Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Your threads would run a lot more smoothly if you did not constantly accuse people of being gay, corrupting minors, needing prison, taking drugs, lying about their family situations and grief, etc. when you have absolutely no reason or grounds to do so.

Try having a Christian attitude of compassion and dignity, and stop bearing false witness against persons you cannot possibly judge, as you've never met them .

Persons who are gay do not need to be "born that way" to have their families concerned about them if they are suffering in any way.

You provoke attitudes in otherwise kind and reasonable people because you are extremely cold and mean-spirited. I have never seen someone like Peter LaBarbera accuse people of being frauds, lying when they are telling the truth, being gay when he has no knowledge of their personal lives - hence, he does not get the kind of banter which you provoke.

I have been against the Pride parades and school campaigns and it is a very twisted judgment that you mete out to me (as with others).

If you really believed in your campaign, there would be no need to attack people in this manner.

As things stand:

You present as a non-believer, willing himself to believe.

Best regards,


New member
(I must have missed in the article where Matt Barber used the word "naturally" when it comes to the desires of people that struggle with or give into same sex attraction).
Not being particularly astute is something else to add to your long list of character flaws it seems aCW.

Are you really telling me, in the article that you posted where Matt Barber's son supposedly comes to him and tells him that he is gay, where his immediate reaction is to simply accept that his only son has a sexual preference for men, calmly tells him that he is not gay if he resists them, that he would not primarily be concerned that his only son had been molested and "converted" by presumably some evil predatory gay person?

If a son of yours came and told you aCW that he was gay wouldn't you be rather more concerned about finding the evil gay pervert who raped him, before telling him how he must deal with his apparently now changed sexual desires?
(Not that any son of yours would probably want to listen to you anyway I suspect.)
That's what you think right, although Mr Barber seems to be rather more sanguine about his own son being got at perhaps?

Or perhaps you might be more frightened about finding out that it was simply natural after all, and that would never do, right?

Even Porno Pete agrees that being gay is natural, rather like his own preference for alcohol, both are ways that God apparently chooses to afflict and test people with, according to him anyway, that "naturally" or innately exist to be resisted, not somehow acquired from evil gay paedophiles, or bartenders perhaps? :rolleyes:

Poor old aCW is rather out on a limb here it seems.

(What alwight the atheist is saying here is that people who believe in God and His Word as seen in Holy Scripture have a "narrow concept" or morality. Obviously they need to listen to and read the writings of great moralists like Dan Savage and Peter Tatchell to 'broaden' their view of morality).
For some it might indeed make a pleasant change from only listening to voices inside their own heads or adhering to an ancient scripture? :think:


New member
Now an excellent article by Dr. Judith Reisman

Judy Reisman is a typical conservative nutbag. She is a never ending source for fake facts for the WorldNetDialy.
Her initial claim to fame was as a song writer on the Captain Kangaroo TV show. (way to destroy a childhood memory for me)

She later worked on Reagan's Attorney General Ed Meese's anti-pornography task force producing...well nothing. FOr her work there she took in well over a hundred thousand dollars in tax payer monies.

Riesman wrote a book in which she attacked the Kinsey Institute for--as she falsely claimed--having hired pedophiles to have sex with children. When her many lies were pointed out SHE sued THE INSTITUTE for libel.

The lawsuit was thrown out of court, and, in a very unusual ruling, the court found her suit frivolous and her statements about the institute to be blatant lies and ordered HER to reimburse THE INSTITUTE some $50,000, for its attorney's fees.


I'll finish up this segment on homosexual violence by reviewing some key points that Dr. Paul Cameron listed in his article:

Violence and Homosexuality.

(while the article is obviously 2 decades old, it's still as relevant today as it was back then).

Murder and Mass Murder:

Because of the freedom to meet other homosexuals in places like gay bars, bathhouses and internet websites, homosexual serial killers are much more common today then they were in the past. As we've seen throughout the thread, some of histories worst mass murderers were homosexuals as well (Adolf Hitler and Sandy Hook child murderer Adam Lanza).


Violent Sexual Practices

As we've seen in articles about BDSM by AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera, etc., sadomasochism is common when it comes to those who engage in homosexual behavior.

Deliberately Infecting Others During Sex

Sharing disease (and hence the misery and death) with others is a part of the self-hatred mentality that many who engage in homosexual behavior have.

Homosexual Rape

The molestation of children (i.e. rape) is common amongst those that engage in homosexual behavior because they too were victims of homosexual rape.

Impact of Violence On The Homosexual Lifespan

While those homosexuals who are afflicted with HIV/AIDS are living longer due to high cost-government supplemented drugs, many are still being murdered. We've seen this in articles and in the website that shows homosexual obituaries.


Being that many haven't followed this 3 part thread from the beginning, I'm going to spend the next couple of months reviewing some of the things that were discussed in the previous two threads before moving onto the next topic. I'll post current articles as well to show what 'progress' the sodomite movement is continuing to have in our once Christian nation.

Of course as always, these topics will be open for debate/discussion.


Judy Reisman is a typical conservative nutbag. She is a never ending source for fake facts for the WorldNetDialy.
Her initial claim to fame was as a song writer on the Captain Kangaroo TV show. (way to destroy a childhood memory for me)

She later worked on Reagan's Attorney General Ed Meese's anti-pornography task force producing...well nothing. FOr her work there she took in well over a hundred thousand dollars in tax payer monies.

Riesman wrote a book in which she attacked the Kinsey Institute for--as she falsely claimed--having hired pedophiles to have sex with children. When her many lies were pointed out SHE sued THE INSTITUTE for libel.

The lawsuit was thrown out of court, and, in a very unusual ruling, the court found her suit frivolous and her statements about the institute to be blatant lies and ordered HER to reimburse THE INSTITUTE some $50,000, for its attorney's fees.

Thank you for your valuable input Traci. The work of Dr. Judith Reisman and her credentials are covered quite extensively in Part 1. Here are just 3 of the posts that you'll soon see again:

Alfred Kinsey, page 77, post #1142

Video: The Kinsey Syndrome, page 77, post #1152

"ALFRED KINSEY – THE LEFT’S PERVERT HERO" (Don Feder article), page 78, post #1158

Since I'm going to do a review of earlier posts from Part 1 and 2, I'll once again show what kind of sick degenerate that homosexual/child molester Alfred Kinsey was.

In the meantime, so that we can pacify homoseuxalist TracerBullet, I think we should all add Dr. Judith Reisman to the long list of LIAR! LIAR! PANTS ON FIRE! that represent those who believe in God and His Word when it comes to human sexuality.


Even Porno Pete agrees that being gay is natural, rather like his own preference for alcohol,...

(Poor Al, he can't get his right-wing homophobic bigots straight. He's confusing Peter LaBarbera with Scott Lively's past struggle with alcohol addiction).


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(Poor Al, he can't get his right-wing homophobic bigots straight. He's confusing Peter LaBarbera with Scott Lively's past struggle with alcohol addiction).

I knew that, I was just testing.

(I got my homophobic bigots mixed up :doh:)

Yet through the power of faith and self determination, Scott Lively was able to overcome his addiction to alcohol.

God does miraculous things Al, he could even do them for you, GayForReal7, Art Brain and TracerBullet.

Matthew 7:7


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(Poor Al, he can't get his right-wing homophobic bigots straight. He's confusing Peter LaBarbera with Scott Lively's past struggle with alcohol addiction).

Yet through the power of faith and self determination, Scott Lively was able to overcome his addiction to alcohol.

God does miraculous things Al, he could even do them for you, GayForReal7, Art Brain and TracerBullet.

Matthew 7:7
You guys sure do like to attribute all the good positive stuff to God, but would never dare blame Him for all the bad and negative things that Scott Lively (not Porno Pete) thinks are sent as a test from God.


You guys sure do like to attribute all the good positive stuff to God, but would never dare blame Him for all the bad and negative things that Scott Lively (not Porno Pete) thinks are sent as a test from God.

In order to know anything about God you first have to acknowledge that He exists Al.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
In order to know anything about God you first have to acknowledge that He exists Al.

I'm rather more interested in knowing about people who think that their particular "God" really does exist, and thereby seek to impose a supposed godly power over others.

As I've mentioned in this 3 part thread several times Al, it all comes down to a war of good vs evil, right vs wrong, God vs Satan.

Whether you want to believe this or not, your secular humanist movement is trying to impose their evil powers over others who believe in decency.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
In order to know anything about God you first have to acknowledge that He exists Al.

As I've mentioned in this 3 part thread several times Al, it all comes down to a war of good vs evil, right vs wrong, God vs Satan.

Whether you want to believe this or not, your secular humanist movement is trying to impose their evil powers over others who believe in decency.
Fear not aCW, you presumably have your God to zap us all with, we don't.
You do have God, don't you? :think:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

As I've mentioned in this 3 part thread several times Al, it all comes down to a war of good vs evil, right vs wrong, God vs Satan.

Whether you want to believe this or not, your secular humanist movement is trying to impose their evil powers over others who believe in decency.

Fear not aCW, you presumably have your God to zap us all with, we don't.
You do have God, don't you? :think:

I pray to God that He won't "zap" you and other perverts before we can get this country turned around by once again legislating righteous laws and embracing decency in the way of cultural mores'.

But then, that's totally up to Him.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
In order to know anything about God you first have to acknowledge that He exists Al.

As I've mentioned in this 3 part thread several times Al, it all comes down to a war of good vs evil, right vs wrong, God vs Satan.

Whether you want to believe this or not, your secular humanist movement is trying to impose their evil powers over others who believe in decency.
And yet when people concerned with decency try in their own way to further its campaign, simply because they agree with the other 99 % that it must be done in a cultural-incremental plan, you accuse them of fraud, lies, male prostitution, AIDs virus, child rape, corruption, and being walking time-bombs who are badly in need of prison.

Also: showing compassion for sufferers as with addictions and other debilitating conditions, does not make one a flagrant queen to normal people.

You certainly are not practicing the imitatione Christi in any way, shape, or form; nor do you seem to have any gifts of spiritual discernment.

Righteous anger is good; Holy hatred is good: But just mud-slinging and calling people queens and "buttercup" - does this remind you of John the Baptist or Jesus? Can you imagine either of them calling people "buttercup" and telling them to "sashay" on out--- is this how Jesus addressed the Pharisees? :think:


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

As I've mentioned in this 3 part thread several times Al, it all comes down to a war of good vs evil, right vs wrong, God vs Satan.

Whether you want to believe this or not, your secular humanist movement is trying to impose their evil powers over others who believe in decency.

I pray to God that He won't "zap" you and other perverts before we can get this country turned around by once again legislating righteous laws and embracing decency in the way of cultural mores'.

But then, that's totally up to Him.
There is supposed to be an Apocalypse and judgement by God on a society which has abandoned all of his precepts. Your theocracy would only be a cheap stand-in for this.


Not being the center of attention for 13 posts, GayForReal7 continues to use the lame overused attack claiming that it's my...


that turns him and others off.

You certainly are not practicing the imitatione Christi in any way, shape, or form; nor do you seem to have any gifts of spiritual discernment.

Nice try muffin, but I've shown throughout this 3 part thread (see the table of contents for related posts) that clergy, children, people of faith and even the former Pope received death threats (and in many cases were assaulted) because they spoke out against homosexuality.

No, it's not my...


it's the message that homosexualists like you HATE.

Chased out of the Castro

Homosexual violence and crimes in San Francisco
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New member
Not being the center of attention for 13 posts, GayForReal7 continues to use the lame overused attack claiming that it's my...


that turns him and others off.

Nice try muffin, but I've shown throughout this 3 part thread (see the table of contents for related posts) that clergy, children, people of faith and even the former Pope received death threats (and in many cases were assaulted) because they spoke out against homosexuality.

No, it's not my...


it's the message that homosexualists like you HATE.
I still say you are abrasive as hell. :AMR1:
I don't care if i'm "the center of attention", I'm just posting my nerves away. Put me on ignore, and you won't need to respond....


And here GayforReal7 reminds us that in order to have righteous laws against homosexual behavior (and the agenda that goes with it), a nation must first be a "theocracy".

There is supposed to be an Apocalypse and judgement by God on a society which has abandoned all of his precepts. Your theocracy would only be a cheap stand-in for this.


New member
And here GayforReal7 reminds us that in order to have righteous laws against homosexual behavior (and the agenda that goes with it), a nation must first be a "theocracy".
Having gone beyond original laws , yes. With our federal judges, yes, it would. You can't make time run backward, legislatively or at this juncture.

As if "righteous" would have any meaning to secular liberals who look only to "equality" and "constitutionality". Right. ;)

what is the '7' for in gayforreal's name? :think:
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