Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Accepting that some people just happen to have paedophilic tendencies would be a step in the right direction.
Nobody here at least is even remotely suggesting that paedophiles have any right to use children in any way at all for it.

Yep, and anyone who had a smattering of a brain and objective thought would also acknowledge the zero tolerance policy towards child molestation including the high profile cases in recent months. Jimmy Saville and Rolf Harris anyone? The crackdowns on child abuse have increased else someone show how they haven't.


Accepting that some people just happen to have paedophilic tendencies would be a step in the right direction.
Nobody here at least is even remotely suggesting that paedophiles have any right to use children in any way at all for it.

of course not - the time isn't right yet

once they get public sympathy?


New member
I keep finding articles in support of pedophiles being "born that way". :plain:

doubtful considering that there is a well known link between brain damage, specifically lesions in the pre frontal cortex and pedophilia. the greater the damage the younger the pedophile's preferred victim
Peoppl, T.B. et al. Association between brain structure and phenotypic characteristics in pedophilia. J. of psych research, 2013


New member
doubtful considering that there is a well known link between brain damage, specifically lesions in the pre frontal cortex and pedophilia. the greater the damage the younger the pedophile's preferred victim
Peoppl, T.B. et al. Association between brain structure and phenotypic characteristics in pedophilia. J. of psych research, 2013
Oh, OK ---- let's just drop it. :nono:


I don't hate them. I am speaking of a certain social agenda for which gays are being used. I told you if SCOTUS passes SSM, I will drop the whole thing.

You are as bad as aCW in your mistrust of me. OMGGGGGGGGGGG :cry: why me?

There are many, many straight aspects of culture which to me are worse than pushing gay culture. I don't believe in Valentine's Day, period.

On my soul and honor: I AM NOT EXPRESSING HATRED FOR YOU OR GAYS WITH THESE WORDS. I can believe in rights without supporting a false cultural agenda.

stop being mean to me traci :cry:

Now that GFR7 has once again exposed himself as an ally of the LGBTQueer movement...(remember folks, the WHMBR! table of contents tells no lies).
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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The question that remains unanswered is:

Why are you defending such a sick behavior and evil movement? [that as shown amongst other things harasses people who speak out against homosexuality; indoctrinates children; etc. etc. etc.

The actual question that remains unanswered is the one you've deflected away from for pages now, that being when you 'chose' your orientation, whatever that happens to be.

(What Art just said is this: He wants to believe no matter what evidence is provided to the contrary, that he and others were born with same sex desires and that they can't be changed, hence he has to defend homosexual behavior and the agenda that has taken over our once great society like a tsunami and he couldn't care less who the victims of the 'gay' agenda are, be it people who speak out for decency, children, or other homosexuals who die from terrible sexually transmitted diseases).

Thanks for your honesty Art.



New member
Now that GFR7 has once again exposed himself as an ally of the LGBTQueer movement...(remember folks, the WHMBR! table of contents tells no lies).
Stop being a first class idiot: I am no ally:

I am clear about being against the social effects of this movement.

I just don't want to be accused of being motivated by hate. It's dreadful. :nono:

Of course if SCOTUS passes SSM, my posting about the marriage issue will be dropped.
I have no control over that .

You pay no attention to details in what I say here or in your table of contents.
You think you catch me out but you don't , you big, big mean brute. :madmad:


Originally Posted by alwight
Accepting that some people just happen to have paedophilic tendencies would be a step in the right direction.
Nobody here at least is even remotely suggesting that paedophiles have any right to use children in any way at all for it.

Yep, and anyone who had a smattering of a brain and objective thought would also acknowledge the zero tolerance policy towards child molestation including the high profile cases in recent months. Jimmy Saville and Rolf Harris anyone? The crackdowns on child abuse have increased else someone show how they haven't.

While I don't want to drift off into talking about homosexual pedophilia and pederasty (i.e. the homosexual founded North American Man Boy Love Association, how homosexuals permeated the Boy Scouts and the Catholic Church and molested little boys, the UK's leading homosexual activist (Peter Tatchell) and his letter to the editor defending pedophilia etc. etc. etc.), as that is an entire segment in itself, I have shown evidence (which I recently pointed out to homosexualist GFR7) that the prosecution of accused homosexual pedophiles and pederasts are "selective" and as shown in this link talking about a heterosexual pedophile, when sentenced after conviction, not extremely harsh.

Admitted Child Predator Arrested Again

Did I mention that the WHMBR! table of contents tells no lies?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
And now to the crux of what bothers you, Al, Traci and every defender of homosexuality more than anything: As I've said numerous times before and will continue to say many many more times, when it comes to HATRED by the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, people like Peter LaBarbera, Matt Barber, Paul Cameron, Bryan Fischer and me don't even register on the LGBTQueer HATE meter, it's those damn EX HOMOSEXUALS that are HATED a million times more than any right wing homophobic bigot could ever be hated, as they had the audacity to leave the homosexual lifestyle and often times desires behind.

Thousands and thousands? If there are so many why can't anyone find more than a handful (most of whom have jobs that depend on them continuing to claim that they
"left homosexuality behind"

And no one is calling them liars. They never claim to be heterosexuals...

no one hates ex-gays. People feel sorry for them because they spent years being lied to and years being emotionally and physically and often sexually abused by their families and by fake therapists and by bigots. Ex-gays need help and support to deal with the abuse they've suffered and the state of self hatred that reparative therapy has to instill in people as young as three years old.

There is an element of truth here aCW at least in that gay people may resent being told that their sexual orientation is a simple matter of choice, because they believe that they know rather better what is innate to them just as most straight persons do too. I too would resent being told by someone with a religious agenda that I must change my sexual habits, even if I couldn't mentally change which sex I happen to find more desirable.

Here you have presented apparently ex-gay people who are imo probably currently rather more keen on their particular religious beliefs than in a perhaps previously unsatisfactory sex life and lifestyle often at conflict with or in opposition to their religion as they might see it.

However, simply abstaining from their previous sexual activities is not somehow choosing to become attracted to the opposite sex, which is typically not a possibility imo, other than perhaps for a bisexual. It's not becoming ex-gay. :nono:

Can't you ex homosexuals out there following this thread just feel the love, support and encouragement from homosexualists like TracerBullet and alwight?

Yeah, proud and unrepentant homosexuals (i.e. the "born that way" crowd) support and encourage you so much in your choice to leave homosexuality behind that they created a website just for you:

Ex-Gay Watch

News and analysis of exgay politics and culture.



Since it's that time of year where I take what little tax return money I get and go The Red Lobster where I devour a plate full of juicy succulent lobster tails, I wanted to share this article from the website "Gay Christian Movement Watch" about the tired old argument that homosexualists use regarding Leviticus, homosexuality and shellfish.

Dear ‘God hates Shrimp’ people: the menu has been updated

Feb. 11, 2015

You’ve probably heard the shrimp retort a 1000 times from gay christians and their liberal religious supporters. Its their gotcha answer to the so called “clobber passages” (bible scriptures they hate and wish didn’t exist). The major contention argument is that Christians are “cherry-picking” which scriptures to apply to their condemnation of homosexuality while ignoring others; therefore their prejudice is exposed and not a concern for what the Bible actually says. So obsessed are gays with shrimpology, they even have a whole website dedicated to it.

Joe Decker and Ryland Sanders (now deceased) take ownership for the site. Decker and Sanders try to laugh it off by saying its a “parody” site, but they are dead serious...

Shrimpology is a major rebuttal tenet of the gay activist orthodoxy. They believe in it just as strongly as they do Stonewall. See here, here and here just to name a few.

We get it that most gays think Christians who oppose homosexuality on biblical grounds are hypocrites. Its a given, especially when one’s pet sin is being challenged. And homosexuality is THE pet sin of the gay movement so its understandable they would take umbrage at any challenge that what they do sexually is an abomination to God.

But there been some updates that the shrimpologists may not be aware of. Both of the menu updates are from Jesus.

And he saith unto them, Are ye so without understanding also? Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him; Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats?And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man. Mark 7:18-23...

Here’s the main points of the update, summarized:

1. Jesus issued the update over 2,000 years ago. He said its not what type of food a man eats that defiles him, its the wickedness in his heart.

2. In Acts, Christ tells Peter, his main Apostle to the Jews, via a vision that God when God declares something clean, it is clean. The analogy of the food was a very powerful one for Peter an Apostle to the Jews who couldnt eat banned foods.

3. Twice, we have clear evidence from Jesus himself (not a third party) that food is not the issue and what food was unclean is now cleared for consumption.

4. There is no evidence, no words, nothing implied, anywhere in the New Testament absolving homosexuality as clean or acceptable to any person. It is still unclean, abominable and unacceptable to God in every context. No law or decree about homosexuality was rescinded by Christ except that instead of deserved death, now the homosexual was welcome to come to God and find freedom from his sins.

Having said that, please stop denying yourself the deliciousness of some cajun fried shrimp or some incredible shrimp scampi because you didn’t get the update memo.

God doesn’t hate shrimp, He hates sin.

Read more: http://www.gcmwatch.com/

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New member
Can't you ex homosexuals out there following this thread just feel the love, support and encouragement from homosexualists like TracerBullet and alwight?

Yeah, proud and unrepentant homosexuals (i.e. the "born that way" crowd) support and encourage you so much in your choice to leave homosexuality behind that they created a website just for you:

Ex-Gay Watch

News and analysis of exgay politics and culture.

I realise that perhaps your sexual orientation and your religious beliefs are probably pulling you in opposite directions aCW, but please believe me that I do sympathise, we each have our own crosses to bear (so to speak).;)
However, given that the dye is cast for each of us regarding our physical and mental makeup perhaps the time has come for you to accept reality and face facts instead of running away from them?
You simply cannot choose your sexual orientation, it is what it is!
If that makes life difficult for you then I'm sorry, no I really am.
If the people you know are homophobic bigots then that won't help either, seek out more tolerant people.

Oh and remember aCW that life's a "female dog" and then you die.
That always cheers me up. :thumb:


New member
(What Art just said is this: He wants to believe no matter what evidence is provided to the contrary, that he and others were born with same sex desires
What evidence?

and that they can't be changed,
what evidence?

hence he has to defend homosexual behavior and the agenda that has taken over our once great society
What agenda?

like a tsunami and he couldn't care less who the victims of the 'gay' agenda are, be it people who speak out for decency, children, or other homosexuals who die from terrible sexually transmitted diseases).
homophobia isn't a sexually transmitted disease


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
And now to the crux of what bothers you, Al, Traci and every defender of homosexuality more than anything: As I've said numerous times before and will continue to say many many more times, when it comes to HATRED by the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, people like Peter LaBarbera, Matt Barber, Paul Cameron, Bryan Fischer and me don't even register on the LGBTQueer HATE meter, it's those damn EX HOMOSEXUALS that are HATED a million times more than any right wing homophobic bigot could ever be hated, as they had the audacity to leave the homosexual lifestyle and often times desires behind.

Can't you ex homosexuals out there following this thread just feel the love, support and encouragement from homosexualists like TracerBullet and alwight?

Yeah, proud and unrepentant homosexuals (i.e. the "born that way" crowd) support and encourage you so much in your choice to leave homosexuality behind that they created a website just for you:

No one hates ex-gays, they are just victims of abuse who need real help.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Can't you ex homosexuals out there following this thread just feel the love, support and encouragement from homosexualists like TracerBullet and alwight?

Yeah, proud and unrepentant homosexuals (i.e. the "born that way" crowd) support and encourage you so much in your choice to leave homosexuality behind that they created a website just for you:

Ex-Gay Watch

News and analysis of exgay politics and culture.

I realise that perhaps your sexual orientation and your religious beliefs are probably pulling you in opposite directions aCW, but please believe me that I do sympathise, we each have our own crosses to bear (so to speak).;)
However, given that the dye is cast for each of us regarding our physical and mental makeup perhaps the time has come for you to accept reality and face facts instead of running away from them?
You simply cannot choose your sexual orientation, it is what it is!
If that makes life difficult for you then I'm sorry, no I really am.
If the people you know are homophobic bigots then that won't help either, seek out more tolerant people.

Oh and remember aCW that life's a "female dog" and then you die.
That always cheers me up. :thumb:

I've been meaning to ask you Al:

How are your wife and kids doing?

Mine are fantastic as usual. Thanks for asking.


Even if he's right it doesn't matter. Every son of Adam is morally responsible for his actions regardless of whether his genetic makeup predisposes him toward certain sins or not.

(Note the part I put in bold. Jr. is part of the 'gay gene' crowd).

Just so we know Jr., are you a "as long as consent is used" Libertarian today or are you a Joel McDurmon/Gary North Christian Reconstructionist?

You have so many personalities, it's impossible to stay up with them all.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Can't you ex homosexuals out there following this thread just feel the love, support and encouragement from homosexualists like TracerBullet and alwight?

Yeah, proud and unrepentant homosexuals (i.e. the "born that way" crowd) support and encourage you so much in your choice to leave homosexuality behind that they created a website just for you:

Ex Gay Watch

No one hates ex-gays, they are just victims of abuse who need real help.

And let me guess who they should go to find that "real help" Traci:



New member
Even if he's right it doesn't matter. Every son of Adam is morally responsible for his actions regardless of whether his genetic makeup predisposes him toward certain sins or not.
Truth. We all of us have the potential to lust, steal, lie, or even murder, but must resist such.
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