Before I move onto another topic, leaving behind Hitler's homosexuality and how the modern day LGBTQueer and Neo Nazi movements mirror his behavior, beliefs and tactics, I wanted to share excerpts of an article by conservative Jew and syndicated columnist Don Feder that is relevant to the things we were just talking about; it's entitled:
There's Nothing Obama Cares About Less Than Jewish Blood
Don Feder
December 15, 2014
Barack Hussein Obama an anti-Semite? Wrong question. However the president feels about Jews in his heart of hearts, he is comfortable among anti-Semites, indifferent to the fate of Israel and the foremost Western apologist for Islam, the principal source of anti-Semitism in the world today.
Two incidents bring this into sharp focus: In the aftermath of Ferguson, the emergence of
Al Sharpton as Obama's point man on race, and the administration's surreal denial of a connection between the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorism.
The creep who masquerades as a man of the cloth is a White House fixture.
Since 2009, Sharpton has visited no fewer than 61 times. Politico describes the race-baiter extraordinaire as Obama's "go-to man on race." A White House aide explained: "There's a trust factor with the Rev. from the Oval Office on down. He gets it, and he's got credibility in the community that nobody else has got. There's really no one else out there who does what he does."
How true. On race issues, no one can demagogue like the Rev. From Tawana Brawley and the Duke lacrosse players to Trayvon Martin and Ferguson, Missouri, no one is better at exploiting frauds, engendering racial hatred and inciting paranoia than Al Sharpton.
Then there was Sharpton's role in the 1991 Crown Heights pogrom. After a Hasidic motorist accidentally killed a black child, there were three days of the worst anti-Semitic riots this country has ever seen. A rabbinical student was knifed to death to shouts of "Kill the Jew!"
Into this inferno stepped the rhyming Rev. – with a can of kerosene. At the child's funeral, Sharpton railed at Hasidic Jews, calling them "diamond merchants with the blood of innocent babies on their hands." "If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house," Sharpton blustered – brave man with a mob at his back.
Obama has a 30-year history of close relationships with anti-Semites.
For 19 years, he sat in the
Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Church of the Good Storm Trooper, as his mentor spewed Jew-hatred. Wright (who, in the aftermath of 911, called on God to "damn America") compared Zionism to apartheid, accused the Israelis of "ethnic cleansing," and said Jews illegally occupied Palestinian land. For creatures like Wright, "Zionists" is a code word for Jews. Occasionally, the mask slips, as it did in 2009, when Wright complained "them Jews" weren't going to let the president see him.
Wright is a recipient of a B'nai B'rith brotherhood award compared to his friend, Nazi of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who calls Judaism a "gutter religion." Farrakhan received an award from a newsmagazine connected to Wright's church, and edited by his daughter, which says the man who blames Jews for both the slave trade and the rise of Hitler "truly epitomized greatness."
What would anti-Semitism be without Islam – a few skinheads wandering around painting swastikas? What the Third Reich was for 12 years, Islam has been for 1,300. Its Jew-hatred is ingrained, based on the Koran."
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