Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Is that the best you can do anna? You come in here with the blood of 58 million unborn babies and countless physically and emotionally neglected children who were molested by the perverts that you defend just ooooozing out of your pores and all you can do is come up with the background of some actor?

Back to your sodomite drawing board anna, as that ploy didn't work then and it certainly won't work now.

Right on cue... I'll just repeat what I said in the other thread:

Sorry to take down that strawman, but I haven't murdered any babies.

You, Mr. Ends Justifies the Means who thinks the head of the Iranian secret police was a great man - you would subvert everything on which this country was established by forcibly evicting people who don't agree with your crazy morality policing, and you attempt to justify your antics somehow, some way, by trying to connect it back to abortion.

Abortion is a terrible thing, and you trivialize it by using it as your get-out-of an-argument-you-can't-win strategy.

I realize that in the pretend world of the internet people like Rusha, GFR7 and Town Heretic can vote for the most pro abortion/sodomite loving President ever who ran on a political party platform that has been pro abortion going back to the days of Roe v Wade and still say that they're pro life.

Or L/libertarians like WizardofOz can vote for President a drug pushing/sodomite loving abortionist whose political party platform has been pro abortion since it crawled out from underneath a rock circa 1970 and still say that he's pro life, but it doesn't work that way in real life anna.

You're all part of the sexual anarchist movement, a movement that allows people to do with their bodies as they please, be it murdering babies, sodomizing little boys (and sometimes even adults), or selling one's body for sex (pornography and prostitution).

So take your make believe world to another thread anna, as this one deals solely with reality.


Well-known member
Nice to see that aCowardlyWeasel was shamed into shutting down his pathetic MLK-bashing thread. Exposing his white supremacist links, faked photographs and fabricated propaganda was too much for him and he closed shop and scurried away. Good to see that sort of crap fail.


And now a few words from a sexual anarchist who is certain that homosexuality is A-Okay, but just doesn't know if God exists (zoo22 like alwight has chosen door #2 in the 3 tenets of atheism...he HATES God).

Nice to see that aCowardlyWeasel was shamed into shutting down his pathetic MLK-bashing thread. Exposing his white supremacist links, faked photographs and fabricated propaganda was too much for him and he closed shop and scurried away. Good to see that sort of crap fail.

Feel free to support 'Klanned' Parenthood;

the Communist Party; plagiarists; 'Christian' Reverends who don't believe in the divinity of Christ; proud and unrepentant adulterers/sexual deviants who beat up hookers and whose closest advisor was a homosexual in this thread zooooo, as MLK Jr. was the epitome of the sexual anarchist movement that you represent.


Did you see this, aCW? (I skipped over what you said about me because it is too appalling that you would lump me in with certain liberals :AMR1: )---
Any way, what do you think of this? :think:

You all voted for the baby murdering sodomite Obama. Besides, you're now a L/libertarian, and they live in the same moral sewer as liberals.

Licked doorknobs to infect Christian leader, wishes Republicans 'f---ing dead'


Pssst, muffin, you might want to edit that filth out of your title cuz if WizardofOz and drbrumley (those two moral pillars of society) see it they'll report you.


New member
You all voted for the baby murdering sodomite Obama. Besides, you're now a L/libertarian, and they live in the same moral sewer as liberals.

Pssst, muffin, you might want to edit that filth out of your title cuz if WizardofOz and drbrumley (those two moral pillars of society) see it they'll report you.


New member
You all voted for the baby murdering sodomite Obama. Besides, you're now a L/libertarian, and they live in the same moral sewer as liberals.

Pssst, muffin, you might want to edit that filth out of your title cuz if WizardofOz and drbrumley (those two moral pillars of society) see it they'll report you.


New member
I realize that in the pretend world of the internet people like Rusha, GFR7 and Town Heretic can vote for the most pro abortion/sodomite loving President ever who ran on a political party platform that has been pro abortion going back to the days of Roe v Wade and still say that they're pro life.

Or L/libertarians like WizardofOz can vote for President a drug pushing/sodomite loving abortionist whose political party platform has been pro abortion since it crawled out from underneath a rock circa 1970 and still say that he's pro life, but it doesn't work that way in real life anna.

You're all part of the sexual anarchist movement, a movement that allows people to do with their bodies as they please, be it murdering babies, sodomizing little boys (and sometimes even adults), or selling one's body for sex (pornography and prostitution).
So you're not a particularly keen pro-choicer then aCW? :)


New member
aCultureWarrior said:
You're all part of the sexual anarchist movement, a movement that allows people to do with their bodies as they please, be it murdering babies, sodomizing little boys (and sometimes even adults), or selling one's body for sex (pornography and prostitution).
Nope. Don't include me, dear. I am against all of this.


New member
Karl (aCW);

Remember when Dan Savage was talking about the question of adultery in gay marriage? :think:

*graphic language content* - only posting this to remind how Dan Savage thinks about gay marriage adultery:


And did you hear about this, aCW? :think:

Breaking: Bryan Fischer Fired As American Family Association's Spokesperson

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
I realize that in the pretend world of the internet people like Rusha, GFR7 and Town Heretic can vote for the most pro abortion/sodomite loving President ever who ran on a political party platform that has been pro abortion going back to the days of Roe v Wade and still say that they're pro life.

Or L/libertarians like WizardofOz can vote for President a drug pushing/sodomite loving abortionist whose political party platform has been pro abortion since it crawled out from underneath a rock circa 1970 and still say that he's pro life, but it doesn't work that way in real life anna.

You're all part of the sexual anarchist movement, a movement that allows people to do with their bodies as they please, be it murdering babies, sodomizing little boys (and sometimes even adults), or selling one's body for sex (pornography and prostitution).

So you're not a particularly keen pro-choicer then aCW? :)

What gave it away Al?

Speaking of abortion: I was looking at the Klanned Parenthood website and I see that they too tie Sanger's baby murdering organization in with Hitler's Nazis.

I wonder if Art Brain learned about that connection during his 2 hour tour of the Holocaust Museum?


Finishing off the segment on GLAAD's media awards nominations:


If the moral degenerates at GLAAD nominated a Showtime series about Masters and Johnson as one of the "Outstanding Drama Series" on television, then you know that Masters and Johnson must have done quite a bit to promote perversion.

That being said: I wonder if GLAAD is aware of this study by Masters and Johnson?

(From our friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality) :

Can Homosexuals Change to Heterosexuals? Masters & Johnson Said Yes

Steve Bennett, a former homosexual, and his wife Irene, with their two beautiful children, are a wonderful testimony to the possibility of healthy change for homosexuals. So if we already know that men and women can leave homosexuality behind, why isn’t this phenomenon studied in the academy? What are “queer” activists and liberal researchers afraid will be discovered?

Check out this fascinating nugget from a near-three-decades-old Time Magazine article on (pro-”gay”) sex researchers William Howell Masters and Virginia Johnson. Note the high success rate of homosexuals seeking change. This begs the question: why isn’t the potential for change for homosexuals studied in the academy today, or the environmental factors common in the development of homosexual identity? Instead, all we hear about are studies — many funded through taxpayer dollars — seeking to prove that homosexuality is genetic.

We already have ample proof that “gays” can change, despite the heated denials of fanatical (and very vocal) homosexual ideologues like Wayne Besen. Yet a stifling pro-homosexual political correctness hinders all inquiry into this part of the equation, which is sad, because many men and women with unwanted homosexual attractions could be helped through such research. Also, we know that homo-sexual behavior is very unhealthy (especially for men) — another subject worthy of government-subsidized research.

There are absolutely no logical or common-sense reasons why “changing-homosexuality” research and the environmental factors common in homosexual development should not be studied in the academy. It’s all about “gay” power and “gay” politics. AFTAH’s challenge to “queer” activists and their allies: what are you afraid will be discovered through such research? For the leading secular organization pursuing the reality of healthy change for homosexual men and women, see NARTH’s (National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality) website at www.narth.com. — Peter LaBarbera

From Time’s article, “Masters and Johnson on Homosexuality,” April 23, 1979 (emphasis added):

One of the book’s most unexpected findings did not come out of the homosexual research project, but from sex therapy provided for gays–itself something of a pioneering venture. Between 1968 and 1977 the researchers treated, for various sexual problems, 151 homosexuals, including 54 men and 13 women who wanted to convert or revert to heterosexuality. M & J do not list a success rate for such conversions, only a known failure rate. That failure rate is now at 35%, and is not expected to exceed 45% when all the five-year follow-ups are completed. For professional therapists, many of whom believe that such conversions are rare or impossible, this is likely to be the book’s most surprising statistic. It would mean that a permanent, or at least longterm, switch to heterosexuality is possible more than half the time among gays who are highly motivated to change.


Ex-homosexual and father of two Steve Bennett with his wife Irene shows that change is possible.


New member
What gave it away Al?
I just seem to be able to tell somehow. :plain:

Speaking of abortion: I was looking at the Klanned Parenthood website and I see that they too tie Sanger's baby murdering organization in with Hitler's Nazis.

I wonder if Art Brain learned about that connection during his 2 hour tour of the Holocaust Museum?
I have to admit that I was rather more surprised at the different abortion rates of black Americans rather than what Hitler's cronies got up to, maybe they think that contraception is for wimps or the rich? :idunno:
After all, condoms also come in black.

As for the Nazis, I can inform you aCW that they were not nice people, not nice people at all, oh no. :nono:
So if you do have a particular agenda to peddle, perhaps in over-lurid gordy graphics, then association or comparison with Hitler's Nazis is probably a logical tactic to consider.
However imo Godwin's law still applies and the argument has probably thereby been already lost to more calm and rational protagonists.:plain:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Speaking of abortion: I was looking at the Klanned Parenthood website and I see that they too tie Sanger's baby murdering organization in with Hitler's Nazis.

I wonder if Art Brain learned about that connection during his 2 hour tour of the Holocaust Museum?

I have to admit that I was rather more surprised at the different abortion rates of black Americans rather than what Hitler's cronies got up to, maybe they think that contraception is for wimps or the rich?
After all, condoms also come in black.

Thanks for acknowledging that Hitler and Sanger (and thus Planned Parenthood) were/are nothing but a bunch of racists.

As for the Nazis, I can inform you aCW that they were not nice people, not nice people at all, oh no.

They like all proud and unrepentant homosexuals, were very morally confused people. I wonder if Hitler was sodomized as a youth or grew up in a house without a father in it? Perhaps you could look into that for me Al?

So if you do have a particular agenda to peddle, perhaps in over-lurid gordy graphics, then associating or comparing them to Hitler's Nazis is probably a logical tactic to consider.
However imo Godwin's law still applies and the argument has probably thereby been already lost to more calm and rational protagonists.

Speaking of abortion: I'd like any of TOL's diehard right to lifers to come forward and tell me that the Philippine's law shouldn't be legislated here in the US.

Abortion has been illegal in the Philippines since 1930, when it was first criminalized. The only acceptable reason for an abortion is when the mother’s life is in danger, in which case permission for the abortion must be obtained from a board of medical professionals. The 1975 Child and Youth Welfare Code established that a person has inherent dignity from the moment of conception. The Constitution of 1987 reinforces this ruling, requiring that the state “equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception.”


New member
Thanks for acknowledging that Hitler and Sanger (and thus Planned Parenthood) were/are nothing but a bunch of racists.
The reason that American black women have more abortions is apparently because they choose to, not because they were forced into it. You may then want to investigate American society for exactly why that is rather than calling any individuals racist.

They like all proud and unrepentant homosexuals, were very morally confused people. I wonder if Hitler was sodomized as a youth or grew up in a house without a father in it? Perhaps you could look into that for me Al?
I would much rather not accompany you in your daft mental meanderings aCW.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thanks for acknowledging that Hitler and Sanger (and thus Planned Parenthood) were/are nothing but a bunch of racists.

The reason that American black women have more abortions is apparently because they choose to, not because they were forced into it.

The liberal/L/libertarian policies that promote irresponsible behaviors such as out of wedlock sex, cohabitation, no-fault divorce, recreational drug use and alcoholism have disproportionately effected Americans whose skin color happen to be black, hence the reason 'Klanned' Parenthood camps out in black areas.

You may then want to investigate American society for exactly why that is rather than calling any individuals racist.

What would you call someone who made these quotes Al?

Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

[We should] apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.

Article 1. The purpose of the American Baby Code shall be to provide for a better distribution of babies… and to protect society against the propagation and increase of the unfit.
Article 4. No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child, and no man shall have the right to become a father, without a permit…
Article 6. No permit for parenthood shall be valid for more than one birth.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
They like all proud and unrepentant homosexuals, were very morally confused people. I wonder if Hitler was sodomized as a youth or grew up in a house without a father in it? Perhaps you could look into that for me Al?

I would much rather not accompany you in your daft mental meanderings aCW.

Or take a stroll down memory lane...

BTW Al, I noticed that you didn't comment on the Masters and Johnson homosexual therapy article. Over a 50% conversion rate, pretty impressive huh?



Thanks for responding to my posts and questions - NOT. :madmad: :AMR1:

I've covered the child indoctrinating-menage a trois'in pervert Dan Savage ad nauseam throughout this 3 part thread; you haven't had enough of the moral degenerate?
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