Ssshhhh. You'll ruin his rep.Originally posted by Shimei
Bob really is a nice guy. It is funny because most people think he is mean when they see him on TV. In person you see how nice he is.
Ssshhhh. You'll ruin his rep.Originally posted by Shimei
Bob really is a nice guy. It is funny because most people think he is mean when they see him on TV. In person you see how nice he is.
Wow, Crow. I hadn't heard your testimony before. This is really great.Originally posted by Crow
Whispers, that is just too funny.
I am a Christian because of Bob Enyart. I originally started watching his show primarily for entertainment's sake--I used to get a big kick out of what a jerk Bob Enyart was. He was much more entertaining than a couple of my other favorite comedy shows--Ron Parsley and Benny Hinn.
Bob was really offensive. He mocked and criticized many things that I felt were perfectly OK, like sexual immorality, atheism (I was one at the time) and abortion. Then after the "Bible verse" warning, he'd show you in the Bible where God said how disgusting these things were.
A funny thing happened. I started to realize how disgusting the things I did and believed in were to God, if He existed. How utterly revolting my lifestyle was. I started thinking about how really evil it is to kill an unborn kid. I began to see "victimless" sexual crimes in terms of families destroyed and diseases being spread throughout society. Drugs in terms of babies born addicted, and kids neglected because daddy and mommy are stoned. My views were undergoing a gradual change.
I still didn't believe in God, but I was seeing consistancy in the Bible for the first time. And the Christ Bob Enyart talked about wasn't the puerile effeminate Christ I had learned about in church and Sunday school so many years earlier. I was hearing about a different Christ--one who spoke His mind, who didn't just stand around beaming benignly and saying pleasant things. I hauled out a Bible--yes, I had one lying around--and I started to look at things Bob had pointed out, and he was right. The things I had been taught that made me reject Christianity as the stuff of the do-gooders and mentally wasn't in there.
I kept hearing about "The Plot" on the show. After deliberating for a month, I kicked $50 for Plot just to see what it was. At this point, the Christian religion wasn't looking as bad to me as it had. Of course, I could never do all the things you're required to do to go to heaven--never swear, never have a good time, and have your butt planted in a pew every Sunday. But Bob made a lot of sense most of the time, so I figured it would be a pretty good read.
I got "The Plot" early one afternoon 4 years ago. I couldn't put it down. Pieces started falling into place. I could see the stupid misconceptions I had explained, and I saw the Christian faith in it's entirety, the interrelation of the different sections of the Bible, the unity, logic in dealing with criminal acts, just a deluge of information. I think I read for about 14 hours straight. Early that morning I accepted Christ as savior. I had never seen Him, but He had been there all along--hidden by layers of man-made religion.
Whispers, if someone hears Bob Enyart and gets offended, then great. They need to be offended. They need to become so offended that they stop doing the revolting thing they're doing or thinking. And I don't know how much you know about Bob Enyart--probably not a lot--he criticizes the way he used to live and points it out to people as evil, and tells the consequences of his actions as an example so that others might avoid the pain he put himself through. He doesn't sugar coat, and he's not a hypocrite.
And as for that poor hypothetical homo listening to the radio that gets so hurt and offended by Bob Enyart blasting him--Good! He needs it! All of the nicey-nice people who tell him that Christ died for him and leave out the other part--that God says homosexuals should be put to death, and that they're vile and disgusting to God--those nice concillatory Christians are not helping that poor homo change his lifestyle. They are enablers. And they misrepresent God. They are either bait-and-switch salesmen, or so deceived in and of themselves that they simply do not know truth from lie.
I had laughed at the too pure for this world Christians that tried to win me over to their gelded vision of God for years. You can criticize Bob Enyart all you want, but the fact remains--I would not be a Christian if not for his attacks on the stupidity I did and believed.
Originally posted by Whispers
QUOTE---All of the nicey-nice people who tell him that Christ died for him and leave out the other part--that God says homosexuals should be put to death, and that they're vile and disgusting to God
Please can you quote scripture here. I would like to explore this further with you.
those nice concillatory Christians are not helping that poor homo change his lifestyle. They are enablers. And they misrepresent God. They are either bait-and-switch salesmen, or so deceived in and of themselves that they simply do not know truth from lie.
Exactly the same could and regularly does get said about the Pastor and his followers. What would Jesus really think if he sat in on one of the Pastor's shows?
I know what you mean. When I'm in the mood to sit down and watch a good comedy I turn it here.Originally posted by Shimei
I think the liberals today love Christian TV. It makes Christians look like blithering idiots and wimps who only talk about love, and or MONEY. Plant a seed today!
Paul & Jan Crouch...I mean BLAHHHHH what is their deal? Have you ever seen Jan and one of her puppet shows?
Benny Hinn is a fraud and should be arrested.
Mike Murdock, now that is comedy.
Last weekend I turned on TBN and saw "Davey & Goliath". That is the best thing they have going for them. "Oh Daveeee...."
:BRAVO:Originally posted by frugalmom
Crow - thank you for sharing your testimony; I love hearing outcomes like this.:thumb:
Regarding the phony fundraising televangelists - they make me sick. I've seen brother scambuck on there time and time again begging for money so he can "burn your debt". Firepot in front of him too, and a counter on the corner of the screen saying how many lines are open. Then they all go crazy clapping and singing when the lines are full. Never anything on how to get saved - just always using Jesus' name to try and make money.:madmad: They are all crooks, and the worst part is they mislead unbelievers into thinking Christianity is phony like that.
Sorry, but the only way to find out is to read the book. Bob even wrote the book without a scripture index so people could not quickly look up Bob's conclusions. (I've got a scripture index to it. I had to create it myself). He also entitled his chapters with very obscure names so people who (for example) wanted to know Bob's opinion on water baptism would not have a clue which chapter it was in. They would have to read the entire book up to that chapter to find out.Originally posted by godrulz
I am reading Ch. 1 of the PLOT from the internet. I will eventually buy the book. What is the one verse key he refers to? Which group of doctrinal beliefs does he believe in (10 on left or 10 on right...
That I will divulge. It's around 300.How many pages is the book?
Originally posted by Whispers
Causing offence can help sometimes, I agree with you. However, if someone walks away from God because a pastor offended him, than we must question and look deeply into the intention of the act and whether we are actually causing an effect for good.
:thumb:Originally posted by wholearmor
If someone stays in their sin because a pastor sugar-coats God and tells them God will love them anyway, then we must question and look deeply into the intention of the act and whether we are actually causing an effect for good.
Posted by Wholearmor-
If someone stays in their sin because a pastor sugar-coats God and tells them God will love them anyway, then we must question and look deeply into the intention of the act and whether we are actually causing an effect for good.Posted by Whispers-
Causing offence can help sometimes, I agree with you. However, if someone walks away from God because a pastor offended him, than we must question and look deeply into the intention of the act and whether we are actually causing an effect for good.
Originally posted by Lucky8
A pastor offending someone and a pastor sugar-coating God can be completely different things. A pastor can sugar-coat God and still be offensive. Or a pastor can give God a turtle-shell and be as polite as possible.
Thankfully, God is more gracious and forgiving than even the best of pastors!
Although Poly gave you a :thumbsup: for your reply to Whispers, I don't consider it that great considering the quote you were responding too. It appears you were challenging Whispers, but like I said...Originally posted by wholearmor
Ummm.....are you reiterating what I said or challenging it? I can't tell exactly.
Originally posted by Poly
But when you have a show like Bob's, they still might hate it but they get mad and stay tuned. You don't lose them. Countless homosexuals, sexually permiscuous, atheists, etc. have been saved under his ministry and they all say the same thing. They were glad somebody cared enough to let them know they were headed for hell. WHY should those engaging in such sin want to change when you make it comfortable for them? They have the best of both worlds. They are loved by the world and the jello Christians (Christians with no backbones) and all the while, really looking at Christians as fools for being so "open" and weak. God says:
Oh man, that's funny. I'll bet Enyart would love to steal that one and use it.Originally posted by KingzKid
I happened upon one thing that led to another that led me to be sitting in a class with a teacher who calls "evangelicals"....."evan-gellyfish".
Originally posted by wholearmor
If someone stays in their sin because a pastor sugar-coats God and tells them God will love them anyway, then we must question and look deeply into the intention of the act and whether we are actually causing an effect for good.
Originally posted by godrulz
I believe Dr. Morey wrote a book about the finite god of Open Theism. I found he often confused this view with Process Theology and did not fairly represent or understand the Open View. I am sure much of his apologetics is good, but I found his 'gods' book weak in its argumentation.