Actually not true. If you have a good case I will say so.
In this case I admitted to Johnny that he was correct that the title was flawed.
The reason I used the word "lie" was to emphasize that many of the arguments used by evolutionists are lies. The fact that those who repeat the lies may not realize that they are lies means only that they are not themselves liars, but merely dupes.
But a lie is still a lie, and many of the arguments are lies.
The real question is: who or what was the original source of the lie of evolution?
And why do so many otherwise intelligent people repeat the lie?
If I had thought about the title a bit longer I would probably have said: "Why do evolutionists have to use lies to support evolution?
Ans. Because the hard evidence to support their case is insufficient, so they repeat things that they learned by rote that frequently make little sense.
In the case at hand it really is not a scientific argument to imply that evolution must be true because some in the Church once taught that God created all lifeforms in a perfect state and they have never changed since then. All that proves is that humans are fallible, which is obvious.
I stand by my original statement. "You are impervious to logic and peer review."
If by that you mean I avoid jumping on a "bandwagon" when I think I have run across a much better idea then I plead quilty.
Actually I got off the evolution bandwagon 23 years ago and since then much evidence has surfaced to reinforce the wisdom of my earlier choice.
BTW, evolution is one of the most illogical ideas I have ever had the misfortune of bumping into.
Now if you actually have some hard scientific evidence to support evolution don't be shy. Let's hear it.
Bob, why do you persist in using the word "lie" when you know very well that the word is overwhelmingly most often used to refer to a false statement made with the deliberate intent to deceive?The reason I used the word "lie" was to emphasize that many of the arguments used by evolutionists are lies. The fact that those who repeat the lies may not realize that they are lies means only that they are not themselves liars, but merely dupes.
But a lie is still a lie, and many of the arguments are lies.
The real question is: who or what was the original source of the lie of evolution?
And why do so many otherwise intelligent people repeat the lie?
If I had thought about the title a bit longer I would probably have said: "Why do evolutionists have to use lies to support evolution?
Bob, why do you persist in using the word "lie" when you know very well that the word is overwhelmingly most often used to refer to a false statement made with the deliberate intent to deceive?
To use the word to mean merely a false statement is intentionally misleading on your part. While the word can technically be used to refer to a false statement, you know very well that the vast majority of readers will not interpret the word "lie" in that manner.
Main Entry: lie
Function: noun
1 a : an assertion of something known or believed by the speaker to be untrue with intent to deceive b : an untrue or inaccurate statement that may or may not be believed true by the speaker
2 : something that misleads or deceives
3 : a charge of lying
• noun 1 an intentionally false statement. 2 a situation involving deception or founded on a mistaken impression.
something that you say which you know is not true:
I told a lie when I said I liked her haircut.
NOUN: 1. A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood. 2. Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.
Lie , n.
1. A falsehood uttered or acted for the purpose of deception; an intentional violation of truth; an untruth spoken with the intention to deceive.
2. A fiction; a fable; an untruth.
3. Anything which misleads or disappoints
I don't need to remind you of the evidence that supports evolution. You are quite aware of the evidence, but you reject it because of your committment to your specific predetermned theological perspective.
I know you are going to claim that your rejection of evolution was first and therefore not dependant on your current theological perspective. But I think your memory of the exact events and where this rejection of evolution started is hazy.
You wish. :rotfl:The evidence falsifies descent from a single primitive ancestor.
And we all know how useful revelation is in science.I posted on this forum what I wrote 24 years when I first realized that evolution from a single primitive ancestor was not possible. This article was written within hours of my "revelation".
Scientists are frequently wrong. That's how we learn. You simply cannot believe that the bible is wrong.You apparently feel that I must have been influenced by theological considerations, because you simply cannot believe that scientists can be wrong about something.
When did you abandon reason for faith?But I can only state that I also had been under the impression that so many scientists could not possibly have been so mistaken about this topic, and therefore I agonized greatly over my discovery. But my modus operandi all during my career was to go with the evidence, so I had no choice but to reject the concept, regards of the odds against me.
Please- explain how geology and astronomy have shown any such things. These sciences are married so neatly to the idea of an old universe that I would really love to see what you're talking about. Explain the conspiracy and who's really behind it.Thus, began an investigation that continues to this day. And all my subsequent investigations into the various topics like geology, paleontology, biology, astronomy, etc. have only strengthened my belief that scientists were the ones that screwed up royally due to theological beliefs: i.e. they wanted to believe that creation was naturalistic, because only then would they be able to investigate creation of the universe and first life on Earth.
And many Christians have gotten sucked into the lie.
And we all know how useful revelation is in science.![]()
Scientists are frequently wrong. That's how we learn. You simply cannot believe that the bible is wrong.
When did you abandon reason for faith?
Please- explain how geology and astronomy have shown any such things.
These sciences are married so neatly to the idea of an old universe that I would really love to see what you're talking about.
Explain the conspiracy and who's really behind it.
You are confusing inspiration with revelation.If you would read any serious history of science you would recognize how wrong you are.
Really- it was a gradual process? You just claimed it was a revelation.Yes, it has taken me some 20 years to gradually come to the conclusion (because of the evidence that has come to light) that the Bible was right and the critics that thought they had found errors were wrong.
They can be compatible- and in many of the believers here they are. You just have to know where each experience fits- God, faith. Science, reason.The two are quite compatible. With regard to evolution, it is the faith in its power to create that blinds men to the truth.
You love to magnify molehills into mountains, don't you? It shows that galactic formation occurred earlier than predicted- all of the evidence still points to a billions of years old universe. Nice try, but no cigar.Start your own thread if you wish.
If the universe was rapidly expanded then it is not old. The "old" universe inference is based on a false assumption. This should be obvious now that telescopes have discovered mature galaxies so close to the beginning of the expansion. That blows current theories "out of the water."
How very scientific of you, science lover. :chuckle: At least you are being up front about where your real alleigence lays. Really? Atheists don't believe in Jesus? Any brilliant follow-ups there, Cpt. Obvious? Is fire hot? Do bears poop in the woods?The conspiracy is obviously not of this world. It is explained in scripture in many books, with some of the explanation by Jesus Christ. Of course atheists do not believe in Jesus Christ.
Some are. The idea that it has occurred has been kicked around since ancient times- the mechanisms by which it takes place are more recent. Bluntly, what's that got to do with the price of tea in China?The ideas of evolution are really quite ancient.
Really- it was a gradual process? You just claimed it was a revelation.
You love to magnify molehills into mountains, don't you? It shows that galactic formation occurred earlier than predicted- all of the evidence still points to a billions of years old universe. Nice try, but no cigar.
1. That's not revelation. Revelation is just that- revealed.I called my discovery that evolution was false a "revelation" (i.e. it came to me in a flash out of the blue). This started me on a long and gradual process of realizing (due to findings since) that the Bible was accurate and critics were wrong.
No molehill according to Science Daily and EurekAlert.
1. That's not revelation. Revelation is just that- revealed.
2. What evidence do you have that the bible accurately describes the physical formation of the universe and all life within it? Not evidence against evolution or evidence against modern cosmology, but evidence for a biblical creation? All I've seen from you are attempts to poke holes in current theories not to create new ones.
I've read on the topic and I haven't seen anything suggesting a young universe- only that our understanding of galaxy formation and galaxy collisions is incomplete.
bob b said:Any astrophysicist who suggested that a young universe might be true would be run out of town on a rail.
:lol: Only to those who believe inb a creator, and even then only to those who believe in your literal bible interpretation.Maybe it was revelation. It certainly got me back on th right track.
My attempts are to help wavering Christians avoid hitching their wagon to the wrong star (evolution).
No need to do that. Creation of multiple types at the beginning is far more logical.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the only ones who think that are the ones who believe otherwise to begin with- typically for religious reasons. You deny that this has anything to do with your stance, but it is certainly the case for most of these folks. Of course, since studies continue to shed light on the possible origins of life, I think your announcement of evo's obituary is as wishful as ever.The idea that an interrelated control system like DNA/RNA/proteins could arise "naturally" is getting dumber and dumber with each new research finding. The atheists can't prop up their failing theory many more years at this rate.
You assume again and again that those of us who accept evolution do so because of brain washing and a lack of original thought. I am always thinking critically. If you have realistic evidence produce it.BTW, that was what won me over 24 years ago. But then I hadn't been brainwashed as thoroughly as people generally are today. And I had learned to think about and evaluate things analytically as well.
You should try it sometime if you dare. But be warned. It will change your life (and afterlife) for the better to boot.
You have got to be kidding. Any astrophysicist who suggested that a young universe might be true would be run out of town on a rail. You seem to be laboring under the silly idea that faculties at universities are not "politically correct". I have friends who are professors and even department heads and they tell a different story in private. And even laugh about it. Why not? It's better than crying!!
The evidence falsifies descent from a single primitive ancestor.
I posted on this forum what I wrote 24 years when I first realized that evolution from a single primitive ancestor was not possible. This article was written within hours of my "revelation".
You apparently feel that I must have been influenced by theological considerations, because you simply cannot believe that scientists can be wrong about something.
But I can only state that I also had been under the impression that so many scientists could not possibly have been so mistaken about this topic, and therefore I agonized greatly over my discovery. But my modus operandi all during my career was to go with the evidence, so I had no choice but to reject the concept, regards of the odds against me.
Thus, began an investigation that continues to this day. And all my subsequent investigations into the various topics like geology, paleontology, biology, astronomy, etc. have only strengthened my belief that scientists were the ones that screwed up royally due to theological beliefs: i.e. they wanted to believe that creation was naturalistic, because only then would they be able to investigate creation of the universe and first life on Earth.
And many Christians have gotten sucked into the lie.
Which evidence(s) does that?
The evidence against neoDarwinism has accumulated via laboratory research to the point where even biologists are beginning to ask themselves questions.
The key for me was the nature of the DNA/RNA/protein system. I recognized immediately when I first saw the rough outlines of this system 24 years ago that this system could not have arisen gradually. Recently, an article in Nature chided colleagues for not recognizing that this was a critical problem. It is not enough to wave one's hand and declare that "abiogenesis is not a part of evolution".
It is also not enough to dismiss God's role in creating life by inplying that because some Christians mistakenly believe that "all species were created as they appear today and have never changed" that there is anywhere in the Bible where such a doctrine can be found.
Once one fully accepts that God created life, then the logic of multiple forms at the beginning is obvious, because life was designed by an intelligence far greater than we can imagine.
Life was designed to adapt, which is something that human designers have dreamed of doing and never really have fully achieved, at least when compared with biological life.
Give God the glory which He so richly deserves.
You do realize that acknowleding evolution doesn't preclude honoring God? I've seen some really great speeches on the topic by believers here, and they certainly don't sound like God doesn't deserve the glory of His achievement. In fact, all you have to do is acknowledge that the adaptation "program" has been present ever since that proteing folding hypothetical protocell. You keep equating evolution with atheism in a way that does a disservice to some really intelligent people.
The vast majority of leading biologists are atheists.
Nuff said.