Why are liberals so CLUELESS? (want to take our rights away?)


Well-known member
The argument against abortion is that even though we don't know when a human being becomes a human being, and therefor deserves the right to life (even while depending upon another's body for that life), we should respect all human beings enough not to risk their lives on the question.

The argument on the other side is not an argument in favor of abortion, it's an argument in favor of individual autonomy and self-determination. And at what point in a human being's development this individual autonomy becomes extant, such that it competes with the mother's. And then how we resolve those competing autonomies should they conflict.

Each argument is essentially alien to the other, which is why these debates never find resolution, or even common ground: the debaters simply talk past each other on completely different paths of thought.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I believe you do
I suspect your response is part of your trouble in this and why you've left challenges, calls for clarification and arguments offered to die on the vine with me. You have this notion of what the opposition to your contextual approach must be and I think it blinkers you. It's a bit like arguing property with a communist or taxes with a libertarian. :think:

....all the same, pulling tiger's teeth is generally a futile endeavor. ;)
Many a man begins with that notion, but the proof is in the pliers. :eek: And sometimes in the tiger.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The argument against abortion is that even though we don't know when a human being becomes a human being, and therefor deserves the right to life

Stop right there! Potential person-hood begins at conception. What do you think? Pregnant women entertain doubts, carrying the baby to full term?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The argument against abortion is that even though we don't know when a human being becomes a human being...

a human sperm cell and and a human egg cell come together and a new, unique creation occurs

if not human, what would you call it?


New member
There are few Republicans in Washington (liberals in disguise). But there are hundreds who CALL THEMSELVES Rs

they are lying phonies

Ted Cruz is the only true conservative running, save Huckabee and maybe Rand Paul but Paul is a little too dovish. Huckabee is more/less OK as far as a i know, but Cruz is my favorite. He is always defying the corrupt Washington cartel
