist.

You apparently think that homosexuals are only those people who actively engage in sodomy, yes?

If someone has same sex desires, why not act on them? Gosh, it's not like you have to worry about contracting all kinds of deadly STD's or anything. (Sorry Al, but I had to answer your question with a question).

It doesn't matter what gender may sexually stimulate a person, for you it's the act of sodomy that makes someone homosexual?

In the case of Stephen Fry (who admits that he is a homosexual) it would be his admission and the fact that he promotes and defends the LGBTQueer movement.

If Stephen Fry, who is sexually attracted to males, has never actually sodomised anyone then what is he? Heterosexual, homosexual, neither?

Again, that makes homosexual activist Stephen Fry, who you state is abstinent yet is attracted to people of the same sex, a cross between a chicken and a wise man.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Speaking of movies: The 20th annual Seattle LGBTQueer film festival will be held in October.

Perhaps you could review some of the films and show us some of the finer points of the LGBTQueer 'culture'?

This should not be shocking. At least it is not to me.

I was serious. Surely you're not offended that I think that you're in tune with the LGBTQueer movement enough for me to ask you to review their "culture"?

In their long history to be accepted, blacks began making their own movies with their own actors and directors (the film "SuperFly" comes to mind).

Ah yes, comparing someone's skin color with a perversion. Where have I heard that before?

You need not get angry with me (your sentence "Why don't you [review gay cinema]?"). You are clearly at the point where you feel justified in flinging out sarcasm. And sarcasm is always a "cover emotion" for deep-seated anger.

Unless you can channel that anger in mature and effective ways, I see that you will fail miserably in spreading your ideas.

You must understand that until we as a society put evil people like you away so that amongst other things they can't hurt innocent children or destroy invaluable institutions, then truth and sarcasm are my only weapons.
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