Voting is not a right, it is a responsibility.
People like you (trolls) are incapable of understanding responsibilities.
Why is it that nobody is actually presenting ARGUMENTS on this issue?
Here's my argument.
Our rights are to life, liberty, and property. You can say that these aren't really "rights" in the absolute sense, since God can take them away, but rather derived from the duty each man has to another to follow the golden rule and not to murder, steal, or kidnap his fellow man. But no matter how you word it, there is, in some sense or another, a right to life, liberty and property which all moral people must protect. This right comes from the Golden Rule, the commands against stealing, murder, and kidnapping, the command not to lord it over each other like the gentiles do, Proverbs 3:30, and Romans 12:18 (this is not an exhaustive list.)
Voting, by contrast, is a means by which some men lord it over other men. In fact, it is typically a violation of other people's rights, certainly not a right in and of itself. There are cases of voting defensively, such as voting against a property tax increase, or voting for a relatively consistent opponent of government expansion such as Ron Paul or Thomas Massie. But even then, voting isn't a "right." Such an act, done for the right reasons, would be done with a mindset of wishing that voting made less of a difference than it does. That libertarians must vote defensively against those who would control them is not something that libertarians should be excited about, but something that they perform as a defensive measure while realizing it would be better if democracy did not exist and if everyone understood that the idea of "voting" to take other people's rights or to dictate to them is always immoral.
I wouldn't necessarily call voting a "responsibility" either, though I think that's better than calling it a right. I think principled non-voting is often a reasonable thing to do. And I don't think that people who never vote are sinning or evil. I think that's actually a far more reasonable thing to do than to vote either "D" or "R" (Unless the Republican is in the liberty movement, which most aren't.) I don't think its always the best strategy, but I don't think its necessarily evil . Not taking care of your family is evil, that's a violation of responsibility. Not voting is a tactical choice (assuming its for the same reasons as voting defensively as I discussed above, if you don't vote because you're lazy that's a different issue, though I've done that to primarily due to disillusionment with the "process.")
Voting is either a defensive means of combating tyranny or a means of increasing it. If it is used for the former, it is used with a recognition that it is only necessary because of people who use it for the latter. In the latter case it is despicable and evil. Its either an unfortunate necessity or a morally depraved evil. But never a "right."