That's funny, more than a few that I know, recognize the distinctions in the scriptures between that of the Gentiles (Galatians 3:29 KJV) to whom Paul was first sent (Acts 26:17 KJV) and those (Ephesians 2:11-12 KJV) to whom he was later sent (Acts 22:21 KJV).
To approve these things "are excellent"!
Philippians 1:10 That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ.
Tell that to the thousands under the BBS flag. Or the thousands more under GGF, or the thousands more under GSB. Or the thousands more in other parts of the world.
I even had you read a long document by a TTCM
Pastor who tore holes in the views of the Acts 28ers views (not the same, but very similar to your own).
Here is that document once more. But for where they begin the Body and some other things, their view is very similar to your own on some things - two mysteries, not one; no Lord's communion; the Romans as proselytes, and so on.
You had to have been schooled in those views unaware there was another. No way is it the result of years in the whole of Scripture as the standard Mid-Acts originated.
And if memory serves me; you had a problem with Stam's understanding of Phillipians 1:10 sense.
Yet you hold the same view.
That passage is not talking about what you have just now asserted.
Rather, it is talking about the very thing you fail to to do - get along with others when you differ with them. That is the excellent he is talking about that he relates will be their key to being sincere and without offence til the day of Christ.
He is talking about taking all that head knowledge and extracting from it those things having to do with loving one another during differences.
You're in serious need of Grace 102. Things neither stop at "that's not for us!" nor take up from there at "that's not for us, creten!"
The best to you in this.