Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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He's likely already been reduced to a catamite, so someday he'll go on to recruit other children.

I notice Traci and the usual sodomy fans are not around at the moment. Odd, that.
Yes, he is reflecting what he's seen around him.
.......Yep, to be expected.


"Recriminalize homosexuality ?" The police should be out there protecting people from REAL criminals , you know, burglars, thieves, murderers, drug dealers , etc , not snooping around in people's bedrooms and arresting harmless people for having consensual gay sex .
Sheesh ! America is NOT a theocratic totalitarian police state with Christian Big Brother watching everybody 24/7 ! Not yet, that is !

I nominate HRC founder and accused pederast/child rapist/huge Obama Presidential campaign contributor as "bedroom sex czar" (since he already has the necessary equipment).

"In January, Lawson says, he discovered that Bean had a hidden camera in the smoke detector above Bean’s bed in his West Hills home. Lawson used this information to seek money from Bean, alleging that the camera captured videos “of at least a half dozen individuals in a state of nudity engaged in intimate acts with you.” Lawson claims he is in more than one video."



1 Cor 5 (NIV)
I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— 10 not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. 11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.
12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.”




New member
Soros-funded "civil rights" group in NY files huge 47-page lawsuit in federal court accusing Pastor Scott Lively of "crimes against humanity" — for pro-family speeches in Uganda!
SInce when is genocide "pro-family"?

"I hate being called a homophobe. It has such an ugly connotation. Its especially unpleasant because, as a Christian, I’m supposed to have a reputation for loving people, not hating them. So I’ve worked
really hard over the years to try to get the homosexuals to stop calling me a homophobe. I’ve pointed out the difference between hating people and hating their behavior (loving the sinner but hating the sin). They hated that. Then I tried “walking my talk” by taking an ex-”gay” man who was dying of AIDS into my family. My wife and I and our children loved and cared for him during the last year of his life. They hated that even more."
Maybe he should try stopping his false witness and stop promoting murder.

Perhaps you should focus more on why those who engage in an absolutely filthy behavior that goes against God's design for the human body are disproportionately contracting AIDS.
That would be heterosexual women and their children. they account for over 80% of all known cases of HIV/AIDS

"Then I began asking for guidance from homosexuals themselves: “Tell me, where is the line between homophobia and acceptable opposition to homosexuality?”
Kind of like asking just how much racism is acceptable

“Suppose I talk only about the proven medical hazards of gay sex and try to discourage people from hurting themselves?“ “No, you can’t do that,” they said.
Using fake research kind of precludes it being "proven"


New member
aCW:I couldn't resist posting this for you; I immediately thought of you.

:idea: Wonder where he learned to dance like that? :think:

VIDEO: Little boy twerks at Pride parade and upsets homophobes


LINK TO VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8YR9IV9Alc

Yeah i read about this. the problem with the claims made is that no one can identify what pride parade this was filmed at. For all we know this could have been filmed at NASCAR


New member
Yeah i read about this. the problem with the claims made is that no one can identify what pride parade this was filmed at. For all we know this could have been filmed at NASCAR
Well, by the rainbow and drag stuff seen in the video, it's doubtful it was at NASCAR. :think:


Well-known member
Yeah i read about this. the problem with the claims made is that no one can identify what pride parade this was filmed at. For all we know this could have been filmed at NASCAR

If this should happen to be ID'd as from a queer parade, what would you say about this clip?


Well-known member
No guy at a NASCAR function wears rainbow sequins. Anyway, the banner the fat guy has around his shoulders appears to have Spanish writing on it. The music, I can't identify either way. Too gay.

The event is clearly a queer one.



In these 20 pages you'll find several of TOL's homosexualists playing the 'gay christian' card (not to be confused with incestuous, adulterous or bestial christians). While it's not necessary to address such lunacy, Dr. Michael Brown does so because the LGBTQueer movement is making a full frontal assault on the Church with these blasphemous bold faced lies.

Other interesting posts show "goddess Duane Dove" using a phrase used by homosexuals frequently: "When exactly was it that you 'decided' to be heteosexual?", denying that environmental factors are responsible for a person's unnatural sexual desires.

The importance of a loving father is shown in a post showing that of 1,000 homosexual males interviewed, not one felt that his father respected him. Another post reveals the testimony of some people who were raised in homosexual households.

Pastor Scott Lively's "Redeeming the Rainbow" is a wealth of information for those that truly want to educate themselves on the LGBTQueer agenda.

And then there's GFR7...

Table of contents for pages 361-380

Homosexualist Heterodoxical continues with his blasphemous ways (aCW responds); page 361, post #5405

aCW asks homosexualist/sexual anarchist the barbarian to show where in the New Testament Jesus approves of homosexuality, then talks about child molestation in the Church; page 361, post #5408

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly: new hero to the “Gay” Lobby, AFTAH article showing how "faux" Fox News really is when it comes to conservative values; page 361, post #5411

goddess Duane Dove: "When exactly was it that you 'decided' to be heteosexual?" (a favorite attempt at an argument by the LGBTQueer movement); page 362, post # 5416; aCW asks "What happened in a person's life that caused them to have abnormal sexual desires?"; post #5421

Jesus, Scripture, and the Myth of New Knowledge Arguments about Homosexual Unions , Professor Robert Gagnon's 1+ hour video plus links to Americans For Truth About Homosexuality articles by Professor Gagnon; page 362, post #5422

Diseases that homosexual males often have due to anal sex; page 363, post #5436

Bruce Jenner Could Face Potential Involuntary Manslaughter Charges In Fatal Car Crash (Homosexuals are 19 times more likely to die in a traffic accident; Russia bans trannsexuals from driving; page 363, post #5437

Bieber study evaluating over 1,000 male homosexuals not finding one "whose father openly loved and respected him." ; page 363, post #5440

aCW discusses with Libertarian shagster01 factors that can lead women into lesbiansim; page 364, post #5447

Can a Father Influence His Unborn Baby?; What It’s Like To Be The Gay Children Of Gay Parents; articles showing the effect a negative environment has on unborn babies and youth; page 365, post #5463

An appeal to Bruce Jenner (Matt Barber article); page 365, post #5469

Homosexuality and Mental Health: Ryan Sorba reviews how the LGBTQueer movement took over both APA's; Division 44 of the American Psycological Association reviewed; page 366, post #5484

Who is at the top of the LGBTQueer "HATE Meter"? (Ex homosexuals, because they've done what isn't supposed to be done); page 367, post #5502

aCW shows the HATRED that ex homosexuals have through the words of LGBTQueer activist TracerBullet and alwight the athest, and through the website "Ex Gay Watch"; page 369, post #5530

Dear ‘God hates Shrimp’ people: the menu has been updated (Gay Christian Movement Watch article mocking the homosexual website "godhatesshrimp.com"; page 369, post #5531

Apathetic/inactive Christians, meet my little friend the red hot poker stick; page 371, post #5553

GFR7's rainbow colors come shining through (he can believe in "rights" for those who engage in homosexual behavior without fully backing the 'gay' agenda); page 369, post #5526; page 372, post #5570

"One of these days I'm gonna get myself organazized"; aCW talks about better organization of various subjects in a table of contents; page 372, post #5575

America's First Openly Bisexual Governor: from lesbo bars to the Governor's Mansion, "you've come a long way baby"; page 375, post #5612

Islam and baby brides; aCW sets ardent defender of Islam aikido7 straight on it's pedophile false prophet and his pedophilic religion; page 375, post #5618

"Redeeming The Rainbow: a Christian response to the gay agenda"; massresistance review of Scott Lively's article; page 377, post #5649

aCW finds the source that homosexualist TracerBullet uses to state that there is no "gay agenda"; page 379, post #5671

aCW shares with homosexual activist TracerBullet some of the homosexual organizations that existed in 1972, the year the original "gay agenda" was written; page 379, post #5678

aikido7 and the "developing traditions" of Christianity; page 379, post #5682

aCW gives the Jr. Libertarian a pictorial of his so-called "victimless crimes"; page 380, post #5689



There are quite a few articles on homosexual pedophilia and pederasty in these 20 pages (I know, it comes as a complete surprise that homosexuals just love children), as well as a very revealing article by WND explaining why the LGBTQueer movement absolutely HATES people who have escaped homosexuality (EX gays).

Table of contents for pages 381-400

AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera mocks the LGBTQueer movement for saying that there is no "gay agenda" (and points out that they worked their lavender tushes off to get where they're at today); page 381, post # 5702

Homosexualist Morpheus (who wouldn't be particularly concerned about letting his grandchildren be around homosexuals) joins the thread and attempts to put down aCW while defending homosexuality; page 381, post #'s 5707, 5713 (and numerous posts after).

Homosexual activist and attempted murderer Floyd Lee Corkins Jr. and lesbo activist (and 'gay' agenda denier) Pam Spaulding are discussed for the benefit of homosexual activist TracerBullet; page 381, post #5714

In today's society when you want an expert on parenting, ask homosexual activist Dan Savage for advice (Dan Savage and Terry Miller discuss parenting on "CBS Sunday Morning"); Savage's sick obsession with Sarah Palin; page 382, post #5730

aCW discusses Sodom and Gomorrah with homosexualist annabenedetti; page 385, post # 5763; and Lot and his daughters (Lot was a very wise man); page 387, post #5791

Atlanta Gay School Organizers Hope To Segregate Gay Students Into Gay Ghetto ( a small and dedicated group of organizers is busily creating the city’s first and only private school especially for gay — or lesbian, or bisexual or transgender — kids as young as pre-kindergarten...The school will initially enroll students from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade) ; page 387, post #5792

aCW shares with homoexualist Rusha (aka Sandy) his "intrigue" with homosexual culture; page 387, post #5802; EX lesbian Robin Beck talks about what true freedom really is; aCW shares another "collection for the class" with a video showing how homosexuals threatened to rape and murder a San Francisco pastor's children because he fired a proud and unrepentant church organist; page 389, post #5821

aCW responds to the Jr. Libertarian's comment that children cannot consent by showing different cultures and a religion that have no problem with a child's lack of consent; page 390, post #5843; aCW asks the Jr. Libertarian how social pressure is working with the abortion movement; post #5849

aCW and lovemeorhateme (aka Pete) have a chit chat once again. Amongst other things aCW talks about the activism of all proud and unrepentant homosexuals; page 391, post #'s 5855, 5862; page 392, post #5866, 5877

Rusha (aka Sandy) talks about homosexuals being persecuted, aCW responds; page 391, post #5859

Foster Care System Traps Children into Vicious Cycle of Sex Abuse (article exposing abusive foster care parents); page 394, post #5898

Why Homosexuals Hate Ex-Gays; (WND article); page 396, post #5926

Mikey Cadry returns to the thread with some brilliant observations; page 397, post #5941

Draven Rodriguez: has yet another 'gay' teen committed suicide?; page 397, post #5952

CNN Contributor: ‘I’m Gay. And I Want My Kid To Be Gay, Too’ (yet another reason by homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to parent or mentor children); page 398, post #5957

Homosexual activist TracerBullet lets aCW know what UK homosexual activist Peter the pedophile Tatchell really meant in his letter to the editor defending pedophilia, aCW responds; page 397, post #5967; alwight the atheist joins in on the defense of Tatchell; post #5970

The truth about the pro pedophile "Rind Study"; page 399, post #5978; NAMBLA and the APA: pedophiles in arms; page 400, post #5989

Link to table of contents for pages 241-260; page 399, post #5982

aCW reviews how children are a HUGE part of the LGBTQueer movement for alwight the atheist; page 399, post #5983

"Chicken Hawk: Men who love boys"; page 400, post #'s 5992 & 5994

How pedophiles/pederasts "groom" their victims; page 400, post #5997
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In these 20 pages amongst other things we've talked about HIV/AIDS being a 'gay' disease and how expensive it is for the American taxpayer to pay for medication for these poor lost souls who are literally living a death sentence.

I've posted a couple of articles on how republican presidential nominee Ben Carson backed down on the subject of homosexuality after being pressured by the LGBTQueer backed mainstream media and how supposed Republican frontrunner Jeb Bush has surrounded himself with homosexual advisers.

As I've been doing lately in the table of contents I've highlighted in red some articles that are a must read, such as what you can do at the local level to make a huge difference when it comes to politics.

For those of you who are still questioning what causes homosexual desires, I've linked some articles showing how a dysfunctional upbringing (rape, fatherless home, being raised by homosexuals) plays a major role in same sex desires.

Table of contents for pages 401-420

Boy to Man book, Chapter 3: Friends; Bryan Fischer article on how important it is to have the right circle of friends surrounding you; page 402, post #6021

HIV/AID$ is big money; page 402, post #6024

AIDS is a 'gay' disease; page 403, post #6032

The 'gay' disease is about to get very expensive (like it isn't already); the cost of Truvada, the (supposed) preventative HIV/AIDS drug; page 403, post #6033

Phil Robertson talks STD's at CPAC (Youtube video); "My love for you (i.e. my fellow human beings) is not contingent on how you feel about me... I'm trying to HELP you for crying out loud"); page 403, post #6044

Libertarian Rising: the invasion of the conservative movement by godless Libertarians; page 404, post #6059

Either Pro-Gay Jeb Is Toast in 2016 or the GOP Is (Bryan Fischer article); page 405, post #6063

Homosexuality is a choice, look at prison inmates (Dr. Ben Carson Youtube video); page 406, post #6079

Ben Carson apologizes for comments on gay people (so much for Carson having a spine); page 406, post #6084

The History-Making Gay Kiss: ‘The Fosters’ Features the Youngest Same-Sex TV Kiss Ever (13 year old sexually confused boys kiss on prime time television: so much for homosexuality being something that "consenting adults" do); page 406, post #6085

Does pornography have a "dignity" to it when it's done in private? aCW links "porn kills" website to show sexual anarchist GFR7 that there is no "dignity" to pornography; page 406, post #6089

Political Parties: How to Get Involved/How the grassroots works: if you really want to change things, here is how you do it; page 408, post #6109

President B. Hussein Obama's connection to the Muslim Brotherhood (Youtube video); page 409, post #6126

National Institute of Health article on how childhood sexual abuse often results from a dysfunctional family (absent father); Human Rights Campaign Corporate Quality Index; page 419, post #6128

Homosexualist GFR7's use of the word "daddy" revealed; page 410, post #6139

Homosexualist Balfour4 joins the thread, aCW responds; page 410, post #6150

Dr. Ben Carson: 'I Support Civil Unions for Gay Couples' (Carson continues to sellout God and conservative values); page 411, post #6158

Homosexual activist TracerBullet shares with the thread what the Apostle Paul really meant when it comes to homosexuality; TracerBullet shares some 'gay' culture with a Youtube video of the degenerate known as Ellen; page 413, post #'s 6187 and 6188

[Libertarian] Glenn Beck: Ben Carson’s Prison Sex Comment ‘The Dumbest Thing I’ve Ever Heard’; page 414, post #6210

Ben Carson: Many prisoners go in straight, come out gay (in a related article a liberal professor correctly states that molestation/rape can confuse people about their sexual orientation); page 415, post #6215

Jesus on making all foods clean (yet continuing to prohibit sexual immorality); page 415, post #6218

The best of Dan Savage (a compilation of the perverse things that homosexual activist Dan Savage has done); page 417, post #6253

Eight major studies of identical twins in the U.S., Australia, and Europe all conclude that homosexuals were not born that way; page 417, post #6254

4 adults talk about the horror of being raised by homosexual parents; page 418, post #6273

"Respected geneticist" (respected by the LGBTQueer movement) Francis Collins reviewed; page 419, post #3214

Homosexuality: If You Don’t Stop It, You Can Go Blind (ocular syphilis afflicting homosexuals); page 420 post #6298
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New member
aCW: Just because I say it is the campaign, the promotion, the celebration, and the political and educational lobby which should be fought, and not the quieter individuals leading private lives, hardly makes me a "homosexualist" or drapes me in a rainbow flag. But whatever......you love to lie....... :plain:


aCW: Just because I say it is the campaign, the promotion, the celebration, and the political and educational lobby which should be fought, and not the quieter individuals leading private lives, hardly makes me a "homosexualist" or drapes me in a rainbow flag. But whatever.....

...living so quietly that no one would ever know...

Who do you think are responsible for the sexually transmitted diseases that are disproportionately being spread throughout our nation?

Do you think that these "quiet homosexuals" that you and annadenebetti speak of don't vote, don't financially invest in the homosexual movement and don't defend homosexuality when questioned about it?


Living so quietly that no one would ever know

...you love to lie....... :plain:

It seems to me that I've heard those words once or twice in this 3 part thread.


The same thing I would say about a little girl twerking.

That would not include sick hateful or bigoted remarks about the girls heterosexual parents.

Chill out TB, GFR7 and his good buddy musterion are on your team, they just like to post LGBTQueer articles and have absolutely no intention of doing anything about what's happening to our once great nation.
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