Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Speaking of muzzies:

Finally a god that you can believe in Al.

Gay Imam Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed: "Allah Does Not Speak against Homosexuality in the Quran"

Dec. 17, 2014

In a TV interview, Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed, the imam of a gay-friendly mosque in Paris, said: "I believe that it was Allah who created homosexuals... Allah does not speak against homosexuality in the Quran."

I'm always very willing to consider new gods as they crop up aCW. ;)

While atheists/secular humanists and the false religion of Islam have so very much in common Al (their HATRED of Judeo-Christian doctrine being the first and foremost common denominator), you might not want to jump ship as of yet, as there are still a vast majority of muzzies out there that want people like Ludovic beheaded/stoned/hung for his homosexuality and activism (that's not to say that post pubescent boys/pederasty are off limits to muzzies, but then I never took you for the pederast type Al).

Compared to some posters around, just sometimes you almost seem sane, reasonable and rational to me. Which also worries me btw.

While I would love to take credit for 2,000 years of Christian doctrine and close to 200 years of US laws, I must give credit where credit is deserved.

Have you ever noticed that despite all the various homophobic righteous religious fundamentalism around the world, gay people are what they are, gay? Despite all the threats of eternal damnation by those who think that they know the mind of their particular god, homosexual people still exist. :plain:

Evil behaviors have existed since the beginning of mankind and will continue until Jesus Christ returns Al, but take note that when righteous laws aren't legislated and enforced, evil behaviors run rampant throughout society.


Christmas TV has been particularly bad this year, I've resorted to watching re-runs of The West Wing

(How people find that liberal garbage entertaining is beyond me).

and the Seattle Soap Box Derby.
One entrant to the soap box derby was called "Team Runaway Bride" and the "bride" and "groom" were both gay men, but there was no nudity, just good clean fun aCW? No doubt I'll see them in hell. :D


Welcome to life in Sodomy and Gonorrhea North Al.
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(Welcome to life in Sodomy and Gonorrhea North Al).

It seems like a nice place aCW.

And a mayor that you would be proud of.



New member
Neither is acceptable. Homosexuals are just disproportionately but statistically more prone to "mental illness" than normal people.
Those who suffer discrimination or think they are being discriminated against probably do tend to have more mental health issues.
The real problem imo is those who discriminate. :plain:


Well-known member
Those who suffer discrimination or think they are being discriminated against probably do tend to have more mental health issues.
The real problem imo is those who discriminate. :plain:

No it isn't. Look up the mental health stats for Berkeley or San Francisco.

Sodomites should be discriminated against because they are a threat to a cohesive society. Every individual sodomite? Perhaps not. The sodomite movement as a whole? Absolutely it is. It is a threat and should be acknowledged and opposed as such.

Besides...the bottom line is what it's always been: anyone who suffers from OCD (Orifice Confusion Disorder) is not right in the head and is not to be trusted.


New member
No it isn't. Look up the mental health stats for Berkeley or San Francisco.

Sodomites should be discriminated against because they are a threat to a cohesive society. Every individual sodomite? Perhaps not. The sodomite movement as a whole? Absolutely it is. It is a threat and should be acknowledged and opposed as such.

Besides...the bottom line is what it's always been: anyone who suffers from OCD (Orifice Confusion Disorder) is not right in the head and is not to be trusted.
That's your take, not mine. :nono:
Imo it's people like you who are at least part of the mental health issue, not that you would ever accept it of course.
Statistically more heterosexuals partake in sodomy, but what that has to do anything here beats me.

Homosexual people tend to experience more mental health problems than heterosexual people, research indicates. Discrimination may contribute to the higher risk, believes lead researcher Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK.

His team looked at rates of mental disorder among 7,403 adults living in the UK, whose details were obtained from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007. Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug dependence were significantly higher in homosexual respondents.




They're already using the excuse they used with Gacy and Dahmer...he's mentally ill, but not because he's a sodomite because THAT'S normal.

“Only God can judge me and I’m waiting for my judgement day”

He's got that much right, lest he repents.

Yet men righteously judged homosexual and cannibal Luka Magnotta per God's instructions.

No it isn't. Look up the mental health stats for Berkeley or San Francisco.

Sodomites should be discriminated against because they are a threat to a cohesive society. Every individual sodomite? Perhaps not. The sodomite movement as a whole? Absolutely it is. It is a threat and should be acknowledged and opposed as such.

Besides...the bottom line is what it's always been: anyone who suffers from OCD (Orifice Confusion Disorder) is not right in the head and is not to be trusted.

Every male or female who proudly and unrepentantly engages in homosexual behavior is a threat to society musterion, because they belong to a "collective" that amongst other things fuels the LGBTQueer movement.

Regarding Luka Magnotta:

"He was a time bomb waiting to explode": Aunt of 'cannibal killer' tells of his weird childhood

Where have we heard those words before?

"Gay on Gay Hate Crimes"

As to why Magnotta had homosexual desires and eventually acted on them:

"His parents – Anna Yourkin and Donald Newman – were just teenagers when he was born and they split up soon after.

Eric was then brought up mainly by his domineering granny Phyllis Yourkin. Beatings were common and Eric – the eldest of three – took the brunt of his grandmother’s temper."

Raised in a house with a domineering mother type and no father present.

2. Family abnormality, including the following:
•a dominant, possessive, or rejecting mother
•an absent, distant, or rejecting father

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For some people the rules about sex are contained in the Bible. Yet consider this. The Bible is negative towards homosexuality--but it doesn't condemn paedophilia outright.

How come?

Worse still, for example, the Bible tells how Moses approved of rape, probably including that of children (Numbers 31:18).


For some people the rules about sex are contained in the Bible.

God's "rules" are for all of mankind aikido.

Yet consider this. The Bible is negative towards homosexuality--but it doesn't condemn paedophilia outright.

How come?

Any kind of out of wedlock sex which doesn't involve a man and a woman is condemned in Holy Scripture.

On the other hand, your false religion of Islam, well...they just love their little boys.

Worse still, for example, the Bible tells how Moses approved of rape, probably including that of children (Numbers 31:18).

You're confusing Moses with your pedophile prophet Muhammad who at 50 something, married a 6 year old girl and consummated the marriage when she was the ripe old age of 9.

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New member
aCultureWarrior said:
Regarding Luka Magnotta:

"He was a time bomb waiting to explode": Aunt of 'cannibal killer' tells of his weird childhood

Where have we heard those words before?

"Gay on Gay Hate Crimes"

As to why Magnotta had homosexual desires and eventually acted on them:

"His parents – Anna Yourkin and Donald Newman – were just teenagers when he was born and they split up soon after.

Eric was then brought up mainly by his domineering granny Phyllis Yourkin. Beatings were common and Eric – the eldest of three – took the brunt of his grandmother’s temper."

Raised in a house with a domineering mother type and no father present.

2. Family abnormality, including the following:
•a dominant, possessive, or rejecting mother
•an absent, distant, or rejecting father


Yes, I fully agree: Luka Magnotta fits the psychoanalytic portrait of the too-early sexualized child, the son of a domineering female figure (in this case, the grandmother) and an ineffectual/absent father. He was bullied in school as well as being abused at home - his life was tragic and then became dangerous to others.

He became involved in drugs and gay porn, and in a lust for celebrity.

He began killing kittens before he moved on to his human victim (Chinese national , secretly gay student at Canadian University). All the red flags were there and he was under psychiatric care, and on medications for bipolar.

The University student he killed was not his "lover" - he was lured by Magnotta via a Craigslist Ad for gay sex with some bondage. The tape which Mangotta made which depicts the slaughter and necrophilic rape of Jun is still available online, as is his porn video (s) and also the disturbing surveillance footage of Magnotta's strange behavior the day after the killing (preening in lobby mirror, disposing of bloody rags, wearing the victim's shirt and hat). His entrance the night before into his Montreal apt. with his Craigslist victim Jun Lin is at the start of this footage (link below):

He has received scores of fan mail in prison (mainly from young females in love with him) as well as money and Armani suits, and has facebook pages and websites dedicated to him.




Yes, I fully agree:...

Welcome to the world of...

"Consensual adult relationships".

I can't emphasize enough how the lack of traditional values (a loving mom and dad in the home) and righteous laws (the legalization of homosexuality and pornography) helped bring about Luka Magnotta's demise.


New member
Welcome to the world of...

"Consensual adult relationships".

I can't emphasize enough how the lack of traditional values (a loving mom and dad in the home) and righteous laws (the legalization of homosexuality and pornography) helped bring about Luka Magnotta's demise.
I have never argued with you, nor am I a believer in consensualism.

What is also disturbing is that Magnotta in both his gay modeling shots and porn films looks underage (although in some he was already 30 as in the spoiler pic below) but the victim-child was evident in him, and lusted after.




For some people the rules about sex are contained in the Bible. Yet consider this. The Bible is negative towards homosexuality--but it doesn't condemn paedophilia outright.

How come?

Worse still, for example, the Bible tells how Moses approved of rape, probably including that of children (Numbers 31:18).

Knockout for aCultureWarrior.

Strike 3 ! He's out!


I have never argued with you, nor am I a believer in consensualism.

Someone using your username is (refer to the table of contents for confirmation).

I have a better idea:

When that potty mouthed Art Brain shows back up in this thread, let him know how harmful "consensualism" is.

What is also disturbing is that Magnotta in both his gay modeling shots and porn films looks underage (although in some he was already 30 as in the spoiler pic below) but the victim-child was evident in him, and lusted after.

Surely you're not implying that older homosexuals like young boys are you GFR7?


New member
Someone using your username is (refer to the table of contents for confirmation).

I have a better idea:

When that potty mouthed Art Brain shows back up in this thread, let him know how harmful "consensualism" is.

Surely you're not implying that older homosexuals like young boys are you GFR7?
I know I never argued with you on that. :AMR1:

Arthur has his own mind and I am not going to change it anyway.

Yeah, I am saying that.
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