Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
Have you ever thought about making an attempt to contribute to the thread by explaining why buggery (i.e. homosexuality) shouldn't be recriminalized, or are you just content being a mindless Paulbot?
But your only reason for criminalising gay people aCW seems to be derived from an ancient scripture, most of which apparently doesn't apply any more, depending on what is cherry picked, perhaps by those who rather like eating lobster. :idunno:


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
No doubt your lobster rants had many people impressed with your knowledge of the Bible, I know it did me.

I keep forgetting that you're dealing with dementia and that you have forgotten our lessons showing that Jesus rescinded the law against food and clothing, but not against filthy disease ridden sexual behaviors such as the one you constantly defend.

Speaking of embarrassment Al: Why am I not the least bit embarrassed to proudly say that I love eating lobster, but you without a doubt are embarrassed to say that you've engaged in homosex during your lifestime?
I imagine that you must get some really good lobsters where you are aCW.
Unlike you perhaps I am not a repressed homosexual and would have no problem at all in admitting to being gay if indeed I was, which ftr I'm not.

After all, they're the same thing, right Al?
Since I have never had nor wanted "homosex" then being embarrassed about it doesn't seem to apply in my case at least, if not yours aCW.

While this little smokescreen of yours has been fun, it really is time to get back to the "gay culture" and talk about the child molesters and genital mutilators that proudly make up the LGBTQueer movement.
I can understand why you would prefer to move on aCW, away from the repression that obviously embarrasses you.


New member
At the risk of "taking aCW's side", you and I both know that Jesus rose from the dead. Read Romans 1 and look inside yourself. You are suppressing the truth in unrighteousness. I will pray that God brings you repentence:)
Thank you CL but unlike some I don't dogmatically believe everything written by some ancient chap called Paul. :nono:
Dead people simply stay dead is what seems to be the truth here. :rip::eek:linger::rip:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Have you ever thought about making an attempt to contribute to the thread by explaining why buggery (i.e. homosexuality) shouldn't be recriminalized, or are you just content being a mindless Paulbot?

But your only reason for criminalising gay people aCW seems to be derived from an ancient scripture, most of which apparently doesn't apply any more, depending on what is cherry picked, perhaps by those who rather like eating lobster. :idunno:

Since the Libertarian patrick jane probably can't write an entire sentence without help, I'm glad that you responded for him Al.

Yes, the basis for moral law comes from Holy Scripture, but as I've shown throughout this 3 part thread, anyone with common sense can see that homosexuality is not only a disease ridden behavior that causes the people who engage in it nothing but misery, but also the agenda that goes with it is a child molesting/indoctrinating intolerant bigoted one.

Sigh, I only wish someone who is "proud" enough to admit that they engage in that absolutely filthy disease ridden behavior would come forward, as I do miss the "gay pride" that the cross dresser Chuck (whose boyfriend was in the process of genital mutilation surgery) brought to the thread.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Thank you CL but unlike some I don't dogmatically believe everything written by some ancient chap called Paul. :nono:
Dead people simply stay dead is what seems to be the truth here. :rip::eek:linger::rip:

I reject your religious faith of empiricism. Your worldview says that the miraculous cannot happen. But you cannot prove this. I choose, by God's grace, to believe.


I reject your religious faith of empiricism. Your worldview says that the miraculous cannot happen. But you cannot prove this. I choose, by God's grace, to believe.

For those of you that had followed the rants of the "Jr. Libertarian" in Part 2 of this thread, there has been a change.

Jr. no longer identifies himself as a Libertarian, his newest ideology (cult) is "theonomy". That's not to say that he still doesn't worship the drug pushing sodomite loving Ron Paul, as Jr.'s new idols (Joel McDurmon and his father in law Gary North) are big fans of "Libertarian for life" Ron Paul.

My understanding of Jr.'s newest cult goes something like this:

Unless the Bible specifically mentions that a certain behavior should be criminalized, then society is free to not make criminal legislation against that behavior.

Since the Bible hasn't specifically mentioned that heroin should be illegal, in Jr.'s ever so confused mind, it should be legal (of course the Bible talks about the evils of misusing pharmaceuticals).

Correct me if I'm wrong here Jr., as I wouldn't want to paint a false picture when it comes to your newest cult.


Christ's compassion for the "Woman Caught in Adultery," who would have been stoned under Mosaic Law, is an example of Christian forgiveness that "aCultureWarrior" prefers not to address.

The "agenda" that he promotes, under the guise of Christianity, would have much preferred that Christ turned her over for stoning!

It wasn't the "LGBTQueer movement" that felt threatened and demanded that Christ be crucified - it was the religious faction with the same mindset as "aCultureWarrior!"
The crime was fornication, and the people who wanted to stone her were married. Fornication is in the ten commandments, but adultery really isn't. Porne is used in the LXX, and there is a difference between porne and μοιχεύω. Adultery and divorce are punishable by death; fornication isn't.


New member
I reject your religious faith of empiricism.
We are empirically alive in an empirically evidenced universe, it's all that we have to claim as knowledge.
It doesn't rule out something else as well but that something else cannot be put to the test by our empirical senses even if it can be imagined.
Those same human senses were used by some ancient guy called Paul to interact with the world, which to my mind he liberally conflated with his human powers of the imagination at every opportunity.
The empirical however can be validated and put to the test, unlike the purely imaginary and therefore requires no faith because when it is doubted it can be re-examined, tested and confirmed, not believed on faith.

Your worldview says that the miraculous cannot happen. But you cannot prove this. I choose, by God's grace, to believe.
That simply isn't true regarding my worldview while what you imagine to be true is rather up to you.

If something miraculous ever does happen then it will go unnoticed unless it affects our empirical reality in some way. I don't claim that miracles cannot happen but I do say that nothing claimed to be miraculous has ever been able to be tested empirically, so I simply provisionally presume that nothing miraculous ever does happen unless and until that is shown to be false.
Typically perhaps for those who cannot fulfil the requirements and onus of their metaphysical assertions, those who don't share them are called or assumed to be blind fools and told that they must prove a negative, as though failing to do that was somehow equal to their failure to prove the positive. :plain:


New member
Since the Libertarian patrick jane probably can't write an entire sentence without help, I'm glad that you responded for him Al.
Perhaps some people just aren't as keen or stupid as I am to have what they say misrepresented and dishonestly concluded by you at every opportunity aCW? :think:

Yes, the basis for moral law comes from Holy Scripture, but as I've shown throughout this 3 part thread, anyone with common sense can see that homosexuality is not only a disease ridden behavior that causes the people who engage in it nothing but misery, but also the agenda that goes with it is a child molesting/indoctrinating intolerant bigoted one.
By a very similar process, and indeed more so, heterosexuality carries much more disease as baggage which for no good reason I've ever noticed doesn't seem to concern you nearly as much.

Sigh, I only wish someone who is "proud" enough to admit that they engage in that absolutely filthy disease ridden behavior would come forward, as I do miss the "gay pride" that the cross dresser Chuck (whose boyfriend was in the process of genital mutilation surgery) brought to the thread.
I miss him too aCW, homophobic bigots I suppose are of some interest and curiosity value, like the Klan, but people who are colourful characters, harmless, individual and extraverted often make life rather more interesting imo than say Bible adherents and organisations of hate.:plain:


New member
anyone with common sense can see that homosexuality is not only a disease ridden behavior that causes the people who engage in it nothing but misery, but also the agenda that goes with it is a child molesting/indoctrinating intolerant bigoted one.
Anyone with common sense can see this is all just hate based propaganda.

Sigh, I only wish someone who is "proud" enough to admit that they engage in that absolutely filthy disease ridden behavior would come forward



Originally Posted by jgarden
Christ's compassion for the "Woman Caught in Adultery," who would have been stoned under Mosaic Law, is an example of Christian forgiveness that "aCultureWarrior" prefers not to address.

The "agenda" that he promotes, under the guise of Christianity, would have much preferred that Christ turned her over for stoning!

It wasn't the "LGBTQueer movement" that felt threatened and demanded that Christ be crucified - it was the religious faction with the same mindset as "aCultureWarrior!"

The crime was fornication, and the people who wanted to stone her were married. Fornication is in the ten commandments, but adultery really isn't. Porne is used in the LXX, and there is a difference between porne and μοιχεύω. Adultery and divorce are punishable by death; fornication isn't.

The Adulterous Woman, John 8:1-5, 10-11

VERSE 1-2: "but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came to him, and he sat down and taught them."

VERSE 3- 5: "The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst they said to him, "Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?"

VERSES 10-11: Jesus stood up and said to her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?" She said, "No one, Lord." And Jesus said, "Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more."

Regarding your claim that fornication is in the 10 Commandments but not adultery:

What does Commandment #7 say?

Try picking up a Bible sometime Omini and actually reading it.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Sigh, I only wish someone who is "proud" enough to admit that they engage in that absolutely filthy disease ridden behavior would come forward...

I just wanna see some "gay pride". Boy Traci, you guys act like you're ashamed of the behavior that you defend and promote.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Sigh, I only wish someone who is "proud" enough to admit that they engage in that absolutely filthy disease ridden behavior would come forward, as I do miss the "gay pride" that the cross dresser Chuck (whose boyfriend was in the process of genital mutilation surgery) brought to the thread.

I miss him too aCW, homophobic bigots I suppose are of some interest and curiosity value, like the Klan, but people who are colourful characters, harmless, individual and extraverted often make life rather more interesting imo than say Bible adherents and organisations of hate.:plain:

As I've mentioned many times before: The cross dressing homosexual Persephone66 aka Chuck, whose boyfriend was planning on having genital mutilation surgery to become a pretend woman; the same Chuck who has taught youth in our schools, was a gold mne for the thread as he respresented the LGBTQueer movement unapologetically. Too bad that someone can't come forward and state that not all proud and unrepentant homosexuals think the same way as Chuck.



More on Ted Cruz, this time from Jewish conservative Don Feder:

Media Missiles Launched at Cruz Misfire

March 26, 2015

Former Senator Rick Santorum tells a story about his 2012 campaign for the GOP presidential nomination. A group of deep-pocket donors called the Republican candidates to New York to be vetted. Santorum found it odd that all of the questions on social issues were directed at him.

Finally he said to the donors: “Why are you only asking me about abortion and marriage? My opponents all have the same positions,” to which one responded: “Yes, but you mean it.”

That’s what scares the left and its media myrmidons the most about Ted Cruz – that he’s not Romney ’08, who dressed in conservative drag to seduce the party base. With the Texan, what you see is what you get.

The media response to Cruz’s first-out-of-the gate announcement was painfully predictable.

The New York Times, Washington Post, Reuters, CNN and other citadels of advocacy journalism told us (while trying, not very hard, to maintain a veneer of objectivity) that this wing-nut Senator from Texas is “seen as a divisive figure in Washington” – plus “his colleagues don’t like him,” he “has denied prevailing science (theory) on climate change,” and has “defied and battled his party’s establishment.”

They quoted RINO Rep. Peter King that Cruz “brought the country to the edge of ruin” by trying to actually do something about Obamacare, and claimed his time in Washington “has been marked by accusations of demagogy.” (Words like “demagogy,” “intransigent” and “hardliner” are reserved for a certain type of Republican.) Cruz is “The Most Hated Man In The Senate” (read the headline of a story in Foreign Policy), has “done nothing to endear himself to party elites,” and has either an exceedingly slim, razor-thin, anorexic or absolutely no chance of winning the Republican nomination.

Rarely was it told that Cruz is a Harvard-educated lawyer (Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz said that in decades of teaching, Cruz was one of his brightest students) who clerked for Chief Justice William Rehnquist and, as the state’s solicitor general, represented Texas in cases before the Supreme Court.

Some actually had the nerve to argue that Cruz is a neophyte who’s served less than two years in the Senate, has no executive experience, and there are those nagging questions about where he was born – concerns that never bothered them in 2008. The Times noted that of the 112 bills the Texan sponsored, only one became law – but forgot to mention that Democrats controlled the Senate for all but 10 weeks of Cruz’s tenure.

That the GOP elite despise him may be Cruz’s crowning glory...

Read more: http://barbwire.com/2015/03/26/0615-media-missiles-launched-at-cruz-misfire/


Being that Ted Cruz is a real social conservative, be prepared for the massive smear campaign to come.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I just wanna see some "gay pride". Boy Traci, you guys act like you're ashamed of the behavior that you defend and promote.

Considering the sick personal attacks you dish out to straights here why would would any gay person want to come here

There ya go again acting like there is something wrong with being accused of being someone who proudly engages in a absolutely filthy disease ridden behavior Traci.

Shame on you for your lack of "pride".



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Being that Ted Cruz is a real social conservative, be prepared for the massive smear campaign to come.

you mean people are going to lie and claim Cruz is gay? Or compare him to Hitler?

I know the tactics of the left all too well. Since you're obviously not a social conservative, why don't you be the first in this thread to attack Ted Cruz and show people what to expect from the lying scumbags on the left?
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