Who Are We/Who Am I?


New member
Well, I just think it's an odd choice of words in this instance. I think it takes a sense of responsibility. I think it takes both intelligence and wisdom to recognize the problems and come up with seasoned and measured corrections. And I think it takes persistence and patience to get enough other people on board to actually implement those corrections. And after all that, it then takes humility to assess the results of the corrections honestly; without letting one's own biased ego get in the way.

It seems to me that 'passion' is antithetical to nearly all these above-mentioned attributes. It's passion that increases the intensity of our bias and closes our ears, eyes, and minds to everything but the desired objective. It's passion that blinds us to a 'measured response' and encourages us to act impulsively and in the extreme. And it's passion that allows our egos to run away with us. Which is almost never a good thing, for anyone.

'Compassion' I would gladly accept as one of the attributes that we need to focus on, and in fact I'm soon going to start a threat on that idea as related to your thread, here.

Passion, though, is not all that it's so often cracked up to be. And I say this as an artist, even! :nono:

Passion in the sense of 100% commitment to one's cause. I cannot stand a "Mugwump"! If you believe in something you do your due diligence and then you go for it.
You might even have to break a sweat!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You are in error with your statements here.
Neither of these posters support perversion, nor do I.
Don't let him drag you into his obsession under the pretext of his misrepresentations, bybee. He tried a legal thread and I didn't take the bait. He's trying insult, misrepresentation and I see he's back in Quixote's. He can't help himself, I suppose.

What I do support and I believe both TH and PureX are with me in this, is the FREEDOM to make one's own choices so long as the vulnerable and the innocent are not harmed.

I differ with both of these posters more on implementation than in principle.
Ditto. :)


What I do support and I believe both TH and PureX are with me in this, is the FREEDOM to make one's own choices so long as the vulnerable and the innocent are not harmed.

so you and town and purexcrement are in favor of legalized prostitution, pornography, polygamy, recreational drug use, adultery?

along with gay "marriage"?

are there any perversions you think should be illegal?
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Well-known member
Passion in the sense of 100% commitment to one's cause. I cannot stand a "Mugwump"! If you believe in something you do your due diligence and then you go for it.
You might even have to break a sweat!
I'm puzzled by this comment. Why can't you stand "Mugwump"? What does this mean to you? Why does it bother you? Why do you feel so strongly about people believing in things so strongly? What's wrong with being skeptical, or respecting our own doubt? What's wrong with keeping in mind that you could ALWAYS be wrong? Or mistaken? Or even self-deluded? What's wrong with recognizing that we are all mistaken most of the time about a great many things?

Why is 'all or nothing' better than just taking things 'as the come'?

Do you see yourself as a 'hothead'? Do you see being hot-headed as a virtue? Why? Does the relative nature of complexity make you angry? Why?

I'm very curious about this.


New member
I'm puzzled by this comment. Why can't you stand "Mugwump"? What does this mean to you? Why does it bother you? Why do you feel so strongly about people believing in things so strongly? What's wrong with being skeptical, or respecting our own doubt? What's wrong with keeping in mind that you could ALWAYS be wrong? Or mistaken? Or even self-deluded? What's wrong with recognizing that we are all mistaken most of the time about a great many things?

Why is 'all or nothing' better than just taking things 'as the come'?

Do you see yourself as a 'hothead'? Do you see being hot-headed as a virtue? Why? Does the relative nature of complexity make you angry? Why?

I'm very curious about this.

A Mugwump[ sits on the fence with his mug on one side and his wump on the other.
He just sits, observes, and tells the doers how to do things, what they're doing wrong and how he could do it much better....
I did state that one must do one's "due diligence" then make a decision and forge ahead. In the operating room we prepare the room for the surgeon and his choice of instruments for the case that is scheduled. We inform ourselves, then we proceed to prepare to perform the specific surgery. We do specifically what is needed to get the job accomplished.

Yes, I am a hothead! I have known from a young age that my temper could be destructive if I let it get control of me. I have never let that happen. The vulnerable and the innocent and the needy are not only safe with me but they will also thrive with me.
I am not at all afraid of complexity. I am patient and willing to do what it takes to problem solve and unravel knots.
But! Like Alexander when presented with the dilemma of the Gordian Knot, I prefer swift and uncomplicated resolution to problems whenever possible.
Even when we are wrong we are learning.
But those able bodied souls who sit and wring their hands and say "Woe is me! There is nothing to do. We are helpless. VICTIMS!!!"
Such folks need a good swift kick in the pants.


New member
so you and town and purexcrement are in favor of legalized prostitution, pornography, polygamy, recreational drug use, adultery?

along with gay "marriage"?

are there any perversions you think should be illegal?

Anything which endangers children, the vulnerable or the weak should be illegal.


New member
Don't let him drag you into his obsession under the pretext of his misrepresentations, bybee. He tried a legal thread and I didn't take the bait. He's trying insult, misrepresentation and I see he's back in Quixote's. He can't help himself, I suppose.


Ditto. :)

Indeed I'm just about out of nice, so....it's just that he is such a pathetic dweeb that it doesn't seem fair for me to joust with him.


New member
Hall of Fame
Who are we: A nation that has forgotten where it came from and had now grown up a bunch of spoiled rotten crybabies who has bordom (from having everything handed to *them* wants to cover themselves with fig leaves of self hatred from being so blessed - and pass their guilt to others.

They could always move out of the US though and find out how freedom has served them well since they can speak out and act - and move to a place where what they think they want is played out, they will soon land in jail, then maybe learn to appreciate what they tried to throw away with both hands...

yes, extreme liberals remind me of very spoiled children who do not know how good they have it - and reject the very ones who blessed them - God, their parents and leaders who actually led.

Who am I - Proud to be an American, loves the constitution - and gives the glory for both to God and fully aware that the rich blessings we have received in this country was built on worship and thanks to Him first and foremost.


New member
Who are we: A nation that has forgotten where it came from and had now grown up a bunch of spoiled rotten crybabies who has bordom (from having everything handed to *them* wants to cover themselves with fig leaves of self hatred from being so blessed - and pass their guilt to others.

They could always move out of the US though and find out how freedom has served them well since they can speak out and act - and move to a place where what they think they want is played out, they will soon land in jail, then maybe learn to appreciate what they tried to throw away with both hands...

yes, extreme liberals remind me of very spoiled children who do not know how good they have it - and reject the very ones who blessed them - God, their parents and leaders who actually led.

Who am I - Proud to be an American, loves the constitution - and gives the glory for both to God and fully aware that the rich blessings we have received in this country was built on worship and thanks to Him first and foremost.

Well said!


New member
I agree in principle but it takes passion to implement corrections and to implement changes.

Leave it to a man to declare that passion must be reserved for sex!

Rather than passion, may I suggest that it takes intensity of thought and purpose guided by prudence?

Passion burns out... one of the definitions of passion is suffering. Is suffering wished for from a passion that is short lived?

I trust intensity of thought and purpose guided by prudence/wisdom more than passion. But, hey, that's me.



Good. It's Israel then? The land of freedom! The land where even the Devil is free! The capital of homosexuality and adultery and fornication of the ME is in Israel. Talk about holy lands...

Aimed in large part at protecting religious freedom from the tyranny of the majority and/or empowered. We weren't always successful, but we're a work in progress.

Good. Freedom of religion and expression would allow the true religion to spread. They shouldn't have any exceptions.

Homosexuality makes up a pretty consistent portion of the population, blasphemy and apostasy come with free speech. People we differ with have the same right to their conscience that we do. I don't count that a weakness and I suspect any people who repress ideas aren't protecting ideas worth very much. As for the rest, again, freedom is a messy business and it's up to the individual to root out and contextualize.

Has God even sent down principles or laws to teach us how a nation should be run? He has. You shouldn't forget the OT. The nation of God should be run according to the laws of God - not the majority opinion of the party that wins some election blah blah (democracy)

He rather often is, by anyone who wants to.

No. Religion is being kicked out from public spaces and the state. Freedom of religion is a fishy thing imo. If the Ten commandments gets to be displayed in some place why doesn't the Sigil of Bahometh get the same chance? Either both should be banned or both should be allowed. This is kinda amusing to me.

Or not, supra. :e4e:

I've been to Saudi Arabia and trust me they follow the laws of God to the maximum. God is invoked and mentioned everywhere. False religion (paganism, idolatry) is kicked out everywhere. Blasphemy is punished. Homosexuality and fornication carries the death penalty. This is how a nation of God should be run? If not tell me how or how this contradicts the laws of God concerning how a nation should be run.


Dear Fellow Members Whom I Care About,

I don't agree with adultery, abortion, or gay marriage. I did empathize with gays though, realizing that civil union was enough as it was, and that marriage was not necessary. I had been gay almost a decade ago. I gave up certain ways to please God, which included me to abstain from sex (after 51 years), and be a eunuch for Jesus, and I quit smoking cigarettes (for 40 years I smoked. It was hell to quit, in my instance especially). I also quit drinking alcohol for the most part and the same with eating (gluttony). I have lost 13 lbs. I've lost 13 lbs. and weigh 170 lbs. I've done this because I love God and Jesus, and the Holy Ghost more than those things. I am doing what they want, not what I want. I have to make my life an example for others). That's all I can say for now. Will chat with you soon sometime maybe.

I Pray God's Precious Gifts Upon You All!


P.S. Who Are We?/Who Am I? That's why I came to this thread. You/We are all here to become children of God. All are potential servants and children of God. This is the Milky Way where God raises children to Himself. If you only knew all that I know, you would understand. But I know I'm already pushing my luck speaking a bit of God on your site here. I know, no religion. Hope this helps some.


New member
Rather than passion, may I suggest that it takes intensity of thought and purpose guided by prudence?

Passion burns out... one of the definitions of passion is suffering. Is suffering wished for from a passion that is short lived?

I trust intensity of thought and purpose guided by prudence/wisdom more than passion. But, hey, that's me.

Good points!
Christ did experience His Passion. He gave all for His cause.
Most of us are not called to such sacrifice...yet... "All it takes for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing".


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Of course, I speak as an old woman who believes that with God all things are possible.

sometimes I wonder if we should even vote
it is now their world
we really screwed it up
now we are going to tell them how it should be done?


Well-known member
Even when we are wrong we are learning.
But those able bodied souls who sit and wring their hands and say "Woe is me! There is nothing to do. We are helpless. VICTIMS!!!"
Such folks need a good swift kick in the pants.
I'm really puzzled by why you despise them so. I don't understand why you don't understand that when people are repeatedly discouraged and kept powerless in life, they become hopeless. I don't understand why you don't understand that just because it didn't happen to you, that it can't or shouldn't happen to anyone else.

Hopelessness is becoming epidemic in this country because wealthy and powerful have become extremely adept at taking and maintaining control over our very lives. They own both political parties so that it doesn't matter who we vote for, anymore. They own and control our food production, the houses we live in, the cars we drive, where we go to school, IF we go to school, what happens to us when we get sick, and on and on and on. And as long as we go along with their system (which keeps them in great wealth and power) they will let us live. But if you're born poor, or socially unnecessary, or for whatever reason you can't participate in their system, you're screwed. The system doesn't have a place for you, then. And it doesn't care what happens to you. And you'll damn well know it from the day your born until your early, unhappy death. You only matter to the degree that you serve the machine that serves the wealthy and powerful.

And even the middle class is beginning to see it, now. They are seeing themselves being pushed down the economic ladder into more and more dangerous economic conditions, where one illness, or injury, or some legal mistake; and they're pushed into the ranks of the poor, the unemployed, the unwanted, and the hopeless.

You're extraordinarily stubborn, and you get angry when this happens to you. But lots of other people are not like you. They become frightened and collapse into despair. Their anger become cynicism, and their actions become self-destructive. They are victims of themselves as much as they are victims of the system. And I don't understand why this makes you despise them, instead of feeling compassion for them.


Well-known member
so can we get you to vote republican just for grins?
I am voting against all incumbents, regardless of party, until I see someone in office begin to speak and act on behalf of the American people, instead of on behalf of the wealthy people and corporations that pay for their elections, and bribe them while in office.