I don't know the answer to that. You'd think the Calvinist would be first to realize this, and pretty clear God's special little creatures can be real losers and should avoid typing (if they could...), as you point out. These questions are too big for me! I just wish Calvin would get God on the straight and narrow, wish He wouldn't be programming serial killers or Democrats, maybe could go back in time and unfoundation some, who've not yet foundated: fix His deflected sovereignator, in any case. And stop already with the holiness claims! Whatever algorithm got loaded into Hitler really sucked, and Satan, for that matter. I think if God could simply be weaned off taunting bad robots over all that sin they can't help, and stop this perverse game of telling people that are simply doing what bears do in the woods, as it were, to repent, to choose, if He were to concentrate less on sports and more on turning out good robots, everybody would be better off. Literally, those bad robots have been the death of Him, and who is to blame for that, bottom line, or not sovereign?
Fact is, Scientology makes more sense than Calvinism.
Hey! Like that smiley emoticon, that turns into a robot. How cool! Isn't that rather metaphorical of Calvin, coming as an angel of light? Anyway, many thanks for such a bang-up AMEN, though you had nothing to do with it, of course, predestined and all, and albeit a bad robot Amen, therefore disappointing it's not likely go on for at least a hundred more pages, like some sappy, tattered, chain letter from hell, glued to a Mobius strip.
Was just thinking, how does Calvin explain "good robots" being lying fools, anyway? And is one graced to be an idiot, that doesn't even understand some of the most basic scripture of all? The math just gets fuzzier and fuzzier...
To you Calvinists, don't think I'd short shrift you. And don't worry, nothing terrifying, like a whole page of scary scripture that may as well not be in your native tongue. This is just your usual verse fragment for the day, which I invite you to expound upon, in the usual 20,000 words, or less, of man and demon blather:
God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are.
No need for the whole verse, its number or chapter location, naturally, as all that would be irrelevant.
(Note this is not to predestine you to 20,000 words. That's 20,000 words or less for each verse, fragment thereof, or single Hebrew letter that proves God was lusting to make damned babies, to spend a few thousand years castigating, for the unmitigated audacity of being what He made them, and this the plan, before there were any babies. Or, if you wish, just thread bump and Amen each other, grateful to not be of the hellbent, common rabble, that get just what they deserve, for the hubris of also being born, before anybody was even born. Just revel in these your unfathomable, glorious depths! So, if you like, simply do the Calvin thread bump and grind, for the next 500 pages or more, tell each other how special you are, in your best imitations of holy speak...)