Arthur Brain
Well-known member
Oh your love just exudes aCW. I'm not surprised you couldn't actually address my own post and your continuous sexual slurring that gets you booted from here.
Oh your love just exudes aCW. I'm not surprised you couldn't actually address my own post and your continuous sexual slurring that gets you booted from here.
You can lie to yourself Art, you can even lie to others, but you can't lie to God.
On that note: Have a wonderful "consenting adults" evening.
No, I'm stating the facts, and you can't counter them, can you? I said nothing about hating Christians or Christianity, and what did I set down that is not in keeping with the facts? I don't need to run a con game, as I've no interest in nor need to con anyone about anything....Have I mentioned lately that I love it when you fly your God-hating LGBTQueer colors GFR7?
Dan Savage would be proud of you.
No, I don't want to live under any such system. No, indeed.GFR7 , if you want to live in a theocracy which is ruled by a religious book and by religious leaders, where gay people are persecuted and abortion is illegal , move to Iran or Saudi Arabia .
You may as well give up trying to convince him, as I did.I'm not lying to myself, I'm not lying to others and I'm not lying to God by admitting that I'm solely attracted to the opposite sex. That's simply the way it is.
Sorry if you wish to fantasize else but that really only reflects on you dude...
How is it a good post, if he is falsely accusing people of practicing the gay lifestyle, when we don't? :think:
Of course, as usual, you took that out of context:If you'd bothered to check the table of contents, you would have known that GFR7 is on your side, not God's. Here's just one example of many:
Don't be fooled by his con game, he's rainbow colors through and through.
Of course, as usual, you took that out of context:
Everyone who knows me knows that
I have been very suspicious and outspoken against the gay bullying movement, but you had just asked me to apologize to the parents of the disabled (of which I am a member)
so I threw that back at you.
Out of context doesn't count , dearie. :kiss:
You may as well give up trying to convince him, as I did.
If his delusions leave him, his entire system will go hurtling down into nothing.
So we still haven't gotten beyond this? :think: .................. :sigh:For those who haven't followed the posts of sexual anarchist GFR7, the "system" that he's talking about is the Judeo-Christian system of government, which he, his President and the entire sexual anarchist movement have been trying to "hurtle down into nothing" for quite sometime now.
Of course, as usual, you took that out of context:
Everyone who knows me knows that
I have been very suspicious and outspoken against the gay bullying movement,
The indoctrination of children by the LGBTQueer movement, the close ties between abortion and homosexuality and a major study done (before it was politically incorrect to say so) showing that those who have same sex desires can change are amongst other informative posts found in these 20 pages.
How is it a good post, if he is falsely accusing people of practicing the gay lifestyle, when we don't? :think:
No, I just said it wasn't the Christians: I said I was throwing that in your face because you asked me to apologize to parents of the disabled. :sigh:Of course.
Of course.
Of course it's those big bad mean Christians who are the problem when they tell youth that they're engaging in a behavior and 'culture' that will bring them nothing but disease, misery and early death. This has absolutely nothing to do with why young sexually confused males are killing themselves:
It's people like me who are the the problem, just ask De Horn, alwight, Art Brain, WizardofOz, TracerBullet, Dan Savage and anyone in your LGBTQueer movement.
Is that the study that where the people claiming to have changed orientation were all employed by an ex-gay ministry to say that?
ManyWhat other imaginary movements are you suspicious of?
For those who haven't followed the posts of sexual anarchist GFR7, the "system" that he's talking about is the Judeo-Christian system of government, which he, his President and the entire sexual anarchist movement have been trying to "hurtle down into nothing" for quite sometime now.
Come to think of it, there are some similarities........ :think:is this gay lifestyle you are talking about anything like the black lifestyle?