Arthur Brain
Well-known member
It's not new.
No, it's very, very old in fact...
I see the resident sociopath is flapping about but no time for trolls anymore so just ftr 'ok doser', if you're replying to me:
It's not new.
“SELECTIVE OUTRAGE” is based upon the idea that our president does not hold the small-town values most of us were raised up with. And that he lies an average of 7.5 times every day.
If he lied 90 times a day, he would become a Liberal.
two quick examples, in fact the first two posts that come up when you search on quotes by barbie:
that's a lie - the ideology he's talking about is not one that stripe hates
another lie - stripe wasn't suggesting anything of the sort, in fact just the opposite
i don't think he can help himself - his scorn and hatred for the forum bias has led him to years and years of trolling, twisting responses, making false claims and earning the distinction that stripe noted
without the dishonesty, barbie wouldn't be barbie
There's a reason for that. He isn't, far from it. Stripe is simply parroting a rumour spread by the biggest troll on the forum is all. Remember when doser used to obsess over Barb to the point of distraction, spamming up thread after thread? What his beef with the guy was who knows but it was ridiculous. He was okay with me until I asked him if he could reign it in a bit and just ignore the guy and then suddenly, I started getting the same and then anyone else who was fed up with his drive by trolling spam of 100 posts a day.
Then, "okdoser" got a real bee in his bonnet over TH and did the same, flaming out and trolling all over the place so consider the source Wiz. He was even warned by Knight to knock it off with TH on pain of a long term to permanent ban over his constant spamming and trolling. That was even before the new ruling that prevents doser from stalking posters and hurling lame insults about.
Barb was never going to be popular on here in the main. He's not MAD, he's not far right and he's not a young earth creationist. Along with Alate One, he ruffles the likes of Stripe's feathers by schooling him in actual science which ain't gonna go down well. Barb infuriates people, no doubt of that but that's because he's unflappable and doesn't flame out, which is what some people obviously wish he would do. Ever seen Barb get an infraction for stalking other posters?
So, failing that, the trolls and those with their panties in a twist resort to inventing rumours and the gullible just lap it up.
Than you both. I'll try to do some independent analysis on this when I get some time. :e4e:
Than you both. I'll try to do some independent analysis on this when I get some time. :e4e:
if you only have time for one, i recommend this one:
Sure, in the same way that anything good can be twisted to be used for evil.
What's your point?
I actually almost responded to Barbarian on that when I first read it but fool beat me to it.
Amazing, and suddenly we all dont have an issue with the berlin wall.
The conservatives best friend , the late great Ronald Reagan, should never have said "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."
The Berlin wall was to keep people in.
The Berlin wall was to keep people in, when Reagan said that he meant "Let the people go".
What I find fascinating is no one seems to want to address what brings the illegal immigrants here in the 1st place.
"When I was there singing, I heard them saying 'Build that wall, build that wall,'" Phillips said, as he wiped away tears in a video posted on Instagram. "This is indigenous lands. We're not supposed to have walls here. We never did." |
Regarding the disgusting and disrespectful students from Covington Catholic High School in Park Hills who wore MAGA hats and mocked members of the The Indigenous Peoples March
"When I was there singing, I heard them saying 'Build that wall, build that wall,'" Phillips said, as he wiped away tears in a video posted on Instagram. "This is indigenous lands. We're not supposed to have walls here. We never did."
Phillips, an Omaha tribe elder who fought in the Vietnam War and now lives in Michigan, has long been active in the indigenous rights movement.
A co-founder of the Native Youth Alliance cultural and education group, he shows up to Arlington National Cemetery every Veterans Day with a peace pipe to pay tribute to Native Americans who served in the U.S. military.
vs. a bunch of spoiled entitled morons wearing MAGA hats. :loser:
:mock: anyone who has ever worn a MAGA hat.
Except that didn't happen. The guy with the drum waded into the crowd of students and if you can find the part where they chant "build the wall" I'd be appreciative;