Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What would you call someone who made these quotes Al?
Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race...
Well, I'm pro-choice, but I'm not pro the choice of someone to choose for someone else, but I think we can safely leave that to right wing control freaks like you aCW.
I have a great idea Al: Why don't you convince your fellow sexual anarchists to NOT vote in upcoming elections and let me and my fellow right wing control freaks take back what was once a Judeo-Christianized civilization? Sounds like a win win situation Al: you get to be lazy, I get back a country that honors God.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
BTW Al, I noticed that you didn't comment on the Masters and Johnson homosexual therapy article. Over a 50% conversion rate, pretty impressive huh?
No, that was from back in the day when homosexuality was actually thought to be a mental disorder, which of course we all now know to be utter cobblers, right aCW?
Sorry Al, but the M&J study had nothing to do with the APA stating that homosexuality was a mental disorder. It involved those that engaged in homosexual behavior who wanted to leave the lifestyle and desires behind. Many (over 50%) did.
(Yet another blow for the 'gay' gene crowd).