But show that same pride of what a person born of two white parents accomplished, and it gets labeled white supremacist racism.
I'm seeing a trend here.
Who is one white person from - of all places - Mobile, Alabama - who Musti is ever falsely accusing me of putting on a pedestal just because I view said individual as one of, if not thee most brilliant known Bible students out there?
The only trend you are seeing here is your own, typically Trumpian, one sided self-delusion.
And get a clue - the Romans, the Greeks, the Spaniards are Mediterranean.
I suspect you have Native American in you. I always have. And I doubt there is such a person as a so called biologically pure white North American.
In fact, the modern founder of racial superiority theory not only would have viewed Hitler as a half-breed, but viewed North Americans as a mixed breed.
The Clansmen simply ignored his findings and or assertions.
Personally, the whole thing is a joke to me.
On all sides.
Dr. King was right - "content of character" is what matters.
Trump has none.
His supporters support a fraud.
This whole Immigration Ban Make America HATE Again of his is merely a smoke screen for what his impeachment will prove he and his cronies had really been up to.