Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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New member
I've temporarily closed the thread for the day because I've been away from the internet and just couldn't bear for the readers to be subjected to yet another one of GFR7's infamous 'meltdowns'.

Back later with an updated table of contents & what to expect from this thread in the upcoming future.

For some reason I always read your posts as though you have a lisp.

Your replieth are alwayth tho thathy.


New member
Welcome back to the thread Nazaroo. Do you have anything to say about the American Nazi Movement and it's strong tie to homosexuality,

I'm in 100% agreement that Nazis in particular, and Germans generally,
corrupted themselves and fell deeply into homosexuality,
mainly because Christianity didn't really stick for some reason,
probably rebellion.

or are you going to go off on one of your "If a dog mounts your leg, the Bible says that you must kill it!" rants?

On the other hand, if an animal attempts to mate with a human,
the death penalty remains mandatory.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've temporarily closed the thread for the day because I've been away from the internet and just couldn't bear for the readers to be subjected to yet another one of GFR7's infamous 'meltdowns'.

Back later with an updated table of contents & what to expect from this thread in the upcoming future.

For some reason I always read your posts as though you have a lisp.

Your replieth are alwayth tho thathy.

Straight females that like to hang around homosexual males are called "fag hags", what do you call guys like you (I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that you're straight) that like to hang around homosexual males?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Welcome back to the thread Nazaroo. Do you have anything to say about the American Nazi Movement and it's strong tie to homosexuality,

I'm in 100% agreement that Nazis in particular, and Germans generally,
corrupted themselves and fell deeply into homosexuality,
mainly because Christianity didn't really stick for some reason,
probably rebellion.

Careful Naz, if you infer that Hitler and his SS were a bunch of queers, you'll have to deal with the wrath of Art Brain (and no one likes dealing with Art Brain's wrath).

or are you going to go off on one of your "If a dog mounts your leg, the Bible says that you must kill it!" rants?

On the other hand, if an animal attempts to mate with a human,
the death penalty remains mandatory.

Homosexual pioneer Frank Kameny says that there's nothing wrong with bestiality (as long as the animal doesn't mind).

I say we give the animal a break and execute people like Frank.


While it's not nice to laugh at the those with mental issues, sometimes you just can't help it.

Case in point:

While the thread was closed today, GFR7, playing off of my above post,

started a thread entitled:

"aCW's Fears Unfounded re freedom of religion, speech", stating that I believe that speaking out against homosexuality could soon be considered a hate crime (GFR7 believes that my concerns are unfounded).

The thread below that one that happened to be showing on the TOL homepage at the time, was started by GFR7 yesterday entitled:

Commission says Christian business owners should leave religion at home.

Is homosexualist GFR7 not aware that the title shows that there is a restriction on freedom of religion and speech?


New member
While it's not nice to laugh at the those with mental issues, sometimes you just can't help it.

Case in point:

While the thread was closed today, GFR7, playing off of my above post,

started a thread entitled:

"aCW's Fears Unfounded re freedom of religion, speech", stating that I believe that speaking out against homosexuality could soon be considered a hate crime (GFR7 believes that my concerns are unfounded).

The thread below that one that happened to be showing on the TOL homepage at the time, was started by GFR7 yesterday entitled:

Commission says Christian business owners should leave religion at home.

Is homosexualist GFR7 not aware that the title shows that there is a restriction on freedom of religion and speech?
Welcome back, aCW. I for one was very concerned and worried yesterday, and you ought to see my concluding remarks to you on that thread if you have any doubt about that. :AMR1: Yes, there is that commission, but that does NOT mean that it extends to public internet forums and I don't believe it EVER will. Also, if you look at my thread of yesterday about you, I posted articles about people fighting for religious liberty and first amendment rights. I was trying to make you see the bright side and have hope.
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New member
While it's not nice to laugh at the those with mental issues, sometimes you just can't help it.

Case in point:

While the thread was closed today, GFR7, playing off of my above post,

started a thread entitled:

"aCW's Fears Unfounded re freedom of religion, speech", stating that I believe that speaking out against homosexuality could soon be considered a hate crime (GFR7 believes that my concerns are unfounded).

The thread below that one that happened to be showing on the TOL homepage at the time, was started by GFR7 yesterday entitled:

Commission says Christian business owners should leave religion at home.

Is homosexualist GFR7 not aware that the title shows that there is a restriction on freedom of religion and speech?
Hang on a minute here aCW, let's see if I've got this right.:think:
You're apparently worried that speaking out against homosexuality would become an actual crime, a "hate crime" enforceable in secular law?
Btw I'm generally against any form of restriction to free speech even those most people would think of as unreasonably bigoted and crass.
However this is all a bit rich coming from you, your hypocrisy and double standards here are writ large.
Clearly you aren't particularly interested in anyone's free speech except if it's yours perhaps. You want to impose your supposed divine laws on homosexuality, as freely espoused by you, by being made into secular law. If that isn't an attack on the free speech of gay people or indeed "homosexualists" (to use your vernacular) then I don't know what is.


Welcome back, aCW. I for one was very concerned and worried yesterday, and you ought to see my concluding remarks to you on that thread if you have any doubt about that. :AMR1: Yes, there is that commission, but that does NOT mean that it extends to public internet forums and I don't believe it EVER will. Also, if you look at my thread of yesterday about you, I posted articles about people fighting for religious liberty and first amendment rights. I was trying to make you see the bright side and have hope.

I don't read your threads. It's difficult enough to read the words of a very sick person here.

Hang on a minute here aCW, let's see if I've got this right.:think:
You're apparently worried that speaking out against homosexuality would become an actual crime, a "hate crime" enforceable in secular law?

Yeah, kinda like Americans For Truth About Homosexuality's Peter LaBarbera being arrested in Canada for speaking in favor of traditional values (and Peter doesn't use inflammatory words like I do).


AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera is hand-cuffed and arrested at the University of Regina–for refusing to abandon a protest led by Canadian pro-life/pro-family advocate Bill Whatcott

Btw I'm generally against any form of restriction to free speech even those most people would think of as unreasonably bigoted and crass.

I'm feeling warm and fuzzy after reading your words Al. In fact I think I have a "thrill running up my leg" (Chris Matthews style) because of it.

However this is all a bit rich coming from you, your hypocrisy and double standards here are writ large.
Clearly you aren't particularly interested in anyone's free speech except if it's yours perhaps. You want to impose your supposed divine laws on homosexuality, as freely espoused by you, by being made into secular law. If that isn't an attack on the free speech of gay people or indeed "homosexualists" (to use your vernacular) then I don't know what is.

(For those of you that don't read homosexualist/atheist: Al just said that those who engage in buggery and indoctrinate children into accepting homosexuality as normal supersedes the rights of people of faith to speak out against immoral behavior).


New member
I am very insulted that you didn't read that thread.
I gave a very strong message of apology and emotional support.


New member
Yeah, kinda like Americans For Truth About Homosexuality's Peter LaBarbera being arrested in Canada for speaking in favor of traditional values (and Peter doesn't use inflammatory words like I do).


AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera is hand-cuffed and arrested at the University of Regina–for refusing to abandon a protest led by Canadian pro-life/pro-family advocate Bill Whatcott
I think that Canadians can be allowed to choose who they let into their "house" so to speak. Clearly they didn't want to let Porno Pete enter the country but were nevertheless persuaded to. He then decides to stir things up on a campus but is asked to leave by the campus security, for handing out highly graphic anti-abortion images and homophobic incitement, which the security were entitled to do. Only when he refused to leave the campus was he finally arrested.
The guy was clearly seeking publicity and he knew that Canada was a nice safe place to do it. :rolleyes:

I'm feeling warm and fuzzy after reading your words Al. In fact I think I have a "thrill running up my leg" (Chris Matthews style) because of it.
No that's just your latent repressed homosexuality aCW, it's probably an involuntary reaction.:plain:

However this is all a bit rich coming from you, your hypocrisy and double standards here are writ large.
Clearly you aren't particularly interested in anyone's free speech except if it's yours perhaps. You want to impose your supposed divine laws on homosexuality, as freely espoused by you, by being made into secular law. If that isn't an attack on the free speech of gay people or indeed "homosexualists" (to use your vernacular) then I don't know what is.
(For those of you that don't read homosexualist/atheist: Al just said that those who engage in buggery and indoctrinate children into accepting homosexuality as normal supersedes the rights of people of faith to speak out against immoral behavior).
I think what I actually said rather speaks for itself aCW. I notice that you'd probably like to reimagine it with your own particular spin and thereby, in a way, seek to deny me free speech, just as you want to deny homosexuals that right by criminalising them. Sadly the only free speech you want to permit is your own (or Porno Pete's).


New member

Originally Posted by alwight
Hang on a minute here aCW, let's see if I've got this right.:think:
You're apparently worried that speaking out against homosexuality would become an actual crime, a "hate crime" enforceable in secular law?

Yeah, kinda like Americans For Truth About Homosexuality's Peter LaBarbera being arrested in Canada for speaking in favor of traditional values (and Peter doesn't use inflammatory words like I do).


AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera is hand-cuffed and arrested at the University of Regina–for refusing to abandon a protest led by Canadian pro-life/pro-family advocate Bill Whatcott

You've redeemed yourself again aCW.

Now when is the US army going to come in and clean up
your pedophile subversive communist/socialist baby-aborting government next door?

Honest Canadians are waiting for relief.


New member

Originally Posted by alwight
Hang on a minute here aCW, let's see if I've got this right.:think:
You're apparently worried that speaking out against homosexuality would become an actual crime, a "hate crime" enforceable in secular law?

Yeah, kinda like Americans For Truth About Homosexuality's Peter LaBarbera being arrested in Canada for speaking in favor of traditional values (and Peter doesn't use inflammatory words like I do).


AFTAH’s Peter LaBarbera is hand-cuffed and arrested at the University of Regina–for refusing to abandon a protest led by Canadian pro-life/pro-family advocate Bill Whatcott

You've redeemed yourself again aCW.

Now when is the US army going to come in and clean up
your pedophile subversive communist/socialist baby-aborting government next door?

Honest Canadians are waiting for relief.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

It probably won't be long before this topic will be considered a "hate crime" here in the US (like it is now in Canada and European countries) and people like me will be institutionalized (jailed or placed in a mental institution) for sharing God's Word with people...who have suffered severely because of homosexuality.

I think that Canadians can be allowed to choose who they let into their "house" so to speak. Clearly they didn't want to let Porno Pete enter the country but were nevertheless persuaded to. He then decides to stir things up on a campus but is asked to leave by the campus security, for handing out highly graphic anti-abortion images and homophobic incitement, which the security were entitled to do. Only when he refused to leave the campus was he finally arrested.
The guy was clearly seeking publicity and he knew that Canada was a nice safe place to do it. :rolleyes:

I think we can all agree that it's homophobic bigoted people like me, "Porno Pete" LaBarbera, Bryan Fischer, Matt Barber and a long list of people of faith and those who just believe in decency are responsible for the following:

Gay Youth Suicide: *

Cause of suicides according to religious liberals, therapists, etc:

On the other hand, most gays, lesbians, therapists, religious liberals and mental health professionals believe that many of the individuals who commit suicide are motivated to end their life by their hatred of themselves as gays and lesbians. This, in turn, is derived from the hatred of homosexuals and homosexuality which permeates society and which they internalized during their childhood

HIV/AIDS, promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse amongst homosexuals:

Homophobia, stigma, and discrimination persist in the United States and negatively affect the health and well-being of gay, bisexual, other men who have sex with men (MSM), and other members of the LGBT community. Homophobia, stigma, and discrimination are social determinants of health that can affect physical and mental health, whether MSM seek and are able to obtain health services, and the quality of the services they receive...

•Contribute to poor mental health and unhealthy behaviors, such as substance abuse, risky sexual behaviors, and suicide attempts
•Affect MSM's ability to establish and maintain long-term same-sex relationships that reduce HIV & STD risk


High rates of suicide amongst transgender people:

Reasons given for suicide in order:

1) Problems coming out to homophobic friends, families and co-workers. Homophobia in general including slurs.


So you see Al, hate crime laws, i.e. silencing homophobic bigots like me, "Porno Pete" LaBarbera and others are necessary so that innocent children and genital mutilators/cross dressers don't die and others who partake in homosexual behavior don't turn to promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse and don't contract HIV/AIDS.

Wouldn't you agree Al?


*Gay Youth: A term coined by homosexual pedophiles and pederasts to make sexually confused children believe that they were born with homosexual desires and that change is not possible.


New member
I think that Canadians can be allowed to choose who they let into their "house" so to speak. Clearly they didn't want to let Porno Pete enter the country but were nevertheless persuaded to. He then decides to stir things up on a campus but is asked to leave by the campus security, for handing out highly graphic anti-abortion images and homophobic incitement, which the security were entitled to do. Only when he refused to leave the campus was he finally arrested.
The guy was clearly seeking publicity and he knew that Canada was a nice safe place to do it. :rolleyes:
I think we can all agree that it's homophobic bigoted people like me, "Porno Pete" LaBarbera, Bryan Fischer, Matt Barber and a long list of people of faith and those who just believe in decency are responsible for the following:
Using a "faith" as a fig leaf for your personal intolerance of those you personally disapprove of is the major dishonesty here aCW but it's good to see that at least you do seem to be coming to terms with your underlying bigotry problem.:rolleyes:

Btw aCW next to Naz you sometimes seem almost sane and reasonable by comparison, no compliment intended. :plain:

Gay Youth Suicide: *

Cause of suicides according to religious liberals, therapists, etc:

On the other hand, most gays, lesbians, therapists, religious liberals and mental health professionals believe that many of the individuals who commit suicide are motivated to end their life by their hatred of themselves as gays and lesbians. This, in turn, is derived from the hatred of homosexuals and homosexuality which permeates society and which they internalized during their childhood
Not quite aCW, more often than not any personal hatred suffered by gay youth is imo largely induced by the homophobic bigotry of others including their families and of their "faith", not because of what they innately find sexually desirable.


HIV/AIDS, promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse amongst homosexuals:

Homophobia, stigma, and discrimination persist in the United States and negatively affect the health and well-being of gay, bisexual, other men who have sex with men (MSM), and other members of the LGBT community. Homophobia, stigma, and discrimination are social determinants of health that can affect physical and mental health, whether MSM seek and are able to obtain health services, and the quality of the services they receive...

•Contribute to poor mental health and unhealthy behaviors, such as substance abuse, risky sexual behaviors, and suicide attempts
•Affect MSM's ability to establish and maintain long-term same-sex relationships that reduce HIV & STD risk


High rates of suicide amongst transgender people:

Reasons given for suicide in order:

1) Problems coming out to homophobic friends, families and co-workers. Homophobia in general including slurs.


So you see Al, hate crime laws, i.e. silencing homophobic bigots like me, "Porno Pete" LaBarbera and others are necessary so that innocent children and genital mutilators/cross dressers don't die and others who partake in homosexual behavior don't turn to promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse and don't contract HIV/AIDS.

Wouldn't you agree Al?
I don't think I'd want to agree with you on anything, on principle aCW.
If you're claiming that extremist views at both ends of the spectrum are somehow needed for balance then no thanks aCW. :nono:
Imo such extremism simply denies the voices of more reasonable and rational people to be heard amongst the din and crossfire of misinformation, spin and propaganda from either end.
The true rationality does not exist at one end or the other, it lies somewhere in between. Clearly you are no champion for the safety and rights of children aCW, since you are usually quite happy to use them as ammo for your own homophobic bigotry and propaganda.


*Gay Youth: A term coined by homosexual pedophiles and pederasts to make sexually confused children believe that they were born with homosexual desires and that change is not possible.
I rather doubt that that is actually true aCW, partly because you say so, partly because it seems that, despite your bald assertions, sexual orientation is innate/genetic, and also partly because some unsavoury types would be expected to adopt it as cover for their nefarious intent anyway and not because they actually started it.


New member
Got my newsletter from massmike at MassResistance. He talks about how far-reaching were the SCOTUS decisions of the past year, and laments the bad, bad legal strategy of the pro-family side.

I was wondering if aCW knows Mike personally or has worked with him? Is he aware of your WHMBR! threads?

In any case:

It sounds as though he prefers your strategy to that of the pro-traditional
marriage attorneys, and is looking for that sort of campaign.

The piece is lengthy but I've found it really engrossing.

The incompetence of the pro-family legal side

As overwhelming as the “gay” blitzkrieg was, it would not have been successful without the terrible incompetence of the lawyers on our side. This included pro-family lawyers, state attorneys general, and even private lawyers hired to assist.

It's painful for us to discuss this. We are reluctant to sound unkind to the pro-family legal people who worked hard on these cases. But this is such a horrible outcome that something must be said.

Many of you may recall that we had a similar reaction to the pro-family legal team in our analysis of DOMA and Prop-8 cases.

Both of those cases suffered from an unaggressive and short-sighted approach that bordered on malpractice. The pro-family side did not present a credible case in either one. They were deathly afraid that telling the truth about homosexuality might offend someone. By not effectively countering the absurd arguments and assumptions by the homosexual movement, they made it easy for the judges to rule as they did.

The handling of the Prop 8 case was so bad that the Federal District Court judge — the "out" homosexual — rebuked the pro-family lawyers for the lack of evidence they presented! It was almost as if the judge had no choice but to rule against us, based on what he had to work with.

Since then, the same losing strategy has been repeated over and over across the country. Similar to the Prop 8 debacle, in some cases it's been so pathetic that the judge almost had no choice but to award the ruling to the homosexual side.

Many conservatives were furious at the nasty manner that Federal Judge Richard Posner slapped down the arguments from the lawyers of Wisconsin and Indiana. The pro-homosexual press certainly had a field day with it. But if you read the reports carefully, you can almost feel a bit of empathy for Posner having to listen to pathetic legal arguments that never went beyond “marriage is a tradition” or that “ it’s about the welfare of children.”

It’s especially frustrating to know that there are so many excellent and unassailable (albeit not “politically correct”) arguments and facts about homosexual behavior that were never used.

The pro-family lawyers refused to consider using the vast storehouse of medical dangers, diseases, psychological problems, addictions, domestic violence rates, multiple partners, “gay pride” perversions, or suicidal behavior, etc. associated with homosexuality, as counter-arguments. They wouldn’t bring up natural law or morality. They certainly would not talk about the emotional trauma suffered by children growing up around homosexual behavior. Nor would they talk about the ex-gay movement (proof that homosexuality is not inborn) and the changes that come with healing.

Instead our side came up with only soft arguments like "every child needs a father and a mother," “marriage is about procreation, ” the need to respect “the long history of traditional marriage,” and similar blather. In fact, many lawyers on our side accepted civil unions as a reasonable alternative and had no argument against homosexual "parenting" — which made their "mother and father" argument impossible to defend.

Logically speaking, if homosexual behavior is not dangerous and immoral, but simply something we don’t prefer, then there is no reason not to let them same-sex couples marry. Our people made their own case virtually unwinnable.



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I think we can all agree that it's homophobic bigoted people like me, "Porno Pete" LaBarbera, Bryan Fischer, Matt Barber and a long list of people of faith and those who just believe in decency are responsible for the following:

Gay Youth Suicide: *

HIV/AIDS, promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse amongst homosexuals:

High rates of suicide amongst transgender people:

So you see Al, hate crime laws, i.e. silencing homophobic bigots like me, "Porno Pete" LaBarbera and others are necessary so that innocent children and genital mutilators/cross dressers don't die and others who partake in homosexual behavior don't turn to promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse and don't contract HIV/AIDS.

Wouldn't you agree Al?

I don't think I'd want to agree with you on anything, on principle aCW.
If you're claiming that extremist views at both ends of the spectrum are somehow needed for balance then no thanks aCW. :nono:
Imo such extremism simply denies the voices of more reasonable and rational people to be heard amongst the din and crossfire of misinformation, spin and propaganda from either end.

But Al, those weren't my words, those were the words from the Centers For Disease Control in Atlanta, the most reputable US health organization. Surely you're not calling the CDC an "extremist" group are you Al?

Someone is lying here Al. Either homophobic bigots like me, "Porno Pete" LaBarbera and others who believe in the "imaginary sky god" are lying by saying that homosexuality is a extremely harmful behavior that causes disease and early death, or the CDC and other pro homosexual groups are lying by saying that it's us homophobic bigots that are the problem.

Which is it Al?
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New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I think we can all agree that it's homophobic bigoted people like me, "Porno Pete" LaBarbera, Bryan Fischer, Matt Barber and a long list of people of faith and those who just believe in decency are responsible for the following:

Gay Youth Suicide: *

HIV/AIDS, promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse amongst homosexuals:

High rates of suicide amongst transgender people:

So you see Al, hate crime laws, i.e. silencing homophobic bigots like me, "Porno Pete" LaBarbera and others are necessary so that innocent children and genital mutilators/cross dressers don't die and others who partake in homosexual behavior don't turn to promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse and don't contract HIV/AIDS.

Wouldn't you agree Al?

But Al, those weren't my words, those were the words from the Centers For Disease Control in Atlanta, the most reputable US health organization. Surely you're not calling the CDC an "extremist" group are you Al?

Someone is lying here Al. Either homophobic bigots like me and "Porno Pete" LaBarbera and others who believe in the "imaginary sky god" are lying by saying that homosexuality is a extremely harmful behavior that causes disease and early death, or the CDC and other pro homosexual groups are lying by saying that it's us homophobic bigots that are the problem.

Which is it Al?

it's a well established fact that your above list of horrors (excluding promiscuity. Gays are no more promiscuous than straights) is not the result of someone being homosexual, rather it is the result of living with the hatred and bigotry that you promote.

REF: M.J. Rotherman-Borus Suicidal Behavior and Gay-Related Stress among Gay and Bisexual Male Adolescents Journal of adolescent research 2013
V. P. Poteat and D. L. Espelage Predicting Psychosocial Consequences of Homophobic Victimization in Middle School Students Journal of Adolescence 2009
Meyer, I. H . Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations. Psychological Bulletin, Sep 2003
V.M. Mays & S.D. Cochran “Mental health correlates of perceived discrimination among lesbian, gay and bisexual adults in the United States 2001
J. Ramirez-Valles, L. M. Kuhns, R. T. Campbell, and R. M. Diaz Social Integration and Health: Community Involvement, Stigmatized Identities, and Sexual Risk in Latino Sexual Minorities journal of health and societal behavior.2010
L. E. Ross, C. Dobinson, and A. Eady Perceived Determinants of Mental Health for Bisexual People: A Qualitative Examination American Journal of Public Health 2009
S. K. Dane and G. MacDonald Heterosexuals' acceptance predicts the well-being of same-sex attracted young adults beyond ingroup support Journal of social and personal relationships 2007
D. M. Huebner, G. M. Rebchook, and S. M. Kegeles. Experiences of Harassment, Discrimination, and Physical Violence Among Young Gay and Bisexual Men American Journal of public heath 2005
Mays, V.M. and Cochran, S.D. Mental Health Correlates of Perceived Discrimination Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults in the United States. American Journal of Public Health Nov 2001
M.L. Hatzenbuehler The Social Environment and Suicide Attempts in Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Youth. Pediatrics 2011
Cochran, S.D. Sulivan, J.G. and Mays V.M. Prevalence of mental disorders, psychological distress, and mental services use among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults in the United States. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Feb 2003
Sanfort, T.G.M., deGraaf, R. and Schnabel, P. Same-Sex Sexual Behavior and Psychiatric Disorders: Findings From the Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2001
Meyer, I. H. Minority Stress and Mental Health in Gay Men Journal of health and social behavior 2010


it's a well established fact that your above list of horrors (excluding promiscuity. Gays are no more promiscuous than straights) is not the result of someone being homosexual, rather it is the result of living with the hatred and bigotry that you promote.

Thank you Traci. I think we can all agree (Al needs some convincing though) that it's us homophobic bigots who believe in the "imaginary sky god" that are the problem and strict hate crime laws MUST be enforced to silence us for the good of humanity.
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