Oh wow, 'The Pink Swastika'. Can't get much more objective than that...
I'm pretty sure that your 2 hour tour of the Holocaust Museum didn't mention German homosexual/ pedophile/pederast Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, therefore....
he didn't exist.
Oh wow, 'The Pink Swastika'. Can't get much more objective than that...
I'm pretty sure that your 2 hour tour of the Holocaust Museum didn't mention German homosexual/ pedophile/pederast Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, therefore....
he didn't exist.
You should visit the place yourself. A sobering experience for anyone with an ounce of humanity about them.
I've seen enough documentaries and read enough articles to know what that homosexual mass murdering degenerate Adolf Hitler and his like minded SS thugs did to millions of innocent human beings.
The bottom line on Karl Heinrich Ulrichs ("the grandfather of the world gay rights movement") is this:
He was molested by a homosexual as a child, and because of that had same sex desires himself. He denied that his molestation was the cause of his same sex desires which lead to engaging in homosexual acts, and came up with something akin to the imaginary "gay gene", hoping that would be enough to convince German legislators to decriminalize homosexuality.
The modern day homosexual movement has learned from Ulrichs, just as they learned from other German homosexuals like Adolf Hitler with their "gaystapo" tactics.
Clearly we've known for some time that you and credibility are two different things aCW, but to cite homosexuals as being the background cause of an attempted Nazi genocide is more than just a credibility issue, it's simply a deliberate lie, and you know it. Are there no depths to which you will not sink?Quote:
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm pretty sure that your 2 hour tour of the Holocaust Museum didn't mention German homosexual/ pedophile/pederast Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, therefore....
he didn't exist.
I've seen enough documentaries and read enough articles to know what that homosexual mass murdering degenerate Adolf Hitler and his like minded SS thugs did to millions of innocent human beings.
why do you think Sorba doesn't reference his claims?Quote:
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
1 Kennedy, Hubert. “Man/Boy Love in the Writing of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs” Kennedy in Pascal,
Mark (ed.) p. 15.
I'd have you ask Ryan Sorba himself for that information the next time you and your LGBTQueer activists attend one of his "The Born Gay Hoax" speeches at a university, but I doubt that he'd hear you.
Boy, us Christians just can't get a thing past you experts on man boy love can we TB?
I daresay that mine wasn't.
Had I known that this was going to be such a difficult test, I would have spent last night cramming for it.
Perhaps I will answer your question when you have finished the test:
What do you think about adultery acw?
What do you think about stealing acw?
What do you think about murder acw?
If the LGBT community was campaigning for something else, but in a similar way, what would you think of it acw?
I do not like reading walls of hate.
So do not write " What do you think about <insert appropriate hateful adjectives and past participles here> <insert insinuating and hateful nouns here>" please.
Instead write "I think <this> about <this>"
Perhaps I will actually respond.
I have no idea what documentaries you've seen but I'm suspecting they emanated from propaganda sources. Your shared articles certainly are. You are one sad fixated case aCW. You neither care about objectivity or truth and if you are in the closet then try not to hate yourself too much. Gay people are not evil simply because they're attracted to their own gender.
Clearly we've known for some time that you and credibility are two different things aCW, but to cite homosexuals as being the background cause of an attempted Nazi genocide is more than just a credibility issue, it's simply a deliberate lie, and you know it. Are there no depths to which you will not sink?
Homosexual serial killers | |
My turn to ask an obvious LGBTQueer activist a simple question:
Do you think that it's extremely important for you and your fellow LGBTQ's to "get tested"?
why do you think Sorba doesn't reference his claims?
In case you were wondering, I am straight as a rod
and I am not impressed by the LGBT movement, but I am even less impressed by you.
Why don't you just answer the questions?
(aCW hangs his head in shame knowing that after all of these years he still hasn't gain the much coveted respect of atheists, pagans, man boy lovers, drag queens, bull dykes and fairies. Woe is me).
You boyz act like violence is something that is unheard of by those who engage in homosexual behavior (it's not).
In case you were wondering, I am straight as a rod and I am not impressed by the LGBT movement, but I am even less impressed by you.
Why don't you just answer the questions?
Are you gay acw?
if it exists why didn't Sorba tell us just where this little gem was published?1 Kennedy, Hubert. “Man/Boy Love in the Writing of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs” Kennedy in Pascal,
Mark (ed.) p. 15.
My point? NAMBLA co-founder and homosexual historian Hubert Kennedy has written over 200 publications in several languages, many of them on "man-boy love". Just because you haven't heard of the publication that Ryan Sorba footnoted in his "The Born Gay Hoax" article, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.
You have to do better than that TIP, as that's straight out of the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA handbook (accuse the person who exposes homosexual behavior and the child molesting/jack booted thug agenda of being what he protests against).
Peter LaBarbera, Matt Barber, Bryan Fischer and every Christian who dares speak out against your sexual anarchist movement has been hounded with the same question by you LGBTQueer activists, I'm honored that you've included me as well.
Now, do you care to defend homosexual behavior and the agenda that came with it since decriminalization, or are you going to continue to be a troll?
(Psssst, normally my answer to your question would be "Does that night in Tijuana with your dad count?", but I'm more mature now and don't lower myself to such insulting insinuations.).
Homosexual Serial Killers
Statistical analysis of the proportion of homosexuality among serial killers, with a listing of prominent GLBT/homosexual serial killers.
what agenda?You have to do better than that TIP, as that's straight out of the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA handbook (accuse the person who exposes homosexual behavior and the child molesting/jack booted thug agenda of being what he protests against).
Peter LaBarbera, Matt Barber, Bryan Fischer and every Christian who dares speak out against your sexual anarchist movement has been hounded with the same question by you LGBTQueer activists, I'm honored that you've included me as well.
Now, do you care to defend homosexual behavior and the agenda that came with it since decriminalization, or are you going to continue to be a troll?
(Psssst, normally my answer to your question would be "Does that night in Tijuana with your dad count?", but I'm more mature now and don't lower myself to such insulting insinuations.).