Why are liberals so CLUELESS? (want to take our rights away?)


Hall of Fame
Rusha, no one is "pro-abortion ".

Ridiculous ... of course you are. Though it is interesting that you oppose being labeled as someone who advocates that abortions are acceptable.

They're PRO CHOICE .

Oh please. That label serves one purpose and one purpose only. To take the atrociousness out of the act of intentionally killing an unborn baby.

They are PRO the choice to kill an innocent human being who was invited into their womb via consensual sex.

They believe the decision to bear a child should be a woman's , not the government's .

Oh ... because the government is responsible for impregnating them in the first place? You do know how women get pregnant, right Horn?

People who oppose abortion are not "pro-life."

I am anti-abortion and wear that label proudly.

They are ANTI CHOICE .

Using the word choice is not valid in a discussion about killing an unborn baby.

Pro FORCED birth .

Exaggerate much?

Again, how do these women get pregnant, genius? Who FORCES them to become pregnant?


New member
Rusha, no one is "pro-abortion ". They're PRO CHOICE . They believe the decision to bear a child should be a woman's , not the government's .
People who oppose abortion are not "pro-life." They are ANTI CHOICE .
Pro FORCED birth .

that is so absurd. You liberals are ALWAYS putting the blame on anything/anyone but where blame (or credit) truly belong. In other words, the women herself is the one who has chosen to be in the "predicament" and the man who she slept with. It is THEIR responsibility, NOT the government's, not the taxpayers'

If a woman doesn't want to have a baby, she knows how to avoid it (men, ditto)

Why should a child be tortured and killed because of HER (AND HER sig-O's ) irresponsibility?

Sorry to see u r still getting F's in your Logic 101 class :(


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Rusha, no one is "pro-abortion ". They're PRO CHOICE . They believe the decision to bear a child should be a woman's...

bearing a child is a wonderful thing! :thumb:

People who oppose abortion are not "pro-life." They are ANTI CHOICE

right - the choice to murder an innocent child

they don't believe the decision to murder an innocent child should be a woman's


You shouldn't. Anyone looking into the presentation should be able to spot the problems with it unless they're bias blind.

In short...the universal application of: "lies, damned lies, and statistics".

I understood that. It was the exclusivity of your concentration that I was underlining.

Well, if one bothers to take an objective, birds-eye-view of abortion they'd conclusively coalesce the woman's perspective into the discusson ..beyond the limitations of her role as sexual/moral transgressor, that is.

As such, any extant "exclusive concentration" may have indeed hit its mark...rather though, it's the shooter's mark that's at question here.

Or, we agree about the impact of legalizing nearly anything. You invite greater participation and you get it. I've noted the problem with comparing anecdotal evidence from cultural contexts and legal frameworks with very different contributors and historical markers.

The precursory circumstances and fundamental propensities to abort still remain. As shown, morally applied perscription does not significantly alter these propensities... such only serves to exacerbate existing distressed circumstances, with possible fatal consequences. Proscription serves little.. save its enthusiastic efforts at satisfying castigation and personal mollification.

The literal meaning wasn't in question. Your application of it was. So...if you don't want to spell that out you'll just have to ask questions relating to your aim with it, I suppose.

As per the aims of rhetorical questions, food for thought was served.
The buffet is yours...I've no questions to bid.

What I underscored was that in the countries typically noted with strong anti-abortion law there's an equal want of reproductive education, often coupled with proscription pertaining to contraception.

Noted. A concise synopsis favoring objections to anti-abortion legislation provincially. Though, I'm sure that was not your intent.

That invites both population growth and a growth in abortion numbers among a class of people who have a limited understanding of and access to the means to avoid pregnancies. But we're a much different compact. Protecting the unborn needn't be coupled with a want of information about contraception or restrictions of the sort I'm noting relating to it.

What I gather from this is a basic matter of perspective, locally versus abroad. Our compact's bar is seemingly set higher (whether this is simply prepossessing hubris remains saved for another discussion.) than the compacts prior noted....though, what this assertion cannot indicate is a significant reduction in abortion rates in relation to it's proscription ....relative to these respective bars.

Effectively, all you've done here is presumed a loftier moral/educational arena to prop your camp upon. You've offered no support to the assertion: "Protecting the unborn needn't be coupled with a want of information about contraception or restrictions of the sort I'm noting relating to it."
Quite the contrary, given our compact's popular, current moral objections regarding public sexual education and contraception.

A lot of subjective valuation there. I'd say the risk to the unborn was demonstrably, unacceptably higher.

Wishful moral prescribing. The risk to the unborn remains virtually equal. The potential risks for the mother though....

What you propose offers up more harm than it effectively mitigates.
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Different concern because they are completely different scenarios. It is not immoral for a woman to have a miscarriage.

So, the concern for unborn life remains only incidental to your moral outrage regarding intentional abortion?


Why would it not? Would you claim murder moral on the basis that death is inevitable?

I'm simply pointing out that Rusha's provocations are more akin to a soapbox, moral rant against the active perpetrator itself than any overriding concern for the lives of the unborn...in relation to abortion, natural or otherwise.


New member
I'm simply pointing out that Rusha's provocations are more akin to a soapbox, moral rant against the active perpetrator itself than any overriding concern for the lives of the unborn...in relation to abortion, natural or otherwise.

In other words you are avoiding the question.


Hall of Fame
So, the concern for unborn life remains only incidental to your moral outrage regarding intentional abortion?

No ... I have never stated or suggested anything close to your accusation.


No ... I have never stated or suggested anything close to your accusation.

Well, stated no but suggested ...yes.

So, you show equal concern for those anonymous babies aborted naturally every day?


Hall of Fame
I'm simply pointing out that Rusha's provocations are more akin to a soapbox, moral rant against the active perpetrator itself than any overriding concern for the lives of the unborn...in relation to abortion, natural or otherwise.

No, that's not the case. A natural cause is just that ... NATURAL.

Doing something on purpose (as in the case of abortion) is doing just that.

As you know, the only reason women abort is for the sole purpose of killing their unborn babies.


No, that's not the case. A natural cause is just that ... NATURAL.

Doing something on purpose (as in the case of abortion) is doing just that.

As you know, the only reason women abort is for the sole purpose of killing their unborn babies.

Sure, the distinction you're drawing only illustrates my prior point:

[T]he concern for unborn life remains only incidental to your moral outrage regarding intentional abortion...


Hall of Fame
Sure, the distinction you're drawing only illustrates my prior point:

[T]he concern for unborn life remains only incidental to your moral outrage regarding intentional abortion...

Does your nose grow when you tell these kind of whoppers ...

Or are you just THAT desperate because you realize you have no valid argument.


Hall of Fame
Seems you're at wit's end.

Seems your nose is still growing.

[T]he concern for unborn life remains only incidental to your moral outrage regarding intentional abortion...

Who or what am I suppose to be outraged at in the case of a woman tragically losing her child via miscarriage, accidental injury or health issues?


New member
Quip - your argument is nonsensical. The elderly die everyday of natural causes. Should it then be legal to stab an elderly person in the head with scissors because their family just cannot afford to care for them?
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New member
Your question was loaded and non-sensical.

Why would I bother humoring idiocy?

My question is loaded and non-sensical?? You are a riot. You make no sense as moral "indignation or outrage" has no bearing on the truth of right and wrong. Your feeble attempt to equate miscarriage and intentional abortion merely shows a severe lack of moral clarity.


Who or what am I suppose to be outraged at in the case of a woman tragically losing her child via miscarriage, accidental injury or health issues?
Nobody's asking you to be outraged. Notably concerned about the general welfare of the unborn ...writ large....I'm not seeing it.

Seems your nose is still growing.

If you insist. :idunno:
Why argue with someone who refuses to accept/recognize the faulty implications of their knee-jerk ideology i.e. :bang:


Quip - your argument is nonsensical. The elderly die everyday of natural causes. Should it then be legal to stab an elderly person in the head with scissors because their family just cannot afford to care for them?

Not even close....stay on track or disengage from the discussion.