Where Will All That Anger Go When Trump Is Dismissed?


Hall of Fame
How does she draw the conclusion that I think porn is acceptable because I don't think his interview with a porn magazine is an indication he hates women?

:yawn: You could just ask *her* ... or instead of taking it personally look at the context of the quotes listed.

You stated, "Donald didn't produce any porn." No one said he did. What he DID do was endorse porn. Trump knew his pic on the cover and interview would promote Playboy Magazine. Obviously, Donald thinks endorsing porn is fine. IF you feel the need to continue to defend his actions and character in this particular instance, then you are also defending his endorsement ...


Donald didn't produce any porn.

He proudly contributed to the sales of a pornographic magazine by not only giving an interview, but by having his picture on the cover. Regarding the interview: What are your thought on Donald Trump giving accolades to the Chinese Communists (i.e. the Butchers of Beijing) for the way they handled the protestors (who were protesting for freedom) in Tiananmen Square?

Again, what tangible harm did Donald do to anyone with that interview?

Again: Pornography destroys lives.


Not only women and children, but men's as well. Donald Trump has never apologized for his interview and undoubtedly never will.

I'm aware that many women hate Donald but calling someone fat doesn't qualify as hatred for all women.

If you're referring to the Washington Post article that I linked, he did quite a bit more than call one woman "fat",

patrick jane

It's funny to see old Trump quotes an deeds in an effort to defeat him at the polls. They only make Trump more popular and likeable


Well-known member
It's funny to see old Trump quotes an deeds in an effort to defeat him at the polls. They only make Trump more popular and likeable
This is what happens when willful stupidity becomes it's own goal. It becomes completely perverse; to the degree that people will act against their own sense of right and well-being.


This is what happens when willful stupidity becomes it's own goal. It becomes completely perverse; to the degree that people will act against their own sense of right and well-being.

One would think that Donald Trump, if he really has changed from being a liberal to a conservative, would state that he was wrong to promote partial birth abortion 17 years ago; that he was wrong to support Jimmy Carter over Ronald Reagan; that he was wrong to support Hilary Clinton, that he is wrong to support Planned Parenthood, etc. etc.

Do you honestly believe that Donald Trump is no longer a liberal? His actions say otherwise.

patrick jane

This is what happens when willful stupidity becomes it's own goal. It becomes completely perverse; to the degree that people will act against their own sense of right and well-being.
I guess that's true, I'm only stating the fact. The fact has been that the more Trump is attacked, the more he wins.


Well-known member
Do you honestly believe that Donald Trump is no longer a liberal? His actions say otherwise.
Trump is neither a liberal nor a conservative. He is a narcissist, and a hedonist who couldn't care less about liberal or conservative issues. All he cares about is Donald Trump.


Well-known member
I guess that's true, I'm only stating the fact. The fact has been that the more Trump is attacked, the more he wins.
There is another fact that you should probably consider, my friend, and that is that you are taking a great deal of delight in all this perversity. To the point of encouraging it.

And that expresses a kind of perversity, in itself.


Trump is neither a liberal or a conservative. He is a narcissist, and a hedonist who couldn't care less about liberal or conservative issues. All he cares about is Donald Trump.

So true about Trump being basically an egomaniac, but his political ideology sways in one direction more than the other.

Take for instance his stance on Israel v Palestine (i.e. Hamas, i.e the Muslim Brotherhood). Donald Trump believes that the United States should be "neutral" in the conflict. Isn't standing back and supposedly doing nothing in a battle between good and evil taking the side of evil?

patrick jane

There is another fact that you should probably consider, my friend, and that is that you are taking a great deal of delight in all this perversity. To the point of encouraging it.

And that expresses a kind of perversity, in itself.
Oh really ? I had no clue what I was doing. Not. I know exactly what I'm doing because I want Trump as President. I will not vote democrat and I can't stand Cruz. I see others taking much delight in bashing Trump so I take delight in TRUMP WINNING !!!


Well-known member
So true about Trump being basically an egomaniac, but his political ideology sways in one direction more than the other.

Take for instance his stance on Israel v Palestine (i.e. Hamas, i.e the Muslim Brotherhood). Donald Trump believes that the United States should be "neutral" in the conflict. Isn't standing back and supposedly doing nothing in a battle between good and evil taking the side of evil?
Trump is only saying what he thinks will advance his own possibilities. He doesn't care about Israel one way or another. The same goes for abortion, or gay marriage, or any other socio-political issue. He's simply playing the candidate to see what it will get him. And if he were to be elected president, he would simply play the president to see what that would get him. Because feeding his own lusts, ego, and wallet is all he cares about.


Well-known member
Oh really ? I had no clue what I was doing. Not. I know exactly what I'm doing because I want Trump as President. I will not vote democrat and I can't stand Cruz. I see others taking much delight in bashing Trump so I take delight in TRUMP WINNING !!!

Like I said … it's perversity simply for the sake of being perverse. It's a form of self-destructive behavior that indicates emotional or mental dysfunction. Since you seem quite intelligent, I would suspect the former.

Playing the monkey doesn't mean you have to be a monkey. As a human being you have the capacity to take control over your own destructive inclinations.

I'm just saying.


I have no idea what you're talking about (baptism, patriarchy, atheism?).
Then educate yourself. Baptized people are members of the Church; Christians. Patriarchy is what most people mean when they say "misogyny." It's not hatred of ladies, it's just the belief that proven, qualified people---men or ladies---should be in charge. And atheists are those who deny our Maker.
My opinion is based on the facts:
Take for instance this post that I started on Donald Trump entitled "The Donald Trump Files".

These prominent threads of yours make the entire TOL community seem censored, because we implicitly permit your wild posturing as acceptable. I've never seen someone so diligently poison the well of a whole online community, and that's including some of the more offputting behavior over at Reddit.
I look at all of the facts about Donald Trump and because of those facts, have an opinion that he is a fraud who would make a terrible President.
And you therefore are a de facto Clinton supporter, just like vis-a-vis Romney you were a de facto Obama supporter.
There you go comparing RINO/Establishment wonder boy Mitt Romney with conservative/anti Establishment leader Ted Cruz.
Nope. Rather, there you (and others) go comparing someone who can win in the general election (Mitt Romney) with someone who cannot and will not ("RINO/Establishment wonder boy Mitt Romney"). You're really no different than a Ron Paul supporter when it comes right down to it. Your stubborn complaining about requiring some sort of bona fide conservatism is all this country needs to give Clinton the presidency. And people like you claim to be happy about it because it will crumble our society.


That is, it's confusing, lessen you're actually a progressive in sheep's clothing. :think:
It sounds as if you'd rather watch a soap opera instead of having 2 candidates with opposite political ideology debating one another
You don't like history? All history is a soap opera.
(Trump and Clinton are one in the same).
One's a patriarch, and one's not, so no.
Senator Ted Cruz is a world class debater. You should check out the awards he received while on the Harvard Debate Team.
I can't believe you just said that. "Wow, check out this college prospect's little league stats!" Let's see him in the big game. Wait. We have. And Trump has clobbered him every time.
Cruz would debate Clinton on the facts;
And Trump will debate her based on all the facts, including that she doesn't appear to think too well on her feet; a very important part of the job of being President of the United States.
the misogynist Trump would use personal insults to try and defeat her.
Why does this sound like you're a Clinton supporter?

Trump will use whatever is expedient to show us all exactly what she's made of.

'Read an interesting article that the longer candidates go in presidential campaigns, the deeper into their soul we get to see. We want to see as deeply into Clinton's soul as possible, especially if---because of people like you---she's going to be our first lady president. Trump will give us the deeper view of her, while Cruz wouldn't barely crack her surface/facade/mask.
You do realize that Donald Trump isn't a very intelligent man don't you?
We'll see. :idunno:

patrick jane

Then educate yourself. Baptized people are members of the Church; Christians. Patriarchy is what most people mean when they say "misogyny." It's not hatred of ladies, it's just the belief that proven, qualified people---men or ladies---should be in charge. And atheists are those who deny our Maker.
These prominent threads of yours make the entire TOL community seem censored, because we implicitly permit your wild posturing as acceptable. I've never seen someone so diligently poison the well of a whole online community, and that's including some of the more offputting behavior over at Reddit.
And you therefore are a de facto Clinton supporter, just like vis-a-vis Romney you were a de facto Obama supporter.
Nope. Rather, there you (and others) go comparing someone who can win in the general election (Mitt Romney) with someone who cannot and will not ("RINO/Establishment wonder boy Mitt Romney"). You're really no different than a Ron Paul supporter when it comes right down to it. Your stubborn complaining about requiring some sort of bona fide conservatism is all this country needs to give Clinton the presidency. And people like you claim to be happy about it because it will crumble our society.


That is, it's confusing, lessen you're actually a progressive in sheep's clothing. :think:
You don't like history? All history is a soap opera.
One's a patriarch, and one's not, so no.
I can't believe you just said that. "Wow, check out this college prospect's little league stats!" Let's see him in the big game. Wait. We have. And Trump has clobbered him every time.
And Trump will debate her based on all the facts, including that she doesn't appear to think too well on her feet; a very important part of the job of being President of the United States.
Why does this sound like you're a Clinton supporter?

Trump will use whatever is expedient to show us all exactly what she's made of.

'Read an interesting article that the longer candidates go in presidential campaigns, the deeper into their soul we get to see. We want to see as deeply into Clinton's soul as possible, especially if---because of people like you---she's going to be our first lady president. Trump will give us the deeper view of her, while Cruz wouldn't barely crack her surface/facade/mask.
We'll see. :idunno:

This is the best post I have seen in some time. Excellent Nihilo, spot on. ACW is a fraud


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Trump is neither a liberal nor a conservative. He is a narcissist, and a hedonist who couldn't care less about liberal or conservative issues. All he cares about is Donald Trump.

this may also be true of those who support trump

patrick jane

:yawn: You could just ask *her* ... or instead of taking it personally look at the context of the quotes listed.

You stated, "Donald didn't produce any porn." No one said he did. What he DID do was endorse porn. Trump knew his pic on the cover and interview would promote Playboy Magazine. Obviously, Donald thinks endorsing porn is fine. IF you feel the need to continue to defend his actions and character in this particular instance, then you are also defending his endorsement ...
Playboy isn't porn, most men get it for the articles.:chuckle:


Well-known member
Trump is neither a liberal nor a conservative. He is a narcissist, and a hedonist who couldn't care less about liberal or conservative issues. All he cares about is Donald Trump.

You say that like it's a bad thing. :chuckle: