Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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are you referring to the study YOU cited?

Why does the movement that you represent HATE God and the people who believe in Him so much? (Seriously TracerBullet, we don't wish to harm people like you and Dan Savage, we want to help you).



New member
Why does the movement that you represent HATE God and the people who believe in Him so much? (Seriously TracerBullet, we don't wish to harm people like you and Dan Savage, we want to help you).


one of the worst misdirects you've ever tried.

so once again:

I'm very familiar with LGBTQueer financed "studies" TB, they play into the "victim mentality" that the modern day 'gay' rights movement is based on.

are you referring to the study YOU cited?

well are you?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Why does the movement that you represent HATE God and the people who believe in Him so much? (Seriously TracerBullet, we don't wish to harm people like you and Dan Savage, we want to help you).

one of the worst misdirects you've ever tried.

What did God do to you that makes you HATE Him so much?

Why must you take your HATRED out on innocent children who don't deserve the HATRED that your LGBTQueer movement spews out?

so once again:

are you referring to the study YOU cited?

Try and focus for a moment TracerBullet and address what I'm going to write:

Either those who engage in homosexual behavior and their transmutilator allies are dropping like flies (suicide, murder at the hands of another queer/drag queen, alcohol and substance abuse, STD's, etc.) because of the prejudice* against them by people of faith, or they know that they're living a lie and think that they're trapped into a deathstyle with no way out.

Which is it, and if it's the former, what should be done with people like me?

*We love sexually confused and gender confused people and really want to help them.


New member
What did God do to you that makes you HATE Him so much?

Why must you take your HATRED out on innocent children who don't deserve the HATRED that your LGBTQueer movement spews out?
Pathetic misdirect

Try and focus for a moment TracerBullet and address what I'm going to write:

Either those who engage in homosexual behavior and their transmutilator allies are dropping like flies (suicide, murder at the hands of another queer/drag queen, alcohol and substance abuse, STD's, etc.) because of the prejudice* against them by people of faith, or they know that they're living a lie and think that they're trapped into a deathstyle with no way out.

Which is it, and if it's the former, what should be done with people like me?
And the study YOU cited says it prejudice

*We love sexually confused and gender confused people and really want to help them.
Best laugh I had all week


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

What did God do to you that makes you HATE Him so much?

Why must you take your HATRED out on innocent children who don't deserve the HATRED that your LGBTQueer movement spews out?

Pathetic misdirect

Tell me that Dan "the doorknob licker" Savage doesn't HATE God in every ounce of his disease ridden body.

WARNING! Profanity used by "ménage a trois" Dan.

(Notice how Danny boy smiled when he said the word "beatings")

Pansy...Bible readers

Try and focus for a moment TracerBullet and address what I'm going to write:

Either those who engage in homosexual behavior and their transmutilator allies are dropping like flies (suicide, murder at the hands of another queer/drag queen, alcohol and substance abuse, STD's, etc.) because of the prejudice* against them by people of faith, or they know that they're living a lie and think that they're trapped into a deathstyle with no way out.

Which is it, and if it's the former, what should be done with people like me?

And the study YOU cited says it prejudice

I stated what the LGBTQueer stance was when I posted the article. Now focus TB, focus:

Either those who engage in homosexual behavior and their transmutilator allies are dropping like flies (suicide, murder at the hands of another queer/drag queen, alcohol and substance abuse, STD's, etc.) because of the prejudice* against them by people of faith, or they know that they're living a lie and think that they're trapped into a deathstyle with no way out.

Which is it, and if it's the former, what should be done with people like me?

*We love sexually confused and gender confused people and really want to help them.


New member
Apparently all the Christians walked out on Dan Savage because they were scared that words might hurt them.
That or they went outside to find some stones to throw at Dan.
Or perhaps they were late for a lobster dinner? :think:
Maybe Dan was wearing a mixed weave T shirt?


Apparently all the Christians walked out on Dan Savage because they were scared that words might hurt them.

I hear tell that Dan's lisp sprayed as far back as the 15th row and the teens that walked out hadn't had their rabies vaccinations.

(Signs, they need warning signs at Dan Savage speeches).


That or they went outside to find some stones to throw at Dan.
Or perhaps they were late for a lobster dinner? :think:
Maybe Dan was wearing a mixed weave T shirt?

One never knows what you're going to get with that thavage they call Dan. Licking doorknobs, threesomes with his 'husband' Terry, or talking about "good pedophiles", who knows what the Christian teens missed while they were away.


Yes, exactly.

So how long before pedophile man-boy love rights are universally accepted Muhammad?
The prophet had a long relationship with a woman who was about 15 years his senior.

As far as the 12-year-old concubine story, I do not know.

What I DO know is that sexual relations and even marriage with underage girls is sanctioned in the Bible.

If the social history of the ancient Middle East is any guide, Jesus' mother Mary was about 15 years old when she married Joseph. Or God, if you prefer.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

What did God do to you that makes you HATE Him so much?

Why must you take your HATRED out on innocent children who don't deserve the HATRED that your LGBTQueer movement spews out?

Tell me that Dan "the doorknob licker" Savage doesn't HATE God in every ounce of his disease ridden body.

WARNING! Profanity used by "ménage a trois" Dan.

(Notice how Danny boy smiled when he said the word "beatings")

Pansy...Bible readers

Try and focus for a moment TracerBullet and address what I'm going to write:

Either those who engage in homosexual behavior and their transmutilator allies are dropping like flies (suicide, murder at the hands of another queer/drag queen, alcohol and substance abuse, STD's, etc.) because of the prejudice* against them by people of faith, or they know that they're living a lie and think that they're trapped into a deathstyle with no way out.

Which is it, and if it's the former, what should be done with people like me?

I stated what the LGBTQueer stance was when I posted the article. Now focus TB, focus:

Either those who engage in homosexual behavior and their transmutilator allies are dropping like flies (suicide, murder at the hands of another queer/drag queen, alcohol and substance abuse, STD's, etc.) because of the prejudice* against them by people of faith, or they know that they're living a lie and think that they're trapped into a deathstyle with no way out.

Which is it, and if it's the former, what should be done with people like me?

*We love sexually confused and gender confused people and really want to help them.
I can't imagine why this character would hate Christians [he said sarcastically]. After all, they're so open-hearted and non-judgmental--just like Jesus.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So how long before pedophile man-boy love rights are universally accepted Muhammad?

The prophet had a long relationship with a woman who was about 15 years his senior.

As far as the 12-year-old concubine story, I do not know.


What I DO know is that sexual relations and even marriage with underage girls is sanctioned in the Bible.

"Underage" would be pre-pubescent. You're obviously confusing the Bible with your Quran.

If the social history of the ancient Middle East is any guide, Jesus' mother Mary was about 15 years old when she married Joseph. Or God, if you prefer.

Back in biblical days a post pubescent female was considered a woman.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So how long before pedophile man-boy love rights are universally accepted Muhammad?


"Underage" would be pre-pubescent. You're obviously confusing the Bible with your Quran.

Back in biblical days a post pubescent female was considered a woman.
It's not my Qu'ran. Now that all the world religions are out in the open, it's everybody's Qu'ran, Bible and Sutras.

Those folks in the Bible accepted pubescent brides and concubines as well.

The sacred is always filtered down by geographic location and culture.

Judaism, Islam and Christianity were all tribal religions in a Semitic culture. This is why they have many similarities.


If you ever decide to give up the false religion of Islam you can become a NALT Christian. (This video has no vulgar language, this can't be Dan Savage).

Not All Like That
Sorry about your fears of both gays and Muslims. We live in a global culture of human rights and liberty and justice for all of humankind. It's rather "in our face" and we cannot ignore it.

We can try to hide in fundamentalism and theological tradition as do the Muslim and Christian terrorists do, but it is ultimately futile. Life--a vastly improved life--goes on.

Overvalued gentiles and undervalued brains and common sense.
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New member
One never knows what you're going to get with that thavage they call Dan. Licking doorknobs, threesomes with his 'husband' Terry, or talking about "good pedophiles", who knows what the Christian teens missed while they were away.
Licking doorknobs is indeed the work of the devil aCW. :rolleyes:


Sorry about your fears of both gays and Muslims. We live in a global culture of human rights and liberty and justice for all of humankind. It's rather "in our face" and we cannot ignore it...

I don't ignore the two, in fact I've frequently talked about the similarities between both:

1). Warfare and violence: Like Islam, the homosexual movement (i.e. "collective') has an all out war against Christianity and uses violence, be it the power of the sword through government, or gaystapo tactics to thwart any opposition to their agenda.

2). Hatred: Like Islam there is so much HATRED amongst those that proudly partake in homosexual behavior. Of course it stems from a self hatred and manifests towards other homosexuals and those that don't join in on the goosestep agenda.

3). Intolerance: Be it burning Christian churches for firing opening homosexual employees, or firing employees because they speak out against homosexuality, the homosexual movement, like Islam, is extremely intolerant of anyone that doesn't join in on their false religion.

4). Misogyny: This is a subject that I would like to discuss in the next few days. I think that it often times stems from being overly mothered as a child, but misogyny and homosexuality go back to the days of the early Greeks.

5). Oppression: In order to fulfill their agenda, both Islam and the homosexual movement must oppress any opposition.

6). Pedophilia: As shown throughout this 3 part thread (and will be shown in an entire segment dedicated to pedophilia and pederasty), sex (the indoctrination/grooming for future sex) with children is a huge part of Islam and the homosexual movement in general.

Speaking of pedophilia/pederasty:

When Mehmed conquered Constantinople in 1453, the Muslim general demanded the 14-year-old son of one of the city's Christian leaders as his sexual concubine (the father and son chose death instead). Subsequent Ottoman administrators also engaged in homosexuality, often with the boys of conquered populations who could not afford to satisfy the jizya (poll tax on non-Muslims) in any other way than to relinquish their own children to the Religion of Peace.


New member
I don't ignore the two, in fact I've frequently talked about the similarities between both:

1). Warfare and violence: Like Islam, the homosexual movement (i.e. "collective') has an all out war against Christianity and uses violence, be it the power of the sword through government, or gaystapo tactics to thwart any opposition to their agenda.

2). Hatred: Like Islam there is so much HATRED amongst those that proudly partake in homosexual behavior. Of course it stems from a self hatred and manifests towards other homosexuals and those that don't join in on the goosestep agenda.

3). Intolerance: Be it burning Christian churches for firing opening homosexual employees, or firing employees because they speak out against homosexuality, the homosexual movement, like Islam, is extremely intolerant of anyone that doesn't join in on their false religion.

4). Misogyny: This is a subject that I would like to discuss in the next few days. I think that it often times stems from being overly mothered as a child, but misogyny and homosexuality go back to the days of the early Greeks.

5). Oppression: In order to fulfill their agenda, both Islam and the homosexual movement must oppress any opposition.

6). Pedophilia: As shown throughout this 3 part thread (and will be shown in an entire segment dedicated to pedophilia and pederasty), sex (the indoctrination/grooming for future sex) with children is a huge part of Islam and the homosexual movement in general.

this post may have set a record for the most instances of false witness per post length


New member
So it isn't hate filled homophobic bigots who are the root of all evil after all, nor is it the hate filled fanatical Islamic jihadists and mad mullahs.
No it's hate filled homosexuals and drag queens.
They should realise and be thankful that fundamentalist Christians, who outwardly seem to hate and despise them relentlessly for being what they are, in fact only have their best interests at heart. :doh:


So it isn't hate filled homophobic bigots who are the root of all evil after all,...

If it is, what should be done with us? Are you and TracerBullet finally going to answer my question? It's not like your answer is going to motivate a bunch of apathetic Christians, so be honest for once in your life Al.

nor is it the hate filled fanatical Islamic jihadists and mad mullahs.

Since when did liberals start speaking out against their Judeo-Christian HATING allies in the Middle East?

No it's hate filled homosexuals and drag queens.

The evidence has been provided time and time again throughout this 3 part thread Al, refute it.
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