you rant like a scared little man, where do you go to be a man and stand up for God's Word ? you are an Archie Bunker character. bigot. racist. full of hate because you hate yourself. and YES you troll on your own perverted thread. you are a drunken idiot, go watch your porn collection Culture Whiner. you have no concept of culture sitting there in your 1 room apartment drinking your vodka and lookin at your porn you are DISTGUSTING. how's that ? i'm talking like you:cheers:
(It doesn't take much to expose who the real homosexualists are, it's just a matter of pushing the right buttons. Oh and look, Patti has an ally (surprise surprise)).
There's something wrong with him, for certain. He lies and lies about you so that you can't respond normally. :nono:
(And now, GFR7/Scot gives more reasons why he should be able to continue his homosexual lifestyle without the threat of righteous laws hindering him) :
Right. aCW thinks that the fact that it was law for decades or centuries means it could be so now, forgetting that it was law before all this new ideology had become ingrained in the culture, the psychological and medical fields, the schools, and the Universities the world over. And it followed a natural trajectory in those laws being rejected by the public and by politicians.
It is the same with feminism: Just because for centuries and decades women were kept out of education and the workplace, does not mean we could return to such a state now. aCW thinks that time can reverse itself, but in fact any reversal would have to be done from the point at which we are now: A diminishing of popularity, but not a recriminalization.
There is no returning to the past, and that' s why we are at the point at which we are now. As Ortega y Gasset said in his historical political epic work, Every "anti" is simply a "no": If we are anti-Peter, we want to return to a world in which Peter never existed. But that is exactly what brought Peter into the world, and Peter would rise again if we attempted to deny him.
aCW needs more historical and political sense to understand what solutions can actually be applied and will truly work.
(Boy, I feel edjumacated after listening to those two lispers, I hope that the followers of this thread do as well).
(GASP! What a surprise, GFR7/Scot's new heartthrob Ortega y Gasset is yet another existentialist who studied the queer atheist Friedrich Nietzschke and of course Hitler's favorite, Arthur Schopenhauer, not to mention every evolutionist's favorite: Chuck Darwin).
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