New member
I know you do, Sunshine.Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Where's your loyalty towards your fellow homosexualists GFR7/Scot? HRC founder, accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean did an extraordinary amount of things to promote the pervert agenda. Heck, if it weren't for homosexual pioneers like Harry "NAMBLA walks with me" Hay, Frank "I see nothing wrong with bestiality, as long as the animal doesn't mind, and it rarely does" Kameny and HRC founder, accused pederast/RAPIST and huge Obama supporter Terry Bean, homosexuality might still be criminalized and we all know what that means:
Theocracy! (GASP!).
Give it a rest buttercup. Why don't you go out and recruit some of your former "contacts" that you made in the gay so-called "community" and have them come to TOL and show the followers of this thread why homosexuality SHOULDN'T be recriminalized (your pretend conservative stance is boring me to tears).
If your views throughout this thread aren't liberal, I don't know what is.
I have no idea what UKIP is and have no desire to find out. Is UKIP anything like your other heroes? (atheist/homosexual Friedrich Nietzsche and the goose-stepping Nazis at the Traditionalist Youth Network)
I live for your approval ole wise one. What can I do to make amends?
For one, read up on UKIP. Get with the times, honey.
Learn about UKIP's Nigel Farage: