ECT Why God sent Paul.

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Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Blasphemy can be forgiven.

Matthew 12:32

32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.

Once again since you did not answer....

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I suppose then that the many Gentiles in the past never Joined Israel.

What are you talking about? Why the misdirection? Gentiles came to God in accordance with Genesis 12. The Lord Jesus Christ enforced this. In the dispensation of grace, this changed.


Active member
Matthew 12:32

32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.

Once again since you did not answer....
Mark 3:28-30 Tells why, same passage. They have an unclean spirit. Anyone who has an unclean spirit cannot have the Holy Spirit.


TOL Subscriber
You and - very few within Mid-Acts - assert that is the case.
That's funny, more than a few that I know, recognize the distinctions in the scriptures between that of the Gentiles (Galatians 3:29 KJV) to whom Paul was first sent (Acts 26:17 KJV) and those (Ephesians 2:11-12 KJV) to whom he was later sent (Acts 22:21 KJV).

To approve these things "are excellent"!

Philippians 1:10 That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ.


To approve these things "are excellent"!

Philippians 1:10 That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ.

Phillippians 1:10 has nothing to do with your Bullingerism.

Try reading the previous verse

(Phil 1:9 KJV) And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment;

patrick jane

Back to Dispensationalism 101 for you.

"sheep" can only be Israelites according to MAD

It's kinda funny how all you Darby Followers go on and on about faith and faith alone, but then when people disagree with your MAD, you tell them to get saved.

Repent and get saved :devil: :rapture:


New member
That's funny, more than a few that I know, recognize the distinctions in the scriptures between that of the Gentiles (Galatians 3:29 KJV) to whom Paul was first sent (Acts 26:17 KJV) and those (Ephesians 2:11-12 KJV) to whom he was later sent (Acts 22:21 KJV).

To approve these things "are excellent"!

Philippians 1:10 That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ.

Tell that to the thousands under the BBS flag. Or the thousands more under GGF, or the thousands more under GSB. Or the thousands more in other parts of the world.

I even had you read a long document by a TTCM
Pastor who tore holes in the views of the Acts 28ers views (not the same, but very similar to your own).

Here is that document once more. But for where they begin the Body and some other things, their view is very similar to your own on some things - two mysteries, not one; no Lord's communion; the Romans as proselytes, and so on.

You had to have been schooled in those views unaware there was another. No way is it the result of years in the whole of Scripture as the standard Mid-Acts originated.

And if memory serves me; you had a problem with Stam's understanding of Phillipians 1:10 sense.

Yet you hold the same view.

That passage is not talking about what you have just now asserted.

Rather, it is talking about the very thing you fail to to do - get along with others when you differ with them. That is the excellent he is talking about that he relates will be their key to being sincere and without offence til the day of Christ.

He is talking about taking all that head knowledge and extracting from it those things having to do with loving one another during differences.

You're in serious need of Grace 102. Things neither stop at "that's not for us!" nor take up from there at "that's not for us, creten!"

The best to you in this.


New member
Danoh just wants everybody to get along, even though his doctrine is not sound.

Lol - I just love a good ribbing.

Question is though, is there room for getting along, but at the same time; without having to compromise what one holds to.

Philippians 1: 9-10 says yes, it is doable.

How? Gal. 5:18 :)


Danoh just wants everybody to get along, even though his doctrine is not sound.

Danoh's a hypocrite, and a legalist.

Danoh thinks he's taking the moral high ground, and morally superior to Little Johnny W, regarding how they insult me.

In Danoh's legalistic little world, he's a better Christian than Little Johnny W because Danoh would never stoop so low as Little Johnny W and insult my wife. Apparently, in Danoh's world, his insults are ok, but Little Johnny W's are not.

In Little Johnny W's own words: Danoh thinks he's a cleaner rat than Little Johnny W.

Here are some of the things Danoh has said to me:

Were I Charismatic, I would say you are possessed by an evil spirit of some kind.

You are forever compelled to start this nonsense of yours.

More like exposing your own ignorance of how to properly study a thing out.

First off, books based know it all,

Look around O books learned one.

Are you really that dense?

Seriously, you can not be that obtuse; not you - you're book learned.

your self-delusion is fully in place.

You are gone.

You are that full of self-loathing.

In your books based ignorance...

You are not the issue; you spiritual fool.

You are one would be double-binding individual.

your blind nonsense.

You are just being you - the same old "one size fits all" buffoon you always are.

Quit being such a self-willed mindless drone.

Went right past your books based blindness.

You are a "books based" hack. Through, and through.

You and yours have turned yourselves into absolute fools.


Well-known member
I have. I've read lots of Israel's prophets preaching to Israel. What is you point?

My THIRD bullet pointer refers to it. Do you know how to read?

I am, you're not.

Once AGAIN, where does Philip tell the eunuch about Christ's DEATH FOR SIN? It is CLEARLY missing from this passage. But you've got a "story" that you have to keep with, so you'll ignore this important detail.

Uhhh, I wasn't aware that there was any other topic in Is 53...

So what you are saying is the African was reading the passage (but of course with absolutely no idea of what was said before or after.) And Philip explained it. But of course with absolutely no idea of what was said before or after, because, God forbid, the African might find out Christ died for him. What a mistake that would have been!

That is what the grace of the Lord Jesus is.

Only with too much theological training and too intricate of a theological tweezers could a person miss that the topic of the conversation was Christ, and his justification of us through his death.


Well-known member
All I know from the title MAD is that something happened sometime in Acts. I have no idea what, and the more the MADs post, the less I understand. Is it the point at which the age of grace started?


All I know from the title MAD is that something happened sometime in Acts. I have no idea what, and the more the MADs post, the less I understand. Is it the point at which the age of grace started?

That's the really funny thing about MAD.

They go on and on about how "the age of grace" started in mid-Acts, but none of them can even agree with each other where in mid-Acts this big change took place.

Some of them say the stoning of Stephen marked God's putting Israel on hold, they are Acts 7.

Some of them say Saul's conversion to Paul in Acts 9, they of course are Acts 9

Others claim it was Acts 13, when Paul stopped going to the Jew first. They are Acts 13

Then there's E.W. Bullinger and Acts 28. While Bullinger wasn't mid-Acts, MADists like STP and heir adhere to about 90% of Bullingers teachings, but claim to be Acts 9's.

MAD is a mess.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
That's the really funny thing about MAD.

They go on and on about how "the age of grace" started in mid-Acts, but none of them can even agree with each other where in mid-Acts this big change took place.

Some of them say the stoning of Stephen marked God's putting Israel on hold, they are Acts 7.

Some of them say Saul's conversion to Paul in Acts 9, they of course are Acts 9

Others claim it was Acts 13, when Paul stopped going to the Jew first. They are Acts 13

Then there's E.W. Bullinger and Acts 28. While Bullinger wasn't mid-Acts, MADists like STP and heir adhere to about 90% of Bullingers teachings, but claim to be Acts 9's.

MAD is a mess.

Yeah, and your belief system "Preterism" believes that Christ
already returned in 70AD in the form of the Roman army. Isn't
that kind of silly? You listen too much to "Homer Strut Caste."

Caste is your mentor.
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