Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
And unless you tell us what the homosexual activist who ran a high school for sexually and gender confused youth that was named after a known pederast (Harvey Milk) really said, I guess I'll have to go with the quote that Bob Enyart used.

So now you are lying about Harvey Milk?

Are you denying that Harvey Milk (who admitted he was raped by a homosexual at age 11) amongst other illegal acts had perverted sex with a 16 year old boy by the name of Jack Galen McKinley?


New member
Repentance is a beautiful thing not only because God forgives you for your sinful behavior, but also because He helps you make the right choices in life so that you'll be happy here on earth.

You boyz really should ask Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior, as you're missing out on life's most cherished experience.
The problem aCW is that you seem to think that your God hates as you hate.
However it's simply you who wants those that you hate to suffer in eternity, perhaps because you blame them for how you are?
It just couldn't be anything to do with you of course because you have piously "chosen" not to be gay, right?
It's they who are evil, who try to tempt and corrupt you, and it's they who deserve to burn forever for what they try to do to you, right aCW?


New member
Sorry, not seeing the love in any of this if by getting things wrong in this life (which we all do, you included) that an eternity of burning torment is the result after death. Perhaps you can explain?

ACW is a ONE trick pony. He doesn't really have any knowledge of God's word just a hate on for gays.

Hell is another topic, but bottom line is it is a place of spiritual separation from God for our meta-physical nature, NOT a place where we are actually physically tortured with an actual fire. Also the Bible doesn't use the word torture, it uses the word torment and Eternal punishment. If you put you child into his room for being bad and left him there eternally it would be about the same thing.
It is a fair exchange given we are promised Eternal Life (yes real life) as the gift of putting our faith in Jesus and making Him our savior.


New member
Contrary to what one of your leaders said in his Bible bashing video:

Just another attempt by you to give credence to sinners who lie and distort what true Christians and the Bible says. Of course you wouldn't catch the errors in this video because you don't know the Bible. What He says about the Bible is fallacious and self serving, pretty much the same style you use here. If my kids attended that school, I would have insisted they have a counter arguments to balance out this guys BS, but I guess you don't really care about that do you?

What he says about being gay is wrong, the Bible is NOT against gays, as you should know because you've been trying to prove it for years and can't. The Bible is against SIN, as God describes the sin, and the Bible says IF we confess (that means to agree with God) our sin, He is FAITHFUL and JUST to FORGIVE us our sins. That is true of ALL men.
You should really think about confessing your sin of hatred and bigotry, because you may find yourself in the same place as many of the gays you project your inner hatred on to.


New member
Are you denying that Harvey Milk (who admitted he was raped by a homosexual at age 11) amongst other illegal acts had perverted sex with a 16 year old boy by the name of Jack Galen McKinley?

McKinley, who was employed and lived independently when he met Milk, claimed to be several years older than he actually was.
The Mayor of Castro Street: The Life and Times of Harvey Milk Randy Shiltz
Stitching a Revolution: The Making of an Activist, C. Jones and J. Dawson
The Harvey Milk Interviews: In His Own Words. Harvey Milk

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
ACW is a ONE trick pony. He doesn't really have any knowledge of God's word just a hate on for gays.

Hell is another topic, but bottom line is it is a place of spiritual separation from God for our meta-physical nature, NOT a place where we are actually physically tortured with an actual fire. Also the Bible doesn't use the word torture, it uses the word torment and Eternal punishment. If you put you child into his room for being bad and left him there eternally it would be about the same thing.
It is a fair exchange given we are promised Eternal Life (yes real life) as the gift of putting our faith in Jesus and making Him our savior.

Oh, I'm aware of aCW's act, this is his own personal ego trip and little more.

The problem with your analogy is that any human parent that would lock up their child for the rest of their life would be regarded as a monster and abusive. If discovered, such a 'parent' would be prosecuted for cruelty. There's nothing either loving about the parent or leaving people to rot in hell for eternity of whatever description.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
God gives us free will for a reason Art (so that we'll make the right choices in life...when are you going to start doing so?).

Repentance is a beautiful thing not only because God forgives you for your sinful behavior, but also because He helps you make the right choices in life so that you'll be happy here on earth.

You boyz really should ask Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior, as you're missing out on life's most cherished experience.

But if you don't find the right path in this speck of a lifetime you'll have a miserable experience on earth and a burning torment afterwards? You have a very warped idea about what love is...


New member
Oh, I'm aware of aCW's act, this is his own personal ego trip and little more.

The problem with your analogy is that any human parent that would lock up their child for the rest of their life would be regarded as a monster and abusive. If discovered, such a 'parent' would be prosecuted for cruelty. There's nothing either loving about the parent or leaving people to rot in hell for eternity of whatever description.

My point was, it is as torturous as doing that. It may drive the kid batty to be alone, but there is no physical torture. Obviously you can't put your kid in his room forever, but I was put in my room for a few days when I was young and it drove me batty.
You human concept of love and the fact that God IS love does not necessarily mesh or agree. We as humans are NOT perfect, so of course we cannot understand perfection. Setting yourself up to judge God based on your limited human understanding is quite supercilious IMO.


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

...If you've followed this 3 part thread, you'd know child sex, particularly sex between adult males and pre pubescent boys (pedophilia) and adult males and post pubescent boys (pederasty) is huge in the lifestyle and movement that you so adamantly defend.

Just like sex between adult males and pre pubescent girls within the heterosexual community. It's huge.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
My point was, it is as torturous as doing that. It may drive the kid batty to be alone, but there is no physical torture. Obviously you can't put your kid in his room forever, but I was put in my room for a few days when I was young and it drove me batty.
You human concept of love and the fact that God IS love does not necessarily mesh or agree. We as humans are NOT perfect, so of course we cannot understand perfection. Setting yourself up to judge God based on your limited human understanding is quite supercilious IMO.

If a child has life long inescapable isolation forced upon them then the resulting torture has been imposed on them by the parent, so the parent is essentially the tormenter by keeping the child in such a damaging state. A loving parent will punish their children but ultimately for the benefit of the child. I wouldn't for one second say that any of us are perfect as we aren't but it's hardly supercilious to question a doctrine of eternal torture especially when touted as or having to do with love.


McKinley, who was employed and lived independently when he met Milk, claimed to be several years older than he actually was.

The Mayor of Castro Street: The Life and Times of Harvey Milk Randy Shiltz
Stitching a Revolution: The Making of an Activist, C. Jones and J. Dawson
The Harvey Milk Interviews: In His Own Words. Harvey Milk

Do you mean that poor old 33 year old Harvey Milk was a victim of a lying youth? Did San Francisco Chronicle reporter and close friend of Harvey Milk get it all wrong?

"Randy Shilts was a San Francisco Chronicle reporter and close friend to Harvey Milk. Though Shilts died of AIDS in 1994, he remains, even today, one of the most beloved journalists in the “LGBT” community.

Shilts was also Harvey Milk’s biographer. In his glowing book “The Mayor of Castro Street,” he wrote of Milk’s “relationship” with the McKinley boy: ” … Sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure. … At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him.”

In a sane world, of course, the only direction his “new lover” should have pulled him was toward San Quentin. But, alas, today’s America – a burgeoning relativist land of make-believe – is anything but sane.

Randy Thomasson, child advocate and founder of SaveCalifornia.com, is one of the nation’s foremost experts on Harvey Milk. Of the Shilts biography, Thomasson notes, “Explaining Milk’s many flings and affairs with teenagers and young men, Randy Shilts writes how Milk told one ‘lover’ why it was OK for him to also have multiple relationships simultaneously: ‘As homosexuals, we can’t depend on the heterosexual model. … We grow up with the heterosexual model, but we don’t have to follow it. We should be developing our own lifestyle. There’s no reason why you can’t love more than one person at a time.’”

I bet ole Harvey even had an excuse for the following:

"Another teen who crossed paths with Harvey Milk was Christian convert and former homosexual Gerard Dols. In a 2008 radio interview with Concerned Women for America, Dols shared of how – as a physically disabled teen – the “very nice” Harvey Milk had encouraged him in 1977 to run away from his Minnesota home and come to San Francisco.

According to Dols, Milk told him, “Don’t tell your parents,” and later sent him a letter with instructions. Thankfully, the letter was intercepted by Dols’ parents who then filed a complaint with the Minnesota attorney general’s office."

And how about Milk's close friendship with soon to be mass murderer Jim Jones?

Don't cha just hate it when right wing bigots libel one of your LGBTQueer heroes TracerBullet?


New member
Do you mean that poor old 33 year old Harvey Milk was a victim of a lying youth? Did San Francisco Chronicle reporter and close friend of Harvey Milk get it all wrong?

"Randy Shilts was a San Francisco Chronicle reporter and close friend to Harvey Milk. Though Shilts died of AIDS in 1994, he remains, even today, one of the most beloved journalists in the “LGBT” community.

Shilts was also Harvey Milk’s biographer. In his glowing book “The Mayor of Castro Street,” he wrote of Milk’s “relationship” with the McKinley boy: ” … Sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure. … At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him.”

In a sane world, of course, the only direction his “new lover” should have pulled him was toward San Quentin. But, alas, today’s America – a burgeoning relativist land of make-believe – is anything but sane.

Randy Thomasson, child advocate and founder of SaveCalifornia.com, is one of the nation’s foremost experts on Harvey Milk. Of the Shilts biography, Thomasson notes, “Explaining Milk’s many flings and affairs with teenagers and young men, Randy Shilts writes how Milk told one ‘lover’ why it was OK for him to also have multiple relationships simultaneously: ‘As homosexuals, we can’t depend on the heterosexual model. … We grow up with the heterosexual model, but we don’t have to follow it. We should be developing our own lifestyle. There’s no reason why you can’t love more than one person at a time.’”

I bet ole Harvey even had an excuse for the following:

"Another teen who crossed paths with Harvey Milk was Christian convert and former homosexual Gerard Dols. In a 2008 radio interview with Concerned Women for America, Dols shared of how – as a physically disabled teen – the “very nice” Harvey Milk had encouraged him in 1977 to run away from his Minnesota home and come to San Francisco.

According to Dols, Milk told him, “Don’t tell your parents,” and later sent him a letter with instructions. Thankfully, the letter was intercepted by Dols’ parents who then filed a complaint with the Minnesota attorney general’s office."

And how about Milk's close friendship with soon to be mass murderer Jim Jones?

Don't cha just hate it when right wing bigots libel one of your LGBTQueer heroes TracerBullet?

Hate? no. You do it every day and I don't hate you


Just another attempt by you to give credence to sinners who lie and distort what true Christians and the Bible says...

If God all of the sudden approves of Adam and Steve having perverted sexual relations Stan, why doesn't He make that act disease free?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
God gives us free will for a reason Art (so that we'll make the right choices in life...when are you going to start doing so?).

Repentance is a beautiful thing not only because God forgives you for your sinful behavior, but also because He helps you make the right choices in life so that you'll be happy here on earth.

You boyz really should ask Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior, as you're missing out on life's most cherished experience.

But if you don't find the right path in this speck of a lifetime you'll have a miserable experience on earth and a burning torment afterwards? You have a very warped idea about what love is...

From a LGBTQ perspective, tell us what love really is Art.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
God gives us free will for a reason Art (so that we'll make the right choices in life...when are you going to start doing so?).

Repentance is a beautiful thing not only because God forgives you for your sinful behavior, but also because He helps you make the right choices in life so that you'll be happy here on earth.

You boyz really should ask Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior, as you're missing out on life's most cherished experience.

From a LGBTQ perspective, tell us what love really is Art.

Ah, the ole innuendo and deflection again. Colour me surprised...


New member
If a child has life long inescapable isolation forced upon them then the resulting torture has been imposed on them by the parent, so the parent is essentially the tormenter by keeping the child in such a damaging state. A loving parent will punish their children but ultimately for the benefit of the child. I wouldn't for one second say that any of us are perfect as we aren't but it's hardly supercilious to question a doctrine of eternal torture especially when touted as or having to do with love.

you're about as inflexible as ACW is. Moving along.


New member
If God all of the sudden approves of Adam and Steve having perverted sexual relations Stan, why doesn't He make that act disease free?

God hasn't change and you know it, or at least should. This kind of stupid comment in not surprising come from you.
The SIN is NOT the sinner. Although, in your case there may be an exception.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
you're about as inflexible as ACW is. Moving along.

Or perhaps that's you? Look, if I were a parent and locked up my child with no chance of escape then who's responsible for the kids isolation and torturous loneliness? It would be me right? Therefore I'm the tormentor as I'm the one imposing that suffering onto the child. If you can pick that apart then go right ahead. If you're just going to make drive by remarks because someone has an opposing argument and doesn't fall into line with your own view after a few exchanges then that's hardly very impressive, or honest frankly.


New member
Or perhaps that's you? Look, if I were a parent and locked up my child with no chance of escape then who's responsible for the kids isolation and torturous loneliness? It would be me right? Therefore I'm the tormentor as I'm the one imposing that suffering onto the child. If you can pick that apart then go right ahead. If you're just going to make drive by remarks because someone has an opposing argument and doesn't fall into line with your own view after a few exchanges then that's hardly very impressive, or honest frankly.

You remind me of a really good friend of mine
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