Did you not read that I said the works of God. And that God changes our hearts? Without God we can do nothing I can't do anything whatsoever without God. My faith is completely in him. It's not my works, it's the works that God is doing in my heart, changing me from the world loving person I was, to have a heart more like his son.
And yes a do nothing gospel. If people begin to think that they don't have to do anything, then they believe in a do nothing gospel which isn't the gospel of Christ.
I read this last night
Hebrews 13:16
But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
This is what it is to be a living sacrifice. To good, and turn from sin
And always be thinking of God and don't forget to comunicate and speak the things of God when possible, bringing God and Christ to others. In other words, putting ourselves last and God first and always being ready to do his will. Having him in our hearts and minds and never forgetting him in our daily lives. This is the sacrifice that God is well pleased with.
The father is he who performs the good works within our hearts and we have to obey him and carry them out in our lives, without God we can do nothing. And I know the I'm nothing without God and Christ, without them I would be still dead in sin. I can't do anything without them and without the power of the Spirit daily helping me to overcome.