Hi to all and the PENTECOSTALS and the RCC seem to be aligned , as neither of them believe that the Day of Pentecostal has been POSTPONED !!
The Pentecostals are trying to bring back Pentecost and the so-called tongues movement has FAILED and the Kingdom Gospel has fallen flat on its face .
The RCC have stolen the Priesthood from Judaism and then claim that they can add to the word of God through Traditions of man !!
Both of them refuse to believe that PENTECOST has been set aside !
In John 16:13 it reads , When the Spirit of Truth is come , He will GUIDE YOU into all TRUTH !!
There are 7 verb tense that are in that verse , 2 are in the Past Tense , 1 in the Present Tense AND 4 are in the FUTURE TENSE yet to be accomplished ,
This then means both are wrong , as Pentecost has been set aside , as the tongues would really be GLOSSA / LANGUAGES and there would be Miracles along with the Languages !!
On e verb says that the Spirit will hear , Past tense and then " THAT SHALL HE SPEAK " is in the Future Tense and in both instances Tongues are GIBBERISH and not Languages and they FAKE the miracles !!
The RCC just FAKES and adds to the bible .
dan p