Why are liberals so CLUELESS? (want to take our rights away?)


New member
Liberals used to care about what is right or wrong

I think it is the abortion thing that sunk liberals. They can't imagine a world without baby killing. OH! I would lose my figure if i had a baby! can't re-criminalize abortion!! NO, NO, NO! And my career!! It would be ruined if i had a child andmy chance of finding Mr Right also. Adoption? Are you kidding me? I could never do that. Murder is better.. OOPs, i mean abortion

Now they are in favor of throwing out everyone's rights, because once you say one group of peple has no rights (the unborn) it is just so easy to go to others' rights as well. So you people, if the Ds win again, will lose your right to protect yourself b/c the liberals dont like guns (They are afraid you may get ticked off at them and possibly think of using them against them? Hmmm). You have no right against the corrupt power of the Monster govt they have created--when they are in office (Lerner scandal, etc)

you will have no right to a remotely normal life--like we had when Reagan was in office...



The Horn

You're just setting up a lot of straw men here . Liberals aren't pro choice because they like abortion but because they realize that women are going to have abortions anyway whether they are legal or not .
It would be wonderful if abortions never happened , but this is an impossibility . Abortion has been very common all over the world for thousands of years and like it or not, will always happen .
Laws against abortion are totally unenforceable, and more happen in countries where it is illegal than where it is legal .
That's right. The only way to prevent abortion is to prevent unwanted pregnancies, which is exactly what all pro-choices want to do. But this is more easily said than done . This is why contraceptives are absolutely essential . People who are opposed both to abortion and contraceptives are unbelievably foolish and deluded . They cannot have it both ways .
Anti-choicers are in denial. They make it sound as there there were few or no abortions in America before Roe v Wade, despite the fact that the abortion rate was about as high as it is now .
And abortion will continue to be routine even if our government is foolish enough to make it illegal again in the near future . It won't work and trying to stop abortions will be absolutely futile .
Abortion won't be safe,legal and rare, but unsafe, illegal and COMMON .
The hated Obamacare has already PREVENTED a great many abortions because poor women have been getting easier access to contraceptives and better medical care . If a GOP President is elected next year and dumps it, the abortion rate will INCREASE considerable .
Oh the irony .
Trying to stop abortion by making it illegal is like trying to stop a forest fire by pouring gasoline on it .


Hall of Fame
You're just setting up a lot of straw men here . Liberals aren't pro choice because they like abortion but because they realize that women are going to have abortions anyway whether they are legal or not .

Supporting something because it's going to happen is not a valid reason.


New member
You're just setting up a lot of straw men here . Liberals aren't pro choice because they like abortion but because they realize that women are going to have abortions anyway whether they are legal or not .
people are going to break into others' houses and murder them, so let's make murder of adults legal too

right. You are doing great in your Logic 101 class, i see



The Horn

There's no need to cite this because it's common knowledge unless you're a deluded anti-choicer. You can easily goggle this yourself .


New member
There's no need to cite this because it's common knowledge unless you're a deluded anti-choicer. You can easily goggle this yourself .

There were maybe a couple hundred illegal abortions nation-wide (if that)before Roe v Wade

you are deceiving yourself. When you meet your Maker, you will be very sorry you promoted killing HIS people, that HE created

(in HIS image)

this is a very serious evil


The Horn

Rusha, laws against murder, rape, assault, theft, etc can be enforced . But there is absolutely no way to do this against abortion .
No country has ever been able to enforce laws against abortion .
Before Roe v Wade, there were countless illegal ones . How many were criminally enforced and resulted in criminal prosecutions of the abortionists and the women who had them ? You can practically count them on your fingers !
By the way, you can google all these facts yourself easily .
In order to enforce the law in America if abortion became illegal again, it would be necessary to keep track of every woman and girl of childbearing age 24/7 just to make sure she was not pregnant and seeking an abortion . And to have antiabortion police scouring every corner of the 50 state 24/7 just to make no abortions were happening .
How much money would this cost the government ? It would be necessary to check every woman and girl who was traveling abroad at US airports to make sure they were not pregnant and seeking an abortion in another country where it was legal, and to keep the Canadian and Mexican borders constantly monitored to catch women seeking abortions outside of US territory .
And to make sure that every woman and girl who was found to be pregnant was kept in quarantine until delivery just top make sure she was not seeking an abortion . Also to keep every pregnant women under 24/7 surveillance to make sure she was not trying to do a
self-performed abortion .
This would turn America into a totalitarian police state just like
Orwell's 1984 . Be careful of what you ask for !


Hall of Fame
Rusha, laws against murder, rape, assault, theft, etc can be enforced . But there is absolutely no way to do this against abortion .

Of course there is ... and they are exactly the same. Just because we have laws to penalize murder, rapes, assault, etc. doesn't mean offenders will no longer commit those actions.

Knowing they will be penalized makes those actions less appealing.

Women abort because it's easy, relatively safe and available. IF it weren't, the amount of abortions would decrease drastically.

patrick jane

Rusha, laws against murder, rape, assault, theft, etc can be enforced . But there is absolutely no way to do this against abortion .
No country has ever been able to enforce laws against abortion .
Before Roe v Wade, there were countless illegal ones . How many were criminally enforced and resulted in criminal prosecutions of the abortionists and the women who had them ? You can practically count them on your fingers !
By the way, you can google all these facts yourself easily .
In order to enforce the law in America if abortion became illegal again, it would be necessary to keep track of every woman and girl of childbearing age 24/7 just to make sure she was not pregnant and seeking an abortion . And to have antiabortion police scouring every corner of the 50 state 24/7 just to make no abortions were happening .
How much money would this cost the government ? It would be necessary to check every woman and girl who was traveling abroad at US airports to make sure they were not pregnant and seeking an abortion in another country where it was legal, and to keep the Canadian and Mexican borders constantly monitored to catch women seeking abortions outside of US territory .
And to make sure that every woman and girl who was found to be pregnant was kept in quarantine until delivery just top make sure she was not seeking an abortion . Also to keep every pregnant women under 24/7 surveillance to make sure she was not trying to do a
self-performed abortion .
This would turn America into a totalitarian police state just like
Orwell's 1984 . Be careful of what you ask for !

Hogwash, the numbers of women seeking abortions if it were banned is minimal. Ban all abortions except under certain conditions.

The Horn

Rusha, you're deluding yourself . In fact, if the government makes it illegal again, the abortion rate will INCREASE markedly, and many poor women will die from botched illegal abortions, the same as before Roe.
Every time a country has made abortion illegal again after it has been legal, the abortion rate has increased greatly, and this will happen in America. More abortions happen in countries where it isilllegal than where it is legal .


Hall of Fame
Hogwash, the numbers of women seeking abortions if it were banned is minimal. Ban all abortions except under certain conditions.

You know, I am going to say ban ALL abortions period. That doesn't mean that an emergency situation during pregnancy wouldn't require medical intervention in order to save the life of the mother. It would only mean that a procedure is not being done for the sole intention of killing the unborn baby. The intent would be to save both lives.

The Horn

Lighthouse99 , I've never "promoted " abortion, nor have I ever forced a woman to have an one . Nor would I even want to. This is a woman's choice, not mine .
I as an individual US citizen have absolutely no power to stop women from having abortions . I'm opposed to making abortion illegal again because I'm realistic enough to realize this will never work.
Anyone who thinks there were only a few hundred illegal abortions before Roe is totally deluded . There were MILLIONS .


New member
There were maybe a couple hundred illegal abortions nation-wide (if that)before Roe v Wade

you are deceiving yourself. When you meet your Maker, you will be very sorry you promoted killing HIS people, that HE created

(in HIS image)

this is a very serious evil


According to the CDC, who has been keeping statistics on abortions since 1969 you are wrong.
in 1972, a year before Roe v Wade there were 16.33 abortions per 1000 women age 15-44
in 2014 there were 15.9 abortions per 1000 women age 15-44


Well-known member
There were maybe a couple hundred illegal abortions nation-wide (if that)before Roe v Wade

Lighthouse99, ... Anyone who thinks there were only a few hundred illegal abortions before Roe is totally deluded.

Hey, wait a sec, now maybe I'm reading that wrong, but it sort of seems to be subtly raising the vague possibility that lighthouse99 (aka republicanchick aka TruthSetsFree aka thechurchlady aka coulter4president aka otayOtay aka Crusader5 aka logical1... ) is totally deluded. :plain:

Hm. Food for thought.


New member
Prohibiting individual's liberties for no more a than a feel-good, morality check...is not a valid reason either.

We have a Constitution with Bill of Rights, this is the valid basis for our laws and our freedoms.
Any attempt to subvert our law or our freedom is dangerous and must be met with opposition.


We have a Constitution with Bill of Rights, this is the valid basis for our laws and our freedoms.
Any attempt to subvert our law or our freedom is dangerous and must be met with opposition.



Hall of Fame
Prohibiting individual's liberties for no more a than a feel-good, morality check...is not a valid reason either.

When an individual's *liberty* consists of killing an unborn baby, the "feel good reason" is to protect the unborn.