And now onto the top 5 homosexualists and some of their posts from 2014.
5. He's a two time awardee in previous years: The first year for adamantly comparing cigarette smoking with homosexuality (he shut up when I told him that those who engage in homosexual behavior disproportionately smoke) and last year for his indoctrination of children:
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior:
The "Honey, we need to screen our babysitter better" award goes to Art Brain (you've all come to know and looooathe him as "Auntie Art"), who when asked what he would say if two children (who he was scheduled to baby sit on New Year's Eve) who asked him about homosexual relationships, responded with:
... If they saw that bizarre clip,or anything similar, they wouldn't even ask that, and even if they did and were persistent I'd say what's important is that people love each other and treat their partner and children with love and respect.
He's a drama queen to the bone and a denier of truth, be it about reparative therapy for sexually confused children, the fact that Adolf Hitler and his barbaric SS were homosexuals, or as seen here, denying that homosexuality is a disease ridden, child molesting 'deathstyle':
This years
"Queen of Denial" award goes to Art Brain:
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Obviously showing that homosexuality is an absolutely filthy, disease ridden behavior which has an agenda that involves the physical, mental and spiritual molestation of innocent children hasn't helped you change your mind on the subject Art.
Personal soap boxes and lugubrious cut and pastes from 'blogs', along with misinformation from said does not a convincing argument make. What two consenting adults do behind closed doors, be they gay or straight is none of your business. Your paranoid delusions about some global gay agenda are the stuff of manic conspiracy theorists...
4. The next sexual anarchist is another return awardee who doesn't have a lot to say, but when he does, he speaks pure perversion. He's not only a defender of homosexuality, but incest as well (which will be the next perversion legalized by the sexual anarchist movement):
The winner of
"The family that...ahem..." award goes to the barbarian:
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
By the way, are you still for the legalization of incest?
I still don't see a compelling public interest in banning incest between adults...
3. When you look up the word "straight jacket" in the dictionary you'll see a picture of this Libertarian nutcase next to it (imagine Daddy Paul about 150 years younger and you'll have a picture of Christian Liberty).
He's the alleged son of a Christian pastor, who at age 20 finally packed up his Barbie dolls and left home to live in a college dorm (rumor has it that Jr. had to find a surrogate mommy to tuck him in at night) and his knowledge of Holy Scripture leads him to believe that any consensual acts done between adults is acceptable (it's that Libertarian "victimless crime" thing).
I spent a good portion of Part 2's thread dealing with Jr. and his pro homosexual, pro abortion, pro recreational drug, pro prostitution, pro pornography (kiddy porn included) Libertarian movement, as I wanted to show people what they'll be getting if they vote for someone like Libertarian (pretend republican) Rand Paul.
While the Jr. Libertarian does openly support the things that the God-HATING Libertarian movement wants to remain legal or legalize, he's known for always throwing a disclaimer into his sick posts, as if mommy and daddy were monitoring him.
This years
"Disclaimer"award goes to Christian Liberty, aka the Jr. Libertarian, who as seen in this post defends perverts exposing themselves to children at gay pride parades.
As disgusting as it is, no I don't think exposing one's genitals in the presence of children is just cause to lock them up, as immoral as it is. It isn't actually a physical threat.
2. What can you say about the next homosexualist other than
"He tries SO hard!" to make himself look like a moderate (or even a conservative), yet his posts throughout Part 3's thread reveal the truth about him. While I have the utmost sympathy for him because he was victimized as a child (as seen in Part 3's most important post), I can't help but mock him because he's tried every angle that there is showing why homosexuality shouldn't be recriminalized (his latest ploy is that homosexuality should be recriminalized, but that it's not practical).
This years
"He tries SO hard!" award goes to GFR7, shown here in one of his earlier posts where he talks about the homosexual agenda being a passing fad like the disco era and if recriminalized, there would be "door to door searches" (a typical scaremongering tactic) :
Yes, you are right but at this point I would love to see the movement reach it's apex and reversal and just collapse - it is possible, as with the hippie movement and the disco era - door to door searches to see who is/is not engaging in gay sex after all this SCOTUS and federal backing just sounds surreal
And now...
1. Since GFR7 started posting, the following homosexualist rarely shows his face on TOL anymore...hmmmm, it must be a coincidence (he'll stop by the thread on occasion to see if I said anything that could be construed as a policy violation, hoping that the truth about this disease ridden behavior and the jack booted thug-child molesting agenda that goes with it can be suppressed).
He was the winner of last years top award and is more than worthy of this years award which I've named:
"Captain Obvious" award, because after my opening post where I talked about how the LGBTQueer movement infiltrated our society's invaluable institutions; how the LGBTQueer movement indoctrinates children; how the LGBTQueer movement is violent and intolerant and how disease ridden and deadly homosexual behavior really is, he replied with these words:
1). aCW lies about me twice in post #4...
2). aCW calls me a "moderate Libertarian"...
(Talk about a smokescreen. Is this guy obvious or what?).
Since I don't expect the above sexual anarchists to change their ways anytime soon, let's all give them a big round of applause for all of the misery and death that they've helped bring to our once great Christian nation.