Why be Catholic?


New member
I'm agnostic, I'm 25 and I still live at home because I'm recovering from a surgery. My family is extremely religious, Catholic. I haven't told anyone except friends my lack of religion because they're so extreme. My dad drags me to church every ****ing Sunday. And I'm very sick of hearing how I need god and I need to pray more. Such ******** and a waste of time.

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New member
Why don't you tell us how you really feel? :idunno:
What do you mean?
I'm frustrated with the ******** but my Dad was born into a religious family and he had a tough childhood, so this was something to cling onto. I give him leeway.
So I'm just annoyed and tired of hearing the same thing constantly.

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What do you mean?
I'm frustrated with the ******** but my Dad was born into a religious family and he had a tough childhood, so this was something to cling onto. I give him leeway.
So I'm just annoyed and tired of hearing the same thing constantly.
Jesus Christ is risen. If He is not risen, then the whole thing's a sham. If He is risen, then listen to your dad.


New member
Jesus Christ is risen. If He is not risen, then the whole thing's a sham. If He is risen, then listen to your dad.
The entire thing is fake. At least probably. I have no reason to believe in god.

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The entire thing is fake. At least probably. I have no reason to believe in god.
Eternity's an awful long time to wager on "probably." In fact, compared with 10,000 years, eternity is not comparable at all. And who's talking about God? I'm talking about Easter, and Easter only. It's either nonfiction, or fictional. If and only if it's fictional, does not believing that the Lord Jesus is risen, make a lick of sense.

Listen to your dad.


New member
Eternity's an awful long time to wager on "probably." In fact, compared with 10,000 years, eternity is not comparable at all. And who's talking about God? I'm talking about Easter, and Easter only. It's either nonfiction, or fictional. If and only if it's fictional, does not believing that the Lord Jesus is risen, make a lick of sense.

Listen to your dad.
I didn't realize you were talking about Jesus. I realize what you're saying about an eternity in Heaven vs Hell. But we only have one life, I doubt heavily in reincarnation, so with that one life we should enjoy it and push to enjoy it as much as possible. I don't want to waste my time going and listening to some guy talk to me. They're not special. They aren't made of fairy dust. How the **** does he know more about religion than me. He majored in theology and that's it.

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I didn't realize you were talking about Jesus. I realize what you're saying about an eternity in Heaven vs Hell. But we only have one life, I doubt heavily in reincarnation, so with that one life we should enjoy it and push to enjoy it as much as possible.
Believe that He is risen, and then by all means.
I don't want to waste my time going and listening to some guy talk to me. They're not special. They aren't made of fairy dust. How the **** does he know more about religion than me. He majored in theology and that's it.
His boss your archbishop trusts him to teach and preach to you, and to administer the sacraments. I wouldn't receive Holy Communion in your state, if you are Catholic; it's unclear from your OP and thread whether you are or not.

Is your dad Catholic?


New member
I'm agnostic, I'm 25 and I still live at home because I'm recovering from a surgery. My family is extremely religious, Catholic. I haven't told anyone except friends my lack of religion because they're so extreme. My dad drags me to church every ****ing Sunday. And I'm very sick of hearing how I need god and I need to pray more. Such ******** and a waste of time.

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Hi finalpoet,

I apologize for interrupting your conversation with Nihilo but the title of your thread caught my attention.

And first, I hope your recovery from surgery goes well.

Why be Catholic?

Well, why be Agnostic? or an Athiest? or a Lutheran? or a Buddhist? or a Hindu? or anything else?

I think if we are intellectually honest, the only reason to be any of those is because we believe them to be true.

Do you believe Agnosticism is true?



New member
Hi finalpoet,

I apologize for interrupting your conversation with Nihilo but the title of your thread caught my attention.

And first, I hope your recovery from surgery goes well.

Why be Catholic?

Well, why be Agnostic? or an Athiest? or a Lutheran? or a Buddhist? or a Hindu? or anything else?

I think if we are intellectually honest, the only reason to be any of those is because we believe them to be true.

Do you believe Agnosticism is true?

Nihilo sorry but we'll never agree.

Bard, I honestly just threw on a quick title, no reason. As for why follow a certain religion, I think it's built in with our parents or elders and our core beliefs. Yes I am agnostic. I would say that my core thoughts are equivalent to how many people believe in god. They believe in god beyond all else.

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Hall of Fame
I'm agnostic, I'm 25 and I still live at home because I'm recovering from a surgery. My family is extremely religious, Catholic. I haven't told anyone except friends my lack of religion because they're so extreme. My dad drags me to church every ****ing Sunday. And I'm very sick of hearing how I need god and I need to pray more. Such ******** and a waste of time.

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There is a simple solution. Move. IF you don't want to go to church, don't go ... but don't expect your father to stop encouraging you towards his religious beliefs.


New member
Nihilo sorry but we'll never agree.

Bard, I honestly just threw on a quick title, no reason. As for why follow a certain religion, I think it's built in with our parents or elders and our core beliefs.

Yeah, I gotcha. I agree. For the most part, anyways, most people are brought up to believe certain things because they were raised to. There are, of course, exceptions (you being one of them :) )

But, ultimately, as with so many other things as children become adults, each person decides for themselves
what they are going to believe, how they are going to live, etc. Parents are really just there to guide us.

I would wager what your dad is doing for you is out of love.

Just as he wouldn't let you eat nothing but cake for supper when you were little because he loves you and knew that wouldn't be good for you, he also wants you to know God and go to Heaven because he loves you and knows that the alternative definitely wouldn't be good for you.

But as you are no longer a child. You can eat nothing but cake for a meal whenever you choose. And you are free to reject God's love.

Yes I am agnostic. I would say that my core thoughts are equivalent to how many people believe in god. They believe in god beyond all else.

I'm sorry but I don't quite understand what you mean. Your core thoughts are equivalent to how many people believe in God...and... They believe in God beyond all else. What do you mean by that?

And you believe we can't know if there is a God or not...beyond all else?

Can you clarify what you mean by those for me please?



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New member
85% of the population of the country I'm in are Catholic. In other words, while they were tiny infants, they had water sprinkled on them. Crime and corruption are rampant in the country.


New member
85% of the population of the country I'm in are Catholic. In other words, while they were tiny infants, they had water sprinkled on them. Crime and corruption are rampant in the country.

If you read the first post, you will see that this isn't about anti-Catholicism so maybe it isn't necessary to turn it into that.

finalpoet is "sick of hearing how I need God". The title of the post was not aimed specifically at Catholicism as he/she makes clear in post #10.

finalpoet is agnostic and takes issue with Christianity in general....not Catholicism in particular.



New member
If you read the first post, you will see that this isn't about anti-Catholicism so maybe it isn't necessary to turn it into that.

finalpoet is "sick of hearing how I need God". The title of the post was not aimed specifically at Catholicism as he/she makes clear in post #10.

finalpoet is agnostic and takes issue with Christianity in general....not Catholicism in particular.


I believe it can be assumed that the poster has been baptized as a Catholic as an infant.
Therefore, the poster is already a Catholic "Christian", washed of all original sin.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
finalpoet is agnostic and takes issue with Christianity in general....not Catholicism in particular.

Perhaps finalpoet has only heard the Catholic view and rejected that but has never heard the other side of the story, how that believers receive the GIFT of eternal life and once they believe they will never perish:

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life" (Jn.3:16).​

FAITH ONLY! Rome denies what is written at John 3:16 because they teach that faith is not enough!


Well-known member
I'm agnostic, I'm 25 and I still live at home because I'm recovering from a surgery. My family is extremely religious, Catholic. I haven't told anyone except friends my lack of religion because they're so extreme. My dad drags me to church every ****ing Sunday. And I'm very sick of hearing how I need god and I need to pray more. Such ******** and a waste of time.

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Well, although I learned a few things from the Roman Catholic denomination, I realized as early as the 2nd and 3rd grade while attending a parochial school that I wanted more, much, much more than that Roman Catholic denomination could ever offer.

Therefore, unless you are satisfied with a few crumbs, don't bother with the RCC.

Go to God and let him know that you want him to show you the Way, the lord Jesus Christ


. . . Rome denies what is written at John 3:16 because they teach that faith is not enough!
Jerry, "Rome" teaches that "faith is not enough" to receive Holy Communion. Which is exactly what the Apostle Paul teaches too. It isn't enough. 1st Corinthians 11:28-29 (KJV)