Who would win between Hillary vs. Trump?


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Hall of Fame
Hillary will win (according to stats).

Approximately one-fourth to one-third of Republicans have said they will stay home if Trump is the nominee. You can't win an election like that.

It is easier to say that now while it is still somewhat abstract. If we really do get Trump vs Clinton people might feel and act differently.


Well-known member
Lindsey was wrong about Trumps rhetoric about W would hurt him in SC. He won all the delegates.

But Lindsey is right calling it Kook Land.


Well-known member
Trump is very entertaining, but he won't make America great again. He can't tell the truth and be straight. We can get ready to say to him "Don't pee on me and telling it's raining".

I expect he will outdo W as one of the worst presidents we have had. He never went bankrupt personally but bankrupted others. That's what W did. So if Trump is elected we will go for another round of that and he will be richer and the country will be poorer.

I expect him to win unless he goes to the Republican convention with less than the needed delegates and the party picks someone else. That would be wild.


Trump is [an] insincere sock puppet at worst. Even his bigotry isn't sincerely racist, but just show. I suspect Trump would be required to veto everything if elected.

Hillary will be a mouthpiece for the liberal Democrat party, since Sanders won't can't win the election nor the nomination. She would veto just as much, and Paul Ryan will be her shill.
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