White Lives Matter


Well-known member
nah - doesn't matter to me :idunno:

And yet here you are arguing in a white lives matter thread. What is considered white has changed over time too. In the past, Irish and eastern Europeans were considered undesirable. I did a DNA test, hoping something interesting would show up (there were rumors of Native Americans), but alas, pure European.

That said, my great grandparents were polish and came to the USA through Ellis Island. They spoke little to no English. My grandmother told me how hated they were at the time (depression era), along with Jewish people at the time. My family intentionally forgot all of their language, changed their last name and culture to "fit in" out of fear.

So I don't believe in "white heritage", but there is polish heritage I missed out on. So I learned to make Borscht, yay internet. :p Mind you, the other half of my family goes back to the American Revolution.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
my great (x14) grandfather came over to the new world from holland (displaced englishman by three generations) about four hundred years ago

that's 26000 branches on the family tree at that generational divide

and i know of only a few

it would be foolish of me to deny that i probably have all sorts of different ethnicities in my genetic makeup


Well-known member
take a look back and see what i've posted

...and then come back and tell us what i've "argued"

Seems like you've been trying to argue for a biological basis for race and the accuracy of racial stereotypes. But maybe you can clear that up for us.


Well-known member
The Bible tells more than that, you just chose to find that one thing that would detract one from the reality of those cities.
Gee I quoted scripture and I summarized the biblical story. You really hate it when the Bible isn't what you thought it was.

The oral tradition from the ancient Jews to modern Christianity confirms what you deny.
Appeals to handwavey oral tradition then attacks me for interpreting the bible "wrongly". :rolleyes:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Seems like you've been trying to argue for a biological basis for race

there is a biological basis to race, and it involves more than melanin

see: fast twitch/slow twitch fibers, iq results, etc

ala teoni said:
and the accuracy of racial stereotypes.

i don't remember discussing racial stereotypes, unless you're referring to my comment about fried chicken and watermelon

and those aren't stereotypes, they're truths


Gee I quoted scripture

You quoted a little part of scripture.

That's like quoting a little bit of science- you can't make a grand point by one tidbit alone.

Appeals to handwavey oral tradition then attacks me for interpreting the bible "wrongly". :rolleyes:

Oral tradition is a fundamental part of the Spirit moving through man- it is as valid as written tradition.

That's why you need to be in a traditional church :rolleyes:


New member
Uhh what exactly do you think you're arguing with this?

I wasn't. But since you're convinced I'm a racist, you feel I must have a sinister motive. When my undocumented Ghanian friend shared the news link with me on FB, I was intrigued. I didn't realize their subcutaneous skin was white. It wasn't pinkish white like my skin but still.,.but I'm guessing you will call my fascination a manifestation of racism. Perhaps you can help me get the photos on here? I wasnt able to.