What regiment were you in?lain:
What was the fighting like and how much of it did you and your buddies see? Or, you could as easily say the West owes Britain for holding on as long as it did, giving us a base to fight from, etc. They took a brutal pounding, that little island. A great people.
I'm always proud of my nation's contributions to freedom and its role in fighting the evil Hitler represented. But I'm fair enough to understand America didn't come into the fight until the Japanese forced its hand. That our nation turned away Jewish refugees and shared too much of the bigoted sentiment that strangled conscience and allowed it to become a force to begin with.
I knew a Marine who saw action in both theaters. You'd never know it to look at him later in life. Soft spoken, mild fellow (mostly) with medals his wife had to force out of the cupboard. He fought with and admired his friends across the pond. What he called them affectionately, isn't for reprint on this site.
He would differ with your idea that they owed us. He'd have told you we owed the world what we told it we were and that we were too late to realize that, but that when we did it was something to witness. And he did.
Oh put a sock in it already.
Why don't you take your foot out of your mouth and place it in a sock.