White Lives Matter

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yep, and all but the one justice Trump put into SCOTUS are Jews and Catholics.

A point that really convicts me with this country- we're an historically, and predominant, Protestant country- can there be anything more obvious of a sham than the fact that our highest judicial seats are full of people are full of Jews and Catholics :rolleyes:
What it tells me is that we're not frightened by the idea and that it isn't the first or even necessarily a consideration.

I don't think I'll ever get over that, for real. It pretty much condemns the Left as far as I'm concerned :plain:
Scale of one to ten how conflicted were you over the Thomas appointment.

Historically both groups have been under represented on the High Court. And you know who wasn't raising holy heck about that? Catholics and Jews. Go figure.


New member
Hall of Fame
Just because something is described as scholarly, doesnt make it right. How do you explain five Republican justices voting for roe? I can. The left in 1973 was bound and determined to exert its will on our society and used everything at their disposal to create an environment that would put heavy pressure on weak minded justices.

They voted for it because of rape/life of the mother/incest. It was later expanded to add on demand, when a precedent was set that a woman should not have to be traumatized to prove rape, that it should be between her and her doctor.

The initial justices didn't vote for on demand.


What it tells me is that we're not frightened by the idea and that it isn't the first or even necessarily a consideration.

I don't think I'll ever get over that, for real. It pretty much condemns the Left as far as I'm concerned :plain:

Scale of one to ten how conflicted were you over the Thomas appointment.

Historically both groups have been under represented on the High Court. And you know who wasn't raising holy heck about that? Catholics and Jews. Go figure.

Catholics and Jews aren't the super majority of this country.

You can try to rationalize it all you want, but a sham is a sham, and an entire branch of the government being absent of even one person representing the other 3/4 of society isn't a hard one to recognize.

Your argument only holds up if you could apply it to SCOTUS being filled with Muslims and lesbians, and if it doesn't there than it doesn't here.


New member
Hall of Fame
White nationalist. HORRORS!

Why do liberals always think EVERYONE must bend to their subjective opinion?

I'm don't tell blacks they shouldn't ever be Black Nationalists, or express pride in their ethnicity without being a flaming racist.
They should (as white people should) be able to like what they like and not like what they don't like.
I don't need some liberal OR a conservative to tell me what I like.



New member
Hall of Fame
And I'm not a racist, and I don't care if you want to believe that, if it upsets your ordering litmus.

Me too.

Me too.

Or, you can participate or approve.
Supporting or participating isn't going to prove superiority or inferiority.
It's just going to be your preference.

Who gets to decide which is "moral" or "intellectual"?
It certainly isn't the law because the law allows things that are immoral and stupid.

Ever wonder why GOD wanted His chosen people to not marry outside their own?
And not to filter in other customs of other people?

I actually think there is much more unity when folks are with those they are the most comfortable with.
And I don't see one darn thing wrong with that.

I don't think I have ever said that white people (or any others) have not done despicable things.
So past history of despicable things done (by any) is irrelevant

It is separateness, but it is not superiority.

No they don't.

Just because I prefer vanilla ice cream over chocolate doesn't mean I think vanilla is superior to chocolate.
Liking one thing better than another does not automatically imply superiority.

No, it's not the mindset.
One can choose a to be in a situation that is inferior on many levels, but done for principle.
I could have married a man that could have supported me financially better than the man I chose.
But I chose him over others because my preference for a husband went far beyond mere finances.
What may look superior or inferior on one side of the coin doesn't give an accurate picture of the whole coin.

All liberals need to read this till it gets in their head.


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Hall of Fame
White Lives Matter

This thread only demonstrates just how little we've progressed since "Mississippi's Burning!"

Please point me to the lynching of blacks TODAY, and ill point you to blacks attacking, torturing and killing whites for the color of their skin and even saying it outright, while idiot liberals like you, say "its unclear if there is a racial motive"

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Commas are a "Personal" privilege allotted to the writer.
You should really use a comma for any number of reasons, but not that one. It, as with any punctuation, should be purposed. And the oldest, truest related rule is: never put more than one comma between a subject and its verb. Or, less is frequently more...or, as Wilde put it, "I have spent most of the day putting in a comma and the rest of the day pulling it out."

Do a study on that, "Art Brainless." Like I told TH if you want to go down that road, I'll post some or all of your spelling and punctuation mistakes, as well? Is that what you desire?
You should so tell him to do that, AB. :D

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Catholics and Jews aren't the super majority of this country.
Thanks for clearing that one up. :plain: They aren't in the constitution of the Court either.

In the history of the Court there have been 8 people of the Jewish faith who sat on the S. Ct., along with 13 Catholics and the rest divided among Protestants (with 33 Episcopalians dominating that lot, the next largest being Presbyterians, at 18). Largely because the Court reflected the times. In our times we don't weed by religion. We weed by political aims and qualifications. It's been that way for a very long time now. You just noticed?

You can try to rationalize it all you want, but a sham is a sham, and an entire branch of the government being absent of even one person representing the other 3/4 of society isn't a hard one to recognize.
I shudder to think about the civics they aren't teaching you guys any longer. You're in for another shock, but the Court isn't meant to reflect demographics. It isn't an elected office, isn't one where the members are put in place to represent the people. They're there to make certain that those who are elected to represent the people do so within the lines of the Constitution.

No sham. No travesty. No mockery.

Your argument only holds up if you could apply it to SCOTUS being filled with Muslims and lesbians, and if it doesn't there than it doesn't here.
Then among the many, many things you don't appear to understand would be my argument. . .


You realize most; if not all the people in that gif largely subscribe Liberal ideology; right? :chuckle:

You mean all the people who live in a bubble, and whose political convictions are meaningless to anyone who lives in real life?

None of them moved out of the country :chuckle:
Tells you all you need to know about them either way.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Here's a link to a scholarly treatment from Berkeley that agrees Justices tend to shift over time (link).

After reviewing the relevant commentary in Part II, we deploy stateof-the-artmethods to address these questions. The results, as it turns out, could not be clearer:Contrary to the received wisdom, virtually every justice serving since the 1930s has moved to theleft or right or, in some cases, has switched directions several times.​

Expectations are often satisfied:

These are the very patterns we observe in Figure 1.41 Indeed, with only scattered exceptions(e.g., the unexpected liberal voting of Harry Blackmun), press characterizations prior to appointmentturn out to be remarkably good predictors of future voting. To take one example, RuthBader Ginsburg reaches liberal decisions in about 60 percent of the Court’s cases—almost exactlythe percentage we would expect from a justice with her moderately left-of-center political outlook.Likewise, Antonin Scalia, assessed by all newspaper editors as a conservative at the time of hisnomination, votes precisely as that label would suggest, reaching right-of-center results in almostseven out of every ten cases he decides​

But the authors understand the arguments of those who argue that you must observe votes along terms to see the shift they purport. After addressing the problems with that approach:

Using data derived from thevotes cast by the justices and a Bayesian modeling strategy, they have generated term-by-termideal point estimates for all the justices appointed since the 1937 term—estimates that attend tovariation in case content. In other words, using the Martin-Quinn approach we can offer intrajusticecomparisons (e.g., is Justice Souter more liberal now than he was in 1992?) without havingto consider whether the changes we observe are the result of differences in the content of cases orchanges in the justice’s revealed preferences.86​

While a number of justices did indeed begin to list to the left over time, your author is incorrect in citing that as the trend. While Warren, Souter, Rehnquist, O'Conner and yes, Kennedy, trended left--

For now, consider those justices who, incontrast to Rehnquist and the others, trended to the right. Falling into this category, as we can seein Figure 7, are Justices Hugo Black, Harold Burton, Felix Frankfurter, Robert Jackson, StanleyReed, Antonin Scalia, and Byron White.​

Eleven of the twenty six justices became more liberal over their tenure. Several shifted right. And a number went left and right over their tenure. Only four remained fairly constant.

So what we can say is that justices are more likely to move left, but that a significant percentage will move right and many will move a bit in either direction over time, with the least statistically significant group remaining constant (around 15%).

Check out the mistakes you made here and correct them, please. I found several. See if you can find your own mistakes and correct them? Then, I'll let you know if you were successful or not. Since you've decided to go this route.


New member
You mean all the people who live in a bubble, and whose political convictions are meaningless to anyone who lives in real life?

None of them moved out of the country :chuckle:
Tells you all you need to know about them either way.

Many of them are "Jew lovers" - that oughta get your bigoted goat :chuckle: