Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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The gospel of Jesus Christ is only a part of God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture...
It pains me to agree with you, technically, and I do. But all parts are not equally weighted.
...God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah largely due to homosexuality and instructed the Jews (via their civil government) to punish those that were involved in various sexual sins (homosexuality included) with death...
Oh, yes. Very much so.
...So quit downplaying how insignificant homosexuality is (and other sexual sins are) when it comes to Holy Scripture...
I'm not downplaying anything.
...Civil Government: The Neglected Ministry (there'll be a test later to see if you studied the article).

Within the Body of Christ, whatever he's suggesting or recommending or declaring or preaching, if he's got an error in his theology somewhere, he loses credibility. And, he's got some errors in his theology.

We oughtn't talk about them here, in the Politics section.


New member
And here I thought that 2,000 years of righteous civil government laws (based on God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture) did a pretty fine job of restraining immoral sexual behaviors.
Ah yes, the very same laws that condoned slavery. The right to be free can be ignored but what two people may do together in private cannot. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Ah yes, the very same laws that condoned slavery. The right to be free can be ignored but what two people may do together in private cannot. :rolleyes:
If you are working for somebody, you are a 'slave' akin to the OT view. Some parents make their children earn allowances too. :noway:


New member
If you are working for somebody, you are a 'slave' akin to the OT view. Some parents make their children earn allowances too. :noway:
I think then that you have a very predictable biased Christian based apologetic misconception about slavery in Biblical times Lon, bearing little or no relationship to the actual truth. Btw the NT also condones slavery. Typical voluntary employees these days however are not slaves since they are free to leave if they so wish, unlike a typical Roman slave.


Originally Posted by Jedidiah
[ Paul says fornication is not a crime against others, and is a sin against oneself (this is true for all types of fornication).

All sins involves others. You are mistaken greatly.

Wow, that's some pure truthsmack if there ever was any.

(and I'll add that God ordained the civil magistrate to deal with certain kinds of sins through righteous laws, sexual ones included because of the devastating effect that they have on others...including society as a whole).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jedidiah
[ Paul says fornication is not a crime against others, and is a sin against oneself (this is true for all types of fornication).

Wow, that's some pure truthsmack if there ever was any.

(and I'll add that God ordained the civil magistrate to deal with certain kinds of sins through righteous laws, sexual ones included because of the devastating effect that they have on others...including society as a whole).

What about punching adolescent children full force in the chest? Should that rightfully be regarded as assault/abuse?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
...Civil Government: The Neglected Ministry (there'll be a test later to see if you studied the article).


Within the Body of Christ, whatever he's suggesting or recommending or declaring or preaching, if he's got an error in his theology somewhere, he loses credibility. And, he's got some errors in his theology.

Of course Professor Archie P. Jones has some errors in his theology, because he doesn't attend the same church as you, musterion or Doom (and while the above 3 argue that their way is the ONLY way to Heaven, in the next few decades another 58 million unborn babies will be murdered in the womb and generations of children will be taught that perversion is normal ).

We oughtn't talk about them here, in the Politics section.

That's where this thread will stay, where it belongs in the politics section.

I will however be discussing how the LGBTQueer movement has permeated Christianity in the segment I'll call "The 3 tenets of atheism" (there is no God, I HATE Him, I HATE Him so much that I'll redefine His Word in Holy Scripture to meet my selfish and perverted desires).

I'll look forward to your input when I start that segment.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It's time for a little late night music. This is an oldie but a goodie that I'm dedicating to TOL life long "bachelors" GFR7, alwight and Art Brain, who don't know what they're missing out on.

It's about as bland and boring as you to be honest. If you're gonna project then at least have something with some zest to it?

Then tell us about the sweeter than wine kisses that you received from girls and women during your 43 years here on God's green earth Art.

Why would you call me a life long bachelor when I was married in New York City in 1985 and our son was born 1987? My marriage lasted until 2006 when death stepped in.

As I'd mentioned in an earlier post: I not only don't believe that you were ever married, I don't want to believe that someone would expose his wife and child to the drag queens, dykes, fairies and the pedophiles and pederasts who make up the absolutely filthy and vile homosexual culture.


New member
aCultureWarrior said:
As I'd mentioned in an earlier post: I not only don't believe that you were ever married, I don't want to believe that someone would expose his wife and child to the drag queens, dykes, fairies and the pedophiles and pederasts who make up the absolutely filthy and vile homosexual culture.
Well, I was married and consider myself to still be married even in death (Swedenborg Christianity). And I'm still father to my son, and always will be. And I was one of the many writers and researchers with family in Provincetown for a short time. Stop projecting whatever reality you want onto the world, and deal with empirical truth.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Then tell us about the sweeter than wine kisses that you received from girls and women during your 43 years here on God's green earth Art.

Eh, if you think I'd share any such thing with a crank who endorses physical violence towards minors you're even more off your rocker than previously thought, and I'm not 43 either. Is there anything you actually get right?


What about punching adolescent children full force in the chest? Should that rightfully be regarded as assault/abuse?


I appears that you're more upset with a Christian youth pastor straightening out a smart aleck kid then you are with the degenerates of the LGBTQueer movement teaching children that sexual perversion is normal and in the case of the late Joshua Ryan Alcorn (a 17 year old sexually confused teenager who committed suicide because his parents didn't approve of him being a transsexual) that changing the gender you are born with and eventually mutilating your genitals is normal.


Why is that Art?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I appears that you're more upset with a Christian youth pastor straightening out a smart aleck kid then you are with the degenerates of the LGBTQueer movement teaching children that sexual perversion is normal and in the case of the late Joshua Ryan Alcorn (a 17 year old sexually confused teenager who committed suicide because his parents didn't approve of him being a transsexual) that changing the gender you are born with and eventually mutilating your genitals is normal.

Why is that Art?

I was actually concerned with the physical and potentially dangerous violence he employed towards a minor, something that the pastor in question at least had the grace to apologize and show remorse for, even if you - in a party of one - still happen to think is okay. Nice try at shifting the goalposts though.


New member
...Of course Professor Archie P. Jones has some errors in his theology, because he doesn't attend the same church as you, musterion or Doom (and while the above 3 argue that their way is the ONLY way to Heaven, in the next few decades another 58 million unborn babies will be murdered in the womb and generations of children will be taught that perversion is normal )...
I agree with your point, we the Body cannot even agree on what we all believe, which is my point right from the get go. When we can come to agreement ourselves, within the Body, then we will have an undivided front with which to batter our common opponent. It is absolutely necessary for us to be of one mind, and that begins in theology. And it will lead to, not only fewer killed children, but also to more saved souls for eternity.
...That's where this thread will stay, where it belongs in the politics section.

I will however be discussing how the LGBTQueer movement has permeated Christianity in the segment I'll call "The 3 tenets of atheism" (there is no God, I HATE Him, I HATE Him so much that I'll redefine His Word in Holy Scripture to meet my selfish and perverted desires).

I'll look forward to your input when I start that segment.
Sounds worthy, I'll look out for it. My belief is that there is only 1 tenet of atheism, and that is that we are all determined and that we are not free, which is silliness on its face, and it forms the foundation for the atheists' house of cards. And this fatalism can be ridiculed and pummeled until nobody believes it. But we need to do it together.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I appears that you're more upset with a Christian youth pastor straightening out a smart aleck kid then you are with the degenerates of the LGBTQueer movement teaching children that sexual perversion is normal and in the case of the late Joshua Ryan Alcorn (a 17 year old sexually confused teenager who committed suicide because his parents didn't approve of him being a transsexual) that changing the gender you are born with and eventually mutilating your genitals is normal.

Why is that Art?

I was actually concerned with the physical and potentially dangerous violence he employed towards a minor, something that the pastor in question at least had the grace to apologize and show remorse for, even if you - in a party of one - still happen to think is okay. Nice try at shifting the goalposts though.

Yet you're not the least bit concerned about a 17 year old boy who killed himself because he was tricked into believing that he was a girl by a bunch of perverts?

Since the normalization of genital mutilation is the next phase in the LGBTQueer movement's agenda, I'll share Gina Miller's article that talks about who is really responsible for the death of young Joshua Alcorn.

Teens Suicide Shows Tragic Folly of ‘Transgender’ Delusion

Jan. 17, 2015

On Sunday, December 28th, a mentally ill Ohio teenager committed suicide by stepping in front of a semi-trailer on an interstate, selfishly forcing the driver to run him down. The driver, who was minding his own business, will now have to live with this horror the rest of his life. How do I know the kid was mentally ill? I know, because 17-year-old Joshua Alcorn believed he was a girl trapped in a boy’s body and had apparently labored under this tragic “transgender” delusion since he was a little boy. In his suicide note, he blamed his Christian parents for not supporting and encouraging him in his fantasy. Instead, they did the best they knew how in getting him psychiatric help and telling him the truth that he could never be a girl.

Naturally, the radical homosexual activist community is seizing on this horrific suicide as an excuse to falsely blame the young man’s death on the Christian beliefs of his parents. This is to be expected today in our truly insane society, in which all manner of deception and lies are embraced by a fringe minority and spread far and wide by a complicit, dark-minded media. Members of the sexual anarchy movement have in their cross-hairs anyone who publicly opposes their tyrannical agenda, and they will not hesitate to cravenly use an awful event like this kid’s suicide to further that agenda.

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2015/01/07/0700-teens-suicide-shows-tragic-folly-transgender-delusion/

How much longer before this confused boy decides to take his life because he can no longer continue to live the lie that the moral degenerates of the LGBTQueer movement keep spewing out?



In typical left-wing fashion, the LGBTQueer movement are following the advice of current Chicago mayor and previous B. Hussein Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel when he said:

"You never want to let a serious crisis go to waste".

Dan Savage: ‘Leelah Alcorn’s parents should be prosecuted over suicide’

Jan. 1, 2015

Gay rights activist Dan Savage has hit out at the parents of 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn, the trans teenager who tragically took her own life last Sunday (December 28).

After facing rejection from her friends and family and being subjected to sessions with “biased” Christian therapists, Leelah was killed after deliberately stepping out into the road, but not before writing a heartbreaking suicide note outlining her struggle –

Now ‘It Gets Better’ founder Dan Savage has reacted to the story, saying that Leelah’s “criminally reckless” parents should face criminal charges over their daughter’s death.

In a series of tweets posted yesterday (Deceber 31), the 50-year-old claimed that rejecting queer children amounts to “abuse” and that “an example needs 2 [sic] be made” of Leelah’s parents..


And if there is legislation that keeps parents from helping their sexually confused child from leaving homosexual desires and behavior behind, it goes without saying that there should be legislation that prohibits parents from helping their gender confused child as well.

Enact Leelah's Law to Ban Transgender Conversion Therapy

In the pursuit of honoring Leelah's last request we the petitioners call upon the President of the United State- Barack Obama, and the Leadership of the House and Senate to immediately seek a pathway for banning the practice known as 'transgender conversion therapy'. We ask that you name the bill in memory of Leelah as the Leelah's Alcorn Law and protect the lives of transgender youth.

'Conversion therapies' have been documented to cause great harms and in this case, Leelah's death. Therapists that engage in the attempt to brainwash or reverse any childs gender identity are seriously unethical and legislation is needed to end such practices immediately. Transgender youth have one of the highest suicide rates in the nation. We must not allow therapists to increase those rates with therapy methodologies that have been demonstrated in harming trasngender youth.

Isn't life just great since homosexuality was decriminalized?
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New member

All of these articles about Dan Savage and Leelah and Transgenderism were originally brought to your attention by yours truly - but you are afraid of your own ally.

And why? Because I ate in Provincetown and had my family with me for stints, even though they spent most of their time in Concord and Salem, and at our family home in Booth Bay Harbor, ME.

Just look at what is afoot now:


In agreement with Dan Savage’s view, Leelah Alcorn’s parents should indeed be prosecuted; the emotional abuse they unleashed on their daughter as evidenced through her online footprint can be seen to be the direct cause of her death.

Anyway, I do feel she is very, very pretty, and perhaps right for you? :think:

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yet you're not the least bit concerned about a 17 year old boy who killed himself because he was tricked into believing that he was a girl by a bunch of perverts?

I think it's tragic that this kid killed himself but not for your reasoning. I knew a lad at school that years later had surgery to change gender and it didn't really come as that much of a surprise. He wasn't 'camp' in any way but doubtless you'd have listed him as 'limp wristed' or 'effeminate' because he didn't exude macho attributes. I'll bet he would call the pastor who punched a kid in the chest all manner of names though, something that you still want to skirt about. Not surprising really.
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