Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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I don't ignore the two, in fact I've frequently talked about the similarities between both:

1). Warfare and violence: Like Islam, the homosexual movement (i.e. "collective') has an all out war against Christianity and uses violence, be it the power of the sword through government, or gaystapo tactics to thwart any opposition to their agenda.
You are probably unaware of the slaughtering of innocent Muslims by Christian militias. And you might have forgotten Revelations, where John of Patmos describes the blood and gore from the unbelievers will reach to the level of the White Horse's bridles.

. Hatred: Like Islam there is so much HATRED amongst those that proudly partake in homosexual behavior. Of course it stems from a self hatred and manifests towards other homosexuals and those that don't join in on the goosestep agenda.
I see hatred in both Islam and our own faith.

Intolerance: Be it burning Christian churches for firing opening homosexual employees, or firing employees because they speak out against homosexuality, the homosexual movement, like Islam, is extremely intolerant of anyone that doesn't join in on their false religion.
One reason why young folks are ignoring Christianity--according to a BARM Christian polling service--is because they see Christians as threatened and bigoted as well.

4)Misogyny: This is a subject that I would like to discuss in the next few days. I think that it often times stems from being overly mothered as a child, but misogyny and homosexuality go back to the days of the early Greeks.
From what I understand, us moderns tend to read the Bible and think that their culture and society were just like ours. Homosexuality was a word that was unknown to ancient people described in the Bible. Gay sex was also unknown. Man on man sex was an example of sexual aggression, not of love or caring.

There is also information about "Same Sex Unions" being sanctioned by the church during the Middle Ages.

And don't get me started about David and Jonathan in the Hebrew Bible.

Oppression: In order to fulfill their agenda, both Islam and the homosexual movement must oppress any opposition.
The tyrannical sanctions of religions and governments is a reaction to the diversity and all the gray areas of human life. Tranny strives to hammer down differences in people and in groups. It's more tiday that way.

Pedophilia: As shown throughout this 3 part thread (and will be shown in an entire segment dedicated to pedophilia and pederasty), sex (the indoctrination/grooming for future sex) with children is a huge part of Islam and the homosexual movement in general.
The information I have seen shows me that pedophilia and homosexuality are two separate things. It is a common feature of tribal desert nomads that accept young women as concubines and wives. It is a long tradition in Middle Eastern culture.


New member
If it is, what should be done with us? Are you and TracerBullet finally going to answer my question? It's not like your answer is going to motivate a bunch of apathetic Christians, so be honest for once in your life Al.
Well since you insist you have the best interests of gays and lesbians at heart it seems the best thing to do would be to treat you in the same loving and concerned way that you treat gays and lesbians.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If it is, what should be done with us? Are you and TracerBullet finally going to answer my question? It's not like your answer is going to motivate a bunch of apathetic Christians, so be honest for once in your life Al.

Well since you insist you have the best interests of gays and lesbians at heart it seems the best thing to do would be to treat you in the same loving and concerned way that you treat gays and lesbians.

Or as Dan the disease ridden Savage said in the Bible bashing video, you're...

"pushing back".

Pushing back

The question is: How hard is your LGBTQueer movement going to "push"?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I don't ignore the two [Islam and the LGBTQueer movement], in fact I've frequently talked about the similarities between both:

1). Warfare and violence: Like Islam, the homosexual movement (i.e. "collective') has an all out war against Christianity and uses violence, be it the power of the sword through government, or gaystapo tactics to thwart any opposition to their agenda.

You are probably unaware of the slaughtering of innocent Muslims by Christian militias.

There wasn't and still isn't anything "innocent" about Muslim aggression and violence.

Over a million slaves were taken out of Europe

The politically incorrect truth about Islam...one really messed up religion

And you might have forgotten Revelations, where John of Patmos describes the blood and gore from the unbelievers will reach to the level of the White Horse's bridles.

Are you referring to Revelations 14?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
. Hatred: Like Islam there is so much HATRED amongst those that proudly partake in homosexual behavior. Of course it stems from a self hatred and manifests towards other homosexuals and those that don't join in on the goosestep agenda.

I see hatred in both Islam and our own faith.

"Our faith"? Christians don't defend barbaric Muslims nor the LGBTQueer "gaystapo".

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Intolerance: Be it burning Christian churches for firing opening homosexual employees, or firing employees because they speak out against homosexuality, the homosexual movement, like Islam, is extremely intolerant of anyone that doesn't join in on their false religion.

One reason why young folks are ignoring Christianity--according to a BARM Christian polling service--is because they see Christians as threatened and bigoted as well.

Once you get rid of that "bigoted" Holy Bible and replace it with the Queen James version, I'm sure that "young folks" will come running back.


Question: "What is the Queen James Bible?"

Jesus warned against altering one jot or tittle from God’s Word (Matthew 5:18). Yet the unidentified editors of the Queen James Bible have seen fit to boldly remove anything they dislike and add words that have no right to be there—all to try to make God say what they want said. They are trying to hammer a square peg into a round hole, linguistically speaking, and it will never work. What are their scholastic credentials? Where can seekers of truth go to verify their claims? Are we to believe that all other Bible translators succumbed to “interpretive ambiguity,” while only the editors of the QJV have seen the truth of the text?

There is no textual support for the changes they have made to these eight Scriptures. The only reason for making such changes is to accomplish their stated goal of making “homophobic interpretations impossible.” In other words, they are twisting the Word of God to suit their agenda.

Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/Queen-James-Bible.html#ixzz3cXNXAPWY

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
4)Misogyny: This is a subject that I would like to discuss in the next few days. I think that it often times stems from being overly mothered as a child, but misogyny and homosexuality go back to the days of the early Greeks.

From what I understand, us moderns tend to read the Bible and think that their culture and society were just like ours. Homosexuality was a word that was unknown to ancient people described in the Bible. Gay sex was also unknown. Man on man sex was an example of sexual aggression, not of love or caring.

Uh huh, and God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah due to the people's lack of hospitality.

There is also information about "Same Sex Unions" being sanctioned by the church during the Middle Ages.

I don't own a Queen James bible, so asking you for a page and verse to reference won't do me any good.

And don't get me started about David and Jonathan in the Hebrew Bible.

Go ahead, "get started".

David and Jonathan's Friendship

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Oppression: In order to fulfill their agenda, both Islam and the homosexual movement must oppress any opposition.

The tyrannical sanctions of religions and governments is a reaction to the diversity and all the gray areas of human life. Tranny strives to hammer down differences in people and in groups. It's more tiday that way.

Tranny's can be tyrannical too (the guy's a joke, I might as well mock him for his typos).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Pedophilia: As shown throughout this 3 part thread (and will be shown in an entire segment dedicated to pedophilia and pederasty), sex (the indoctrination/grooming for future sex) with children is a huge part of Islam and the homosexual movement in general.

The information I have seen shows me that pedophilia and homosexuality are two separate things. It is a common feature of tribal desert nomads that accept young women as concubines and wives. It is a long tradition in Middle Eastern culture.

If you've followed this 3 part thread, you'd know child sex, particularly sex between adult males and pre pubescent boys (pedophilia) and adult males and post pubescent boys (pederasty) is huge in the lifestyle and movement that you so adamantly defend.
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New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If it is, what should be done with us? Are you and TracerBullet finally going to answer my question? It's not like your answer is going to motivate a bunch of apathetic Christians, so be honest for once in your life Al.

Or as Dan the disease ridden Savage said in the Bible bashing video, you're...

"pushing back".

Pushing back

The question is: How hard is your LGBTQueer movement going to "push"?

But good and caring people everywhere love you Connie and we love and are genuinely concerned about people like you. You have shown people of all walks of life just what true love looks like I say you should be treated with the same love, dignity and respect you show for gays and lesbians in your every post.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I don't ignore the two [Islam and the LGBTQueer movement], in fact I've frequently talked about the similarities between both:

1). Warfare and violence: Like Islam, the homosexual movement (i.e. "collective') has an all out war against Christianity and uses violence, be it the power of the sword through government, or gaystapo tactics to thwart any opposition to their agenda.

There wasn't and still isn't anything "innocent" about Muslim aggression and violence.

Over a million slaves were taken out of Europe

The politically incorrect truth about Islam...one really messed up religion

Are you referring to Revelations 14?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
. Hatred: Like Islam there is so much HATRED amongst those that proudly partake in homosexual behavior. Of course it stems from a self hatred and manifests towards other homosexuals and those that don't join in on the goosestep agenda.

"Our faith"? Christians don't defend barbaric Muslims nor the LGBTQueer "gaystapo".

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Intolerance: Be it burning Christian churches for firing opening homosexual employees, or firing employees because they speak out against homosexuality, the homosexual movement, like Islam, is extremely intolerant of anyone that doesn't join in on their false religion.

Once you get rid of that "bigoted" Holy Bible and replace it with the Queen James version, I'm sure that "young folks" will come running back.


Question: "What is the Queen James Bible?"

Jesus warned against altering one jot or tittle from God’s Word (Matthew 5:18). Yet the unidentified editors of the Queen James Bible have seen fit to boldly remove anything they dislike and add words that have no right to be there—all to try to make God say what they want said. They are trying to hammer a square peg into a round hole, linguistically speaking, and it will never work. What are their scholastic credentials? Where can seekers of truth go to verify their claims? Are we to believe that all other Bible translators succumbed to “interpretive ambiguity,” while only the editors of the QJV have seen the truth of the text?

There is no textual support for the changes they have made to these eight Scriptures. The only reason for making such changes is to accomplish their stated goal of making “homophobic interpretations impossible.” In other words, they are twisting the Word of God to suit their agenda.

Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/Queen-James-Bible.html#ixzz3cXNXAPWY

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
4)Misogyny: This is a subject that I would like to discuss in the next few days. I think that it often times stems from being overly mothered as a child, but misogyny and homosexuality go back to the days of the early Greeks.

Uh huh, and God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah due to the people's lack of hospitality.

I don't own a Queen James bible, so asking you for a page and verse to reference won't do me any good.

Go ahead, "get started".

David and Jonathan's Friendship

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Oppression: In order to fulfill their agenda, both Islam and the homosexual movement must oppress any opposition.

Tranny's can be tyrannical too (the guy's a joke, I might as well mock him for his typos).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Pedophilia: As shown throughout this 3 part thread (and will be shown in an entire segment dedicated to pedophilia and pederasty), sex (the indoctrination/grooming for future sex) with children is a huge part of Islam and the homosexual movement in general.

If you've followed this 3 part thread, you'd know child sex, particularly sex between adult males and pre pubescent boys (pedophilia) and adult males and post pubescent boys (pederasty) is huge in the lifestyle and movement that you so adamantly defend.
Let's just admit that the world is changing. Nonviolence, human rights and liberty and justice for all is winning the day. These changes are perplexing and threatening to fundamentalists of all stripes.

My hope is that when Jesus is finally taken seriously and his Kingdom of God theology is looked at solemnly and resolutely, the world will change. Jesus cared little about Heaven. It was in good shape and could take care of itself. The earth is where the problems are.

And we have many. It is up to us to help clean God's household and become--as Jesus said--the sons and daughters of God.

Jesus called us to a family of those who do the will of God. We no longer need to get stuck in our ancient tribal notions of "us versus them."

It's not an easy job but we are called to do it and see others as our fellow human beings. Collaborative problem-solving is not easy but it can be done. My own studies of Christian nonviolence and my life experiences have shown me that Jesus' attitude works. I resolve not to call anyone "the other" or "less than."

As far as homosexuality is concerned, you and I have a difference of opinion. I understand your disgust and fear. But nevertheless, things are changing and people are being allowed respect and dignity. It's the trend. That's how I see it. I am not claiming any moral high ground here--just saying what I think and believe.


Near the front gates of ancient cities, the people sometimes put a statue of a human-like figure with an out-of-proportion erection. This was meant to indicate to strangers entering the city that "If you don't behave we will *&#$ you."
The term "gay sex" or even homosexuality was unknown in the ancient world of the Bible. We have to make this judgement because we simply don't have any other writing that specifically calls out homosexuals.

Like the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, the key point is hospitality. Man-on-man sex had to do with phallic aggression, not love and relationships.

The Bible's story of David and Jonathan has a sort of "gay undertone" to me but the text is not really that explicit. But to me it certainly points to a loving relationship between two men.


New member
If it is, what should be done with us? Are you and TracerBullet finally going to answer my question? It's not like your answer is going to motivate a bunch of apathetic Christians, so be honest for once in your life Al.
Well, should homophobic bigots like you be a) tolerated, b) rehabilitated, or c) simply lined up against the wall and shot, come the revolution aCW? mmm :think:

There would be something rather ironic and hypocritical imo in not tolerating the bigoted and the intolerant perhaps? So the last option (c), although highly tempting, can be logically dispensed with as self refuting I think. :idunno:

My own standards and moral position here rather require me to pick the first option (a) (toleration of homophobic bigots), since they have perhaps been raised, misled and guided to think in the narrow and hateful way they do, and thereby show them some sympathy, compassion and human understanding. :angel:.

But what about option b) I hear you cry? :rolleyes:
We could criminalise homophobic bigots and lock them up, claiming to be doing it for their own and society's good and to rehabilitate them? :idea:
They might perhaps be sent to specially set up "reparative therapy" "professionals" to "cure" the bigot's crass behaviour?
However although I quite like option b) too, in the end it's is rather too draconian for my liberal tastes. :plain:

(Option (c) is still rather appealing though?)


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Or as Dan the disease ridden Savage said in the Bible bashing video, you're...

"pushing back".

The question is: How hard is your LGBTQueer movement going to "push"?

But good and caring people everywhere love you Connie and we love and are genuinely concerned about people like you. You have shown people of all walks of life just what true love looks like I say you should be treated with the same love, dignity and respect you show for gays and lesbians in your every post.

Dan Savage, who as I've shown in previous posts is a well respected member of your LGBTQueer community (he and his 'husband' Terry were invited to B. Hussein Obama's White House as guests; he's a sought after speaker, he's been a Grand Marshal at march of the moral degenerates parades, etc.) thinks that the parents of the late Joshua Alcorn should be prosecuted for their son's death.

In a series of tweets posted yesterday (Deceber 31), the 50-year-old claimed that rejecting queer children amounts to “abuse” and that “an example needs 2 [sic] be made” of Leelah’s parents.

If the parents of Joshua Alcorn are indeed responsible for their gender confused son's death shouldn't they be prosecuted for a capital offense and if found guilty pay the ultimate price?


Being that there are millions and millions of Christians in our society who like the Alcorn's don't accept that there is such a thing as 'gay' youth or 'transgender' youth, shouldn't we also be held accountable for all of the deaths of LGBTQueer people?
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Or as Dan the disease ridden Savage said in the Bible bashing video, you're...

"pushing back".

The question is: How hard is your LGBTQueer movement going to "push"?

Dan Savage, who as I've shown in previous posts is a well respected member of your LGBTQueer community (he and his 'husband' Terry were invited to B. Hussein Obama's White House as guests; he's a sought after speaker, he's been a Grand Marshal at march of the moral degenerates parades, etc.) thinks that the parents of the late Joshua Alcorn should be prosecuted for their son's death.

In a series of tweets posted yesterday (Deceber 31), the 50-year-old claimed that rejecting queer children amounts to “abuse” and that “an example needs 2 [sic] be made” of Leelah’s parents.

If the parents of Joshua Alcorn are indeed responsible for their gender confused son's death shouldn't they be prosecuted for a capital offense and if found guilty pay the ultimate price?


Being that there are millions and millions of Christians in our society who like the Alcorn's don't accept that there is such a thing as 'gay' youth or 'transgender' youth, shouldn't we also be held accountable for all of the deaths of LGBTQueer people?
Why do bigots against Christians mistakenly think they have the moral high-ground? Is it because they can tolerate all kinds of sin even if it is done to a child or an animal? Do they suppress the moral code we have been innately born with, whether Christian or not? Are they so in love with sin they would sacrifice anything, anything at all for the sin of their choice to continue? If given a chance, would they still choose sin over God? I find the idea of some embracing sin over God highly disgusting. It's sad to think the only Heaven unrepentent sinners will ever know is here on Earth.

My prayers are with you my friend.


New member
Or as Dan the disease ridden Savage said in the Bible bashing video, you're...

"pushing back".

The question is: How hard is your LGBTQueer movement going to "push"?

Dan Savage, who as I've shown in previous posts is a well respected member of your LGBTQueer community (he and his 'husband' Terry were invited to B. Hussein Obama's White House as guests; he's a sought after speaker, he's been a Grand Marshal at march of the moral degenerates parades, etc.) thinks that the parents of the late Joshua Alcorn should be prosecuted for their son's death.

In a series of tweets posted yesterday (Deceber 31), the 50-year-old claimed that rejecting queer children amounts to “abuse” and that “an example needs 2 [sic] be made” of Leelah’s parents.

If the parents of Joshua Alcorn are indeed responsible for their gender confused son's death shouldn't they be prosecuted for a capital offense and if found guilty pay the ultimate price?


Being that there are millions and millions of Christians in our society who like the Alcorn's don't accept that there is such a thing as 'gay' youth or 'transgender' youth, shouldn't we also be held accountable for all of the deaths of LGBTQueer people?

Now pay attention this time

But good and caring people everywhere love you Connie and we love and are genuinely concerned about people like you. You have shown people of all walks of life just what true love looks like I say you should be treated with the same love, dignity and respect you show for gays and lesbians in your every post.


New member
Why do bigots against Christians mistakenly think they have the moral high-ground? Is it because they can tolerate all kinds of sin even if it is done to a child or an animal? Do they suppress the moral code we have been innately born with, whether Christian or not?
So it's wrong to be a bigot or is it only wrong to be bigoted against some Christians?
We can apparently innately be born with a specific moral code but being born innately gay is perhaps quite another matter, right? :plain:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

...If you've followed this 3 part thread, you'd know child sex, particularly sex between adult males and pre pubescent boys (pedophilia) and adult males and post pubescent boys (pederasty) is huge in the lifestyle and movement that you so adamantly defend.

Let's just admit that the world is changing.

Ya think?

Nonviolence, human rights and liberty and justice for all is winning the day.

Which world are you talking about, it surely isn't the one we're currently living in.

These changes are perplexing and threatening to fundamentalists of all stripes.

You moral relativists are having the time of your lives...for now.

As far as homosexuality is concerned, you and I have a difference of opinion. I understand your disgust and fear. But nevertheless, things are changing and people are being allowed respect and dignity. It's the trend. That's how I see it. I am not claiming any moral high ground here--just saying what I think and believe.

Your issue is with God. Good luck when you meet Him on your judgment day.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
If it is, what should be done with us? Are you and TracerBullet finally going to answer my question? It's not like your answer is going to motivate a bunch of apathetic Christians, so be honest for once in your life Al.

Well, should homophobic bigots like you be a) tolerated, b) rehabilitated, or c) simply lined up against the wall and shot, come the revolution aCW? mmm :think:

There would be something rather ironic and hypocritical imo in not tolerating the bigoted and the intolerant perhaps? So the last option (c), although highly tempting, can be logically dispensed with as self refuting I think. :idunno:

But Al, think of Al those deaths that we're responsible for because of that that that "Book" that tells us about sinful behavior and repentance. Surely we who believe in that that that "Book" should have to pay for the injustices that we've brought to society?

My own standards and moral position here rather require me to pick the first option (a) (toleration of homophobic bigots), since they have perhaps been raised, misled and guided to think in the narrow and hateful way they do, and thereby show them some sympathy, compassion and human understanding. :angel:.

But what about option b) I hear you cry? :rolleyes:
We could criminalise homophobic bigots and lock them up, claiming to be doing it for their own and society's good and to rehabilitate them? :idea:
They might perhaps be sent to specially set up "reparative therapy" "professionals" to "cure" the bigot's crass behaviour?
However although I quite like option b) too, in the end it's is rather too draconian for my liberal tastes. :plain:

(Option (c) is still rather appealing though?)

I've shown that people who don't goosestep to your LGBTQueer agenda are being forced to go through "sensitivity training" so that they can be more in tune with perversion.

Christian Company Forced Into “Sensitivity Training” For Standing By Their Values

How about those of us that will refuse such indoctrination, jail time?


=aCultureWarrior;4346024]Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

...If you've followed this 3 part thread, you'd know child sex, particularly sex between adult males and pre pubescent boys (pedophilia) and adult males and post pubescent boys (pederasty) is huge in the lifestyle and movement that you so adamantly defend.

[/U]Ya think?
I think everyone is all-too-aware of the dislocating changes the world is going through.

I don't think it is "huge." I took care of an 88-year-old end-stage cancer patient who used to work with young children that were sexually abused during the early 1900s. Of course I asked her if she thinks things are worse today. Just one person's opinion: she said a definitive "no."

All through history people have lamented the "good old days." The poor parents in Deuteronomy decided that the only way to deal with the "gluttony and drunkenness" of their children was to kill them!
And this was long before the Hollywood-ization of America. No rap music. People who were SERIOUS about religion.


Which world are you talking about, it surely isn't the one we're currently living in.
The world is not going to stop me from helping God bring in Jesus' Kingdom of God on earth. The Bible speaks of God as the householder and the children of that relationship need to be treated equitably.

You moral relativists are having the time of your lives...for now.
I enjoy life. I have standards of absolute morality. You label me a moral relativist. You are trying to mind read and guess at my motives. Instead of judging, simply ask me a direct question.

Your issue is with God. Good luck when you meet Him on your judgment day.
I see the ultimate and definitive presence of God on earth in Jesus of Nazareth. He believed in a God of mercy who wants repentance, not a bloody sacrifice on a dripping altar. There are two contradictory traditions throughout the Bible and I prefer the older tradition of "mercy, not sacrifice"(Jesus quoting Hosea).

I think all of this is like the Holiness Code in the Hebrew Bible. We see some things mixed up and, in our view, they don't "belong together." People of whatever sex do not need to mix with those of their own sex.

I do not believe in the old Leviticus tribal laws. I choose Jesus without the violence and disgust of the Creator. Besides, when the world was made, God pronounced it "good." And John's gospel says "God so LOVED the world" that he brought our redeemer in Jesus.

I am quite comfortable with my view. Sometimes it is hard to see the hysterical fixation on homosexuality. The dominoes of acceptance and dignity for all seem to be falling every day. Even some conservative candidates for president are loosening up socially and claim to welcome all into the Republican tent. Marc Rubio even said he would gladly attend a gay wedding if a gay friend was getting hitched.

I realize you might get enraged at my beliefs. I am sorry for that. But like I said, I am not as worried as you seem to be.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Being that there are millions and millions of Christians in our society who like the Alcorn's don't accept that there is such a thing as 'gay' youth or 'transgender' youth, shouldn't we also be held accountable for all of the deaths of LGBTQueer people?

Why do bigots against Christians mistakenly think they have the moral high-ground?

Because they have laws and culture on their side. I don't know about you, but when a like minded friend and I discuss the subject of homosexuality at work, we have to look around, lower our voices (as if we're doing something morally wrong) and make sure no one is listening for fear of being taken into HR and being fired.

Is it because they can tolerate all kinds of sin even if it is done to a child or an animal? Do they suppress the moral code we have been innately born with, whether Christian or not? Are they so in love with sin they would sacrifice anything, anything at all for the sin of their choice to continue? If given a chance, would they still choose sin over God? I find the idea of some embracing sin over God highly disgusting. It's sad to think the only Heaven unrepentent sinners will ever know is here on Earth. My prayers are with you my friend.

Your words are sadly so very true. My prayers are with you as well.


New member
I notice quite often how those who promote perversion have a way of finding depravity in wholesome things.

Case in point: http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4125561&postcount=3440
Stop being a moron, a dufus, a dork, a retard, and a first class idiot.

In the post in question: Uberpad and I were deliberately trying to get under your skin. It worked. You have sodomy on the mind more than anyone.

If you were not so busy falsely accusing me of sociopathy or psychopathy - which is a LIE; I wish I could victor like those types do, without conscience bogging me down - you would understand (as Musterion does) that I see fully the juncture we have reached, that the "revolution" went by long ago, and that a reversal is on the horizen.

If you want to tar me with the same brush as Dan Savage - whom I scorn and he and I both know full well that we are antipodes - then do so. It is a lie.

BUT. PLEASE. STOP. BEING. A. DORK. a retard, a moron, and a jackass!!!!!



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Your issue is with God. Good luck when you meet Him on your judgment day.

I am quite comfortable with my view.

I've noticed that you're very comfortable promoting immoral behavior.

Sometimes it is hard to see the hysterical fixation on homosexuality.

You've breathed the stench air of the sewer for so long that you don't know what fresh air is.
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The distaste for gay sex seems like a purity issue. Jesus was socially promiscuous and I don't believe he left any of the "undesirables" outside the gates of the cities. He was unafraid to accept the corrupt and the unclean.

In fact, in the parable of the leaven any first-century Jew knew full well that leaven was a symbol of uncleanliness and corruption.

And Pliny the Elder, a naturalist and biologist, tells us that the mustard plant (the parable of the mustard seed) was a noxious weed that could easily grow and choke out the good crops from a farmer's garden.

The idea of help from God coming from a Samaritan was an outrageous notion to Jesus' listeners. Imagine today if the original bite of that story was preserved and he would tell the Parable of the Sweaty, AIDs-affected homosexual.

Jesus saw God in those things we consider to be unclean.
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