Most likely Anna is receiving her so-called facts from CNN.
I'm not privy to information Trump has, are you?
That's a good illustration of Right Wing Authoritarianism at work there.
Some laws are unjust and meant to be broken.
Is that what you have taught your children --- that it's ok to break the law if you do not agree with the law?
How many laws have you been breaking, Anna?
If I were in a situation where I had no home and no money to buy food, I would welcome it.How would you like to be taken into slavery, starting tomorrow?
I don't need them at this time.The slave traders will be there to pick you up at 4 a.m. sharp - be ready!
But thanks.
Good to know there is a backup if I have nothing to support myself.
He knows it too, since hes a lawyer, unless of course his law school didn't make them learn puritan jurisprudence, and the evolution of american law.
Law, the foundation of meaningful civilization, begins with Hammurabi's code.
i thought they were pretty funny
especially this one of bammy:
because liberal retards who claimed it was racist because of the "racist history of ape imagery" blew a gasket trying to make their claim fit the fact that bammy's white mother is also portrayed as a simian :darwinsm:
Where are your questions for Trump? Do you accept his tweet as true?
ones racist there but the other isnt. Right?
Where are your questions for Trump? Do you accept his tweet as true?
Where are your questions for Trump?
Slavery is something God tolerated- in the same way He tolerated polygamy, really.
It was not what He desired of man, but it was how the world worked at the time.
Whatchu gonna do, go to war over it :idunno:
Question 1: President Trump, how do you plan to buy puppies for all the liberals who are still struggling since their loss in November?
Question 2: President Trump, will those puppies come with a supply of cocoa and play-doh?
Black folks need to focus on making their community a better place to live and forget about holding a grudge against things that occurred many, many years ago in the 1800s.
it's racist to depict black people as monkeys
but it's not racist to depict white people as monkeys
because reasons
Can you prove that?
Because there's not a history going back to slavery of Blacks being portrayed as less than human. But you all know that.
Haven't you heard the KKK went all in for Trump? He got the white supremacist vote bigly. It was huge, it was tremendous, he had a much bigger KKK turnout than any other president in recent history!
So says you - the fraud "Native American" house Indian.
You're a willfully blind fool.
Plain and simple.
i think i know what you were trying to say
and it falls apart under examination:
also, see Matthew 15:26
You deny those conditions in africa? Seems youre the blind fool and if anyone has place to complain in this country it is the american indian who has cause. They are still relegated to slave like conditions on reservations and cant legally own land there.