Who would win between Hillary vs. Trump?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
For the record, Donald Trump will win big. He has the missing piece. The missing piece since 1988 for the GOP. The GOP candidate, no matter who they are, get a certain percentage of the vote. The same is true of the demoncrats. Now they have their "Reagan Democrats" again. Bush promised 4 more years of Reagan, and it didn't happen. So he lost to Bubba who promised 4 more years of Reagan and reminded everyone "read my lips, no new taxes". We will ignore that the President doesn't make the tax code for now.

The only ever confusing part is how in the hell do they vote for any Democrat who does the opposite, over and over, of what they want. I will never figure that one out. Rush is probably right. You are a low information voter, just like the millennials.


New member
Not America.


As far as who is most likely to be elected of the two terrible mistakes, it horrifies me to say Trump.
Mostly due to the hordes of ravening conservatives who have hated Hillary since she was first lady (who have an oversized representation on TOL) coming out in droves for the general election for the sole purpose of obstruction.

I'm seeing more and more educated Republicans stating they will vote third-party in the general, being similarly horrified at the sad sack of conservative cliches the party has trotted out for candidacy this time around.

A friend sent me this article as an encouragement, especially after my state picked Bernie and Cruz, but I'm not sure how accurate it will prove to be.

Donald Trump Can't Win the General Election


New member
Who would win between Hillary vs. Trump?

Trump. Hillary is the kind of uninspiring, paint-by-numbers, "safe", "inevitable" candidate Trump eats for breakfast. She's JEB! all over again.

But, she is a lot smarter than JEB! And maybe, just maybe, Trump will have alienated enough people with his toxic rhetoric that he'll lose.

Mr. 5020

New member
Hillary will win (according to stats).

Approximately one-fourth to one-third of Republicans have said they will stay home if Trump is the nominee. You can't win an election like that.