Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I have one more question before you go on about your way fighting atheists, racists, anti-Semites, pornographers, homosexuals and abortionists.

You have stated this in a couple of posts about TYN:


When you said "You", I assume that you meant our country would do better fighting the culture war by adhering to the philosophy and game strategy of the people at the Traditionalist Youth Network.

Please expound.

So blatant racism and anti-Semitism is part of "Christian morality"?

But wait, you said you don't know that much about the TYN:


Regarding the Southern Poverty Law Center labeling the racists and anti-Semites at the Traditionalists Youth Network as a hate group:

Gee, I wonder what ever gave them that idea?
Do you have any idea who SPLC names as "hate groups"? Any idea at all?

It doesn't matter if I was not clear on all the details. I still think the movement has a core of value. They are the only ones standing up for the past in a postmodern world. They are agents of regression.

I gave you my reasons in a post above, and you ignore them.


Do you have any idea who SPLC names as "hate groups"? Any idea at all?

Ummmm, being that I did a segment on the Southern Poverty Law Center in this 3 part thread, yes.

BUT, they also have the KKK and other racist groups justifiably on their list.

It doesn't matter if I was not clear on all the details.

I've been clear about the game plan that our country needs: Faith, righteous laws and a change in cultural mores'

Why can't you be clear about the details that the TYN has for changing America (to follow in the footsteps of Adolf Hitler).

I still think the movement has a core of value. They are the only ones standing up for the past in a postmodern world. They are agents of regression.

I gave you my reasons in a post above, and you ignore them.

So racism and anti-Semitism is a "core vale" that we as a country should embrace?
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New member
Ummmm, being that I did a segment on the Southern Poverty Law Center in this 3 part thread, yes.

BUT, they also have the KKK and other racist groups justifiably on their list.

So racism and anti-Semitism is a "core vale" that we as a country should embrace?
Nope. A suspicion of postmodern liberalism, and a respect for the classical roots of civilization and Christianity (vs the newfangled type) are core values.

Oh, guess why the SPLC have labeled TNY a "hate group"? For their fight against gay marriage, naturally :D


New member
This was what alarmed SPLC:

In an amicus brief filed yesterday in federal court in Michigan, the Traditionalist Youth Network (TYN) –– a student organization concerned with promoting white identity –– has taken up the mantle of defending the “sanctity of marriage” against “Culture distorters” who seek to reject “originalism.”

Oh, and "promoting white identity" is really just promoting folk roots.
Not what I call racism , unless hate and scorn are part of it, which I haven't seen from
the Youth.



Nope. A suspicion of postmodern liberalism, and a respect for the classical roots of civilization and Christianity (vs the newfangled type) are core values.

So racism and anti-Semitism show respect for the classical roots of civilization and Christianity?

Oh, guess why the SPLC have labeled TNY a "hate group"? For their fight against gay marriage, naturally :D

Not that I don't believe you, but post a link from the SPLC showing that please.


This was what alarmed SPLC:

In an amicus brief filed yesterday in federal court in Michigan, the Traditionalist Youth Network (TYN) –– a student organization concerned with promoting white identity –– has taken up the mantle of defending the “sanctity of marriage” against “Culture distorters” who seek to reject “originalism.”

Oh, and "promoting white identity" is really just promoting folk roots.

I believe Hitler called it a "Master Race".

Of course the racists and anti-Semites are for "traditional marriage" are long as those marrying stick to their own race (i.e. a black Christian shouldn't marry a white Christian).

Not what I call racism , unless hate and scorn are part of it, which I haven't seen from
the Youth.

So raising their hands in the Nazi salute under the Nazi symbol isn't considered scorn and hate?

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New member
So racism and anti-Semitism show respect for the classical roots of civilization and Christianity?

Not that I don't believe you, but post a link from the SPLC showing that please.
Have put the link up with splc quote in the post above. I'm sorry, but they began to denigrate TYN right when the same sex marriage issue came up. YES, they can dreg up racist roots and leaders and all, but that is NOT what the University youth have been involved with: mainly the fight against SSM.

I do not trust SPLC, sorry. They trump things up constantly.


New member
I believe Hitler called it a "Master Race".

Of course the racists and anti-Semites are for "traditional marriage" are long as those marrying stick to their own race (i.e. a black Christian shouldn't marry a white Christian).

So raising their hands in the Nazi salute under the Nazi symbol isn't considered scorn and hate?
I don't believe that is the common behavior. Do you believe all the trumped up stuff written about Golden Dawn? I don't. I will say it again: I . don't. trust. SPLC.

And I KNOW I am not racist; I have black people in the family and I love them, and if anything I am probably more liberal re race than many here.


Have put the link up with splc quote in the post above. I'm sorry, but they began to denigrate TYN right when the same sex marriage issue came up. YES, they can dreg up racist roots and leaders and all, but that is NOT what the University youth have been involved with: mainly the fight against SSM.

Yet the posts I showed last night told differently (white supremacy is their goal).

I do not trust SPLC, sorry. They trump things up constantly.

i.e. no link backing his allegation that the TYN is on the SPLC hate list solely because of their stance on traditional marriage*.

*As long as that marriage involves those of the same race.


I don't believe that is the common behavior. Do you believe all the trumped up stuff written about Golden Dawn? I don't. I will say it again: I . don't. trust. SPLC.

Tell us a little about Golden Dawn.

And I KNOW I am not racist; I have black people in the family and I love them, and if anything I am probably more liberal re race than many here.

And you know a guy who knows a guy whose 2nd cousin's next door neighbor's son use to watch the Cosby Show.


New member
Yet the posts I showed last night told differently (white supremacy is their goal).

i.e. no link backing his allegation that the TYN is on the SPLC hate list solely because of their stance on traditional marriage*.

*As long as that marriage involves those of the same race.
Well, if THAT is their real goal, then I would lose interest in them. I thought they wanted traditional marriage preserved for its own sake. I can change my mind about something, you know. Because I've had an interest in them doesn't mean I have to stick with them. :nono: (Remember, many Americans feel as strongly about anti-gay bigotry as you do about anti-black bigotry - although you seemed very much on the side of the whites with the Ferguson affair, while I was on MB's side. :think: )


New member
No - someone divorced and remarried a black, and had biracial children. You think that doesn't happen with educated, middle class people? Hmmmmmm..............


New member
You're just pulling my leg, anyway.
You don't care if these TYN do a nazi salute or not.......... :madmad:


New member
Here is something I will tell you.
GUARENTEED: Your recriminalization campaign will never, ever, ever come into being, without people such as TYN, Golden Dawn, and Andrew Anglin. So long as progressive ideas such as civil rights, feminism, etc. are respected, your campaign is shelved.

No doubt about it. Not the tiniest fraction of a fraction of a doubt.




Here is something I will tell you.
GUARENTEED: Your recriminalization campaign will never, ever, ever come into being, without people such as TYN, Golden Dawn, and Andrew Anglin. So long as progressive ideas such as civil rights, feminism, etc. are respected, your campaign is shelved.

No doubt about it. Not the tiniest fraction of a fraction of a doubt.

I see; so in order to recriminalize sexual sins such as homosexuality, abortion and pornography, those who believe in God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture (i.e. amongst other things, making use of civil government as God intended man to do) need to join forces with racists and anti-Semites?

Let me check my calendar for when Hell will be freezing over.

Moving on...


The things I learn from GFR7.

GUARENTEED: Your recriminalization campaign will never, ever, ever come into being, without people such as TYN, Golden Dawn, and Andrew Anglin.

The Man Bringing Back the Nazi Movement in America

Andrew Anglin has built a very popular site for white supremacists called the Daily Stormer. But he has even bigger plans.

"The term ‘neo-Nazi’ is clearly a slur, and I’m not certain I want to repeat everything like it was in Hitler’s Germany,” he says. “But I agree with all the core principles of National Socialism.”


Andrew Anglin (now that's a skinhead).
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Now that we've heard from a supporter of the American Nazi Party (and confirmed once again how very sick GFR7 is),


let's hear from Pastor Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams about how homosexuality is part of the modern day American Nazi Movement.

From The Pink Swastika:

American Nazis

Like it’s German counterpart, the American Nazi movement presents a decidedly anti-homosexual face to the world, while hiding widespread homosexuality among its leaders.
George Lincoln Rockwell formed the American Nazi Party in 1959. Rockwell exemplified the narcissistic personality type so typical of male homosexuals, but we have no solid information that he was “gay.” However, one researcher noted that Rockwell’s small group was riddled with homosexuals. “Jeffrey Kaplan, a well-known scholar of extremism...writes, gays made up a ‘significant’ — if carefully hidden — part of George Lincoln Rockwell’s American Nazi Party in the 1960s.” The same source reports that “in America homosexuality continues to be a ‘secret of postwar American National Socialism’”(Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence Report, “Fringe of the Fringe,” Issue No. 100, Fall 2000.
Frederick J. Simonelli addressed the issue of homosexuality in the American Nazi Party in his 1999 biography of Rockwell, American Fuehrer. He reports that Rockwell’s rhetoric, like Hitler’s, was viciously anti-homosexual, but that questions about his private life and those of his staff persisted.

Homosexuality within the ranks of the ANP was a constant concern to Rockwell and a constant source of speculation among his enemies. “There is a tendency for queers to come here,” Rockwell admitted to a hostile interviewer at the ANP’s Arlington Barracks; then he quickly distanced himself homosexuals by adding, “because to a queer, this place is as tempting as a girls school would be to me.” According to FBI surveilance, Rockwell’s fear of gay storm troopers was well founded. The ANP’s Western Division, particularly, was shaken by the revelation that the unit’s chief, Leonard Holstein -- who was also half-Jewish -- was gay.
Persistent rumors of gays within the ANP’s top echelon -- primarily centering on Rockwell’s chief of staff, Matt Koehl -- damaged the party....[while] throughout Rockwell’s career...[speculation persisted] about his own sexual orientation....Without digressing into a psychological analysis, suffice it to say that Rockwell’s emphatic and frequent affirmations of his own masculinity raise questions about his subconscious (Simonelli:77ff).

Another branch of the American Nazi movement, the National Socialist League, was openly homosexual:

Founded in 1974 by defecting members of the National Socialist White People’s Party, this San Diego-based NSL is unique in restricting its members to homosexual Nazis. Led by veteran anti-Semite Russell Veh, the group distributes membership applications declaring NSL’s “determination to seek sexual, social and political freedom” (Newton:46)...

“Gay” Nazi Skinheads

Today, Nazism survives primarily in a broad international skinhead movement made up of disaffected white male youths. Not surprisingly, homosexuals are among the most influential leaders of Nazi skinhead culture...

Read more: http://www.defendthefamily.com/pfrc/books/pinkswastika/html/the_pinkswastika_4th_edition_-_final.htm


New member
You don't understand something:

It is not my fault that America has moved into a phase wherein the concept of "righteous laws" is now at odds with liberal postmodernism. You know it well, and don't pretend that that is not the reason things have gone this far.

I didn't say it was GOOD that only fascist groups would allow for recriminalization : I said that's the way it is. And you can't prove me wrong because of it.

You also seem to believe that ideas have magical powers:

If I do a thesis on someone, then I become identical to that person, holding all of their beliefs.
If I bounce an idea about TYN waging a war on postmodernism , I suddenly become responsible for the whole movement.

So now in your mind I am a limp-wristed liberal faggot who also is part of the right wing Nazi global movement? I have never, ever heard of gays as right wing Nazis who hate "faggots". Andrew Anglin despises homosexuals- that is part of his extremism - This is not 1974, but 2014.All of your ideas are based on the 1960s and 70s--you seem out of touch with 21st century groups and thinking. :think: If anything, I would choose liberalism if the choice was between that and facism.


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