New member
So you find that so hard to believe????Quote:
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Of course you didn't because like your brethren at the HRC and the trannie website that you posted, you couldn't care less about Officer Darren Wilson and his family.
Instead of going to Geneva on behalf of race baiters B. Hussein Obama and Al Sharpton and talking to the United Nations about PO-leece brutality here in the US, it would have been nice if the parents of the late Michael Brown had admitted that their son was a thug who attempted to murder a police officer.
Who knows how much violence and property damage could have been prevented had they just spoke the truth.
Who did PR work for the Governor of New York as I recall. Don't forget that you have a cousin that is a State Senator.
Your posts throughout this thread do a fine job of revealing what you think.
I'm all about life. Unfortunately Officer Darren Wilson had to take a life to save his own. Too bad you and your at brethren at places like the NAACP and HRC don't understand that.
I didn't watch the entire video. Did the mob drag the driver from the vehicle and beat him to death?(mobs are like that don't cha know).
The one brother-in-law is the office of the county Prosecutor's Lt. Det. of Homicide and Major Crimes, the other brother-in- law is a VP of a PR firm and does work for the Governor's office, and my cousin is a NJ State Senator? We also have attorneys, professors, and psychologists among siblings and cousins, as well as journalists/authors. Oh, and some Ivy League graduates.
Imagine that, I come from an educated, ambitious, and well-connected family. It's the American way; upward mobility. We didn't all crawl from beneath a Kentucky rock, aCW..... (in truth, you are a heck of a lot more intelligent than you want others to know you are...... ) :jawdrop: I'll bet there are people on TOL who have some of the same in their family.
No, you smashed that woman's leg and tried to kill them all, and then escaped, you first class idjut :madmad: