Why do border crossings exsist?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
In general, such immigrants are a benefit. They start companies at a greater rate than native born Americans and commit crime at a lower rate than native born Americans. Additionally, even the ones that take low skilled jobs are a benefit. They help places hit by hurricanes recover faster (recovery speed often limited by construction labor availability and construction costs). They also help keep food costs down when they take agricultural jobs, which helps the poor the most. Also, they tend to work a lot of hospitality jobs, making traveling and eating out cheaper.

if this were true, the border states would be clamoring to have them


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
what a novel idea - i wonder if border walls have ever been tried before and found to be effective?

And by a wall I mean a road with a fence.
With infrared cameras and microphones buried in the ground.
And drones, drones are getting cheaper and cheaper.
We could probably do a quick cheap drone wall right now, with little electric quad copters like my idiot neighbor flies up and down the block.
Here's one for $1500 with 31 minutes of flight time for a 90 minute charge;
You could have clouds of those things with tasers and pepper ball guns and silly string. Hook it all up to computers and call it SkyNet.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
seems likely a wall would at least slow them down

It's more about the infrastructure.
We need a road, from sea to shining sea. With a fence and sensors and cameras and drones and a service tunnel with conduits and pipes. Big wires, huge, the best wires.
Solar panels and wind turbines and big battery banks in bunkers to charge the drones with.
People wearing hard hats and zooming around on golf carts.
As close to the border as possible.
Water pipes, gas pipes, Petroleum product pipes, we built a pipeline across Alaska.
Small towns will spring up to support the workers, sun farmers, moisture farmers, the shade from the ever growing solar panel fields will shade the soil and collect dew in the morning, new micro climates will emerge.
We built the Hoover Dam,
https://www.usbr.gov/lc/hooverdam/faqs/damfaqs.html said:
which would or would pave a standard highway 16 feet wide, from San Francisco to New York City.

Let's just build a long skinny Hoover Dam on our Southern Border.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
They never work unless you man them.
We're going to man them, with drones.

And if you're going to do that there are more cost effective solutions. None of it will come cheaply though.
Everything has a cost.
I don't like watching videos of endless streams of people crossing the border illegally. I'm willing to spend some Dollars to fix that.


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I say build a wall and on the southern side of the wall, dig a trench and fill it with water.


Then all you would need are cameras and sensors placed at regular intervals with their views overlapping and we'd be golden.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Everything has a cost.
I don't like watching videos of endless streams of people crossing the border illegally. I'm willing to spend some Dollars to fix that.

Moreover I would rather spend the dollars building a wall, and enforcing our laws than the care & feeding of illegal immigrants which has a higher cost than a wall plus enforcement as studies on the subject have shown. You pay for one or the other, if people want to come to America let them do it legally through the process. The process is antiquated & needs to be fixed but, that is a different discussion altogether.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Moreover I would rather spend the dollars building a wall, and enforcing our laws than the care & feeding of illegal immigrants which has a higher cost than a wall plus enforcement as studies on the subject have shown. You pay for one or the other, if people want to come to America let them do it legally through the process. The process is antiquated & needs to be fixed but, that is a different discussion altogether.
I'm not entrenched on the topic...and the caravan has crystalized my concern. Something has to be done to interdict. I'd like to see a harder look at all the alternatives.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
I'm not entrenched on the topic...and the caravan has crystalized my concern. Something has to be done to interdict. I'd like to see a harder look at all the alternatives.

How about hiring the 7000 caravan people to build the wall. 14 locations - 500 person labour camps given the task of outperforming each other for bonuses. Each group responsible for a set amount of miles. Food, water and tents for 4-6 months of work under military guidance. Plus fast track immigration when completed and $1000 - $4000 cash upon completion depending on evaluation.