Have you lost weight Connie?
That's me he posted a picture of.
Have you lost weight Connie?
I would say it's because stupid and possibly delusional people are accusing them of being gay when they really are not or because the same stupid and possibly delusional people want to brand all gay people as criminals for stupid and possibly delusional reasons.
Well I'm certainly not filthy or disease ridden and I think it's important to get it out that there are stupid and possibly delusional people who would push such myths out of what I can only guess is bigotry. I'm of the opinion that those who would claim that I live "an absolutely filthy disease ridden deathstyle" not only be exposed as completely baseless, but be mocked and marginalized.
http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4257520&postcount=6368Having seen what happens in these so called "reparative therapy" centres I wouldn't recommend an adult be subjected to them let alone a child.
Look, just because Ellie is a mechanic in a harsh, bandit-laden desert, does not by default make her a bulldyke. You can read more about her here - http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Ellie
Certainly. This ought to be amusing. My only mention of persecution was a snide remark about Phil having a persecution complex. You do understand things like snide remarks and sarcasm, right? I'm seriously doubting you do.
I don't "defend" homosexuality any more than I "defend" the left-handed.
What I do defend however is the right of gay people to be what they are and not to have to contend with homophobic bigots like you attempting to "fix" what isn't actually broken.
Mmm hmm. :think: Yes.
Let's just say that Gore Vidal was a highly intelligent, knowledgeable, articulate and entertaining person on many levels, while you seem to have ...err... Phil Robertson.
Again nobody here has argued for underage sex as you well know while I have never aligned myself to Tatchell or his photoshopped placard.
Mmm hmm. :think: Yes.
As above, but you of course just won't be told aCW, will you.
Mmm hmm. :think: Yes.
Like you actually cared.
But then again people like you don't mind being the cause of anguish and confusion if it suits them, or is it that you are the result of such inflicted anguish and confusion inflicted on you by others? Have you been "repaired" aCW? Since it's perhaps showing, maybe some sympathy is due here?
Oh I acknowledged the more than obvious, but it may not have been obvious to those who are too stupid and delusional.So much for your "honesty" Chuck (failing to acknowledge the more than obvious is not honest).
Pretty sure my girlfriend and I are not the only ones, sexually transmitted diseases do not magically appear. You can't catch one from someone who does not have one. You would have to be stupid and delusional to think they do.Well, there we have it folks, finally a proud and unrepentant sodomite/pansexual/whatever Chuck is calling himself today comes forward and claims that he is disease free. You should contact the CDC and let them know that there are one or two of you out there that haven't contracted HIV/AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, and a long list of STD's and other diseases that disproportionately afflict those who engage in homosexual behavior. Who knows, the CDC might even make you a poster child for the LGBTQueer cause that they hold so very close to their sodomite loving hearts.
No, but there's at least one stupid and delusional person who has better much convinced me that what happens is one's position is strawmanned until they can only describe themselves as straight.While I'm thinking about it Chuck: Last night while I had my head submerged in a pile of sand, I couldn't see anything but these words:
Have you too personally "seen what happens in reparative therapy centres" Chuck?
I said nothing of the like. One would have to be pretty stupid and delusional to think I did.There you go belittling your culture again and acting like being a cigar chompin bull dyke is a bad thing (does Chuck have no shame?).
I've mocked Darth Vader and James T. Kirk as well, fictional characters can be mocked. You do know what fiction is, right? Some people are stupid and delusional and cannot separate fiction from reality.Then we'll address your snide remarks and your knowledge of the Constitution later today after I go pay homage to that imaginary sky god that you atheists love to mock but insist doesn't exist.
That's me he posted a picture of.
If i insulted you in any way my sincerest apologies. I thought it just some random picture from the web.
It obviously could not have been a picture of aCW, after all there is a book in the picture.
I actually find that picture sweet.lol
No offence taken. I'm actually pretty hard to insult.
This I Believe | |
Throughout this 3 part thread many people have questioned my faith. If you continue to do so after viewing this video, then you need to find a new church.
Mmm hmm...Yes.
This I Believe
Yes that's the guy aCW.Do you mean this Gore Vidal Al?
Gore Vidal, Child Molester: Helped Found, Was Active in NAMBLA
Oh I acknowledged the more than obvious, but it may not have been obvious to those who are too stupid and delusional.
Pretty sure my girlfriend and I are not the only ones, sexually transmitted diseases do not magically appear. You can't catch one from someone who does not have one. You would have to be stupid and delusional to think they do.
No, but there's at least one stupid and delusional person who has better much convinced me that what happens is one's position is strawmanned until they can only describe themselves as straight.
I've mocked Darth Vader and James T. Kirk as well, fictional characters can be mocked. You do know what fiction is, right? Some people are stupid and delusional and cannot separate fiction from reality.
Anyone notice a pattern?
More like many have questioned your ethics and integrity
Yes that's the guy aCW.
Whatever is the truth about his sex life you don't actually know anything other than hearsay from those who were perhaps on the receiving end of his sometimes acerbic wit.
His tales of 1000s of lovers of both sexes young and old can perhaps be regarded as possibly exaggerated fisherman's stories or wind ups, while the only real evidence of any supposed nefarious deeds with the underaged seems to originate from Vidal himself.
You won't accept any of that of course, but he was nevertheless highly intelligent and articulate as I said before but it still doesn't mean that anyone here is advocating underage sex whatever Vidal actually did. :nono:
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Throughout this 3 part thread many people have questioned my faith. If you continue to do so after viewing this video, then you need to find a new church.
Mmm hmm...Yes.
But Traci, since that little chit chat I had last night with your fellow Persephone66 fan club member GFR7 and his queen of denial buddy Art Brain, the new me believes everything that I'm told by atheists and pagans.
I acknowledge that you are a devout Christian who is married with kazillions of children.
Mmm Hmm, yes.
Wow, you really are running short on material aren't ya? Best go back to those 'ole reliable' "mothers basement" & Ovaltine "gags" Connie cos they're always good for ayawnlaugh...
http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4257520&postcount=6368Having seen what happens in these so called "reparative therapy" centres I wouldn't recommend an adult be subjected to them let alone a child.
Some of the best material I have is typed by the thread's participants.
I'm calling that post "priceless".
Is someone sad and lonely?I see that a couple of the thread's resident homosexualists have formed a Persephone66 fan club.
1. GFR7
2. TracerBullet
See what cheap makeup and a pair of pantyhose can do for a guy's popularity amongst the pagans here on TOL? (Mmm hmm, yes).
So how does someone who does not have an STD get an STD from someone who also does not have an STD?Whether or not the guy who you call your "girlfriend" has had genital mulitation surgery yet is beside the point. What'shisname will always have male DNA and even if some quack of a wannabe doctor destroys what God gave him and replaces them with fake parts, he'll continue to be a male and both of you will be at risk for STD's and various fun stuff like anal cancer.
Anyone that doesn't acknowledge that is "stupid and delusional".
So apparently this thread is my favourite "LGBTQueer website."So no, other than the horror stories that you've read in your favorite LGBTQueer websites you know nothing of reparative therapy and if indeed it could help a sexually confused 15 year old boy out in Sprague, WA.
Do I really have to be present for you to spout your delusions about me?Be careful Chuck, you're a gold mine for this thread and I don't want you going buh bye too soon on blasphemy complaints.
Should be well on to that by now, what is holding you up? I do have a video response to a guy who calls himself "Wild Bill for America" in the works as well another episode of my show on Secular TV on my list of stuff to do. I also have my job to go to tonight, but I can make time.That being said, shall we talk about your use of the word persecution and your supposed knowledge of the the First Amendment from that trashy little Youtube video you made regarding Phil Robertson's speech at CPAC or do you have some important bang bang shoot em up video gaming to do?
Practically all of the best material on this thread has come from someone other than yourself so hey ho.
You think seeing television footage of the abysmal practices that go under the guise of "reparative therapy" is priceless?
Okay then.