It seems that media has been trying to forcibly insert "gay" agenda into most of the TV shows. I started to notice this a few years back with Dr. Who (which was one of my favorites when I was younger, back when they had Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker, it seemed rather wholesome then.) But away from my BBC example and concerning Netflix...
For example, if anyone remembers reading the Douglas Adam's novels (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy) they took the first successful season of a modern version of "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" and used the next season to include a secondary a plot line about reuniting a Romeo & Romeo homosexual couple from an alternate dimension. It was totally unnecessary to the main plot, but they wanted it in there. And this is just one example, I noticed this happening in other shows of theirs as well.
The point being that both the school systems and the media entertainment industry is working hard to try to "educate" the youth in such a manner, and it is having a measurable effect of producing sexual confusion among those youth. If one was really "created (or evolved) gay" then programming / brainwashing wouldn't have any effect.