Where did the races come from? Evolutiion, Creation or Other.


Remember what Stuu said about listening and finding out about other viewpoints?

This is how Darwinists do it.

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But Stripey, you refuse to answer my questions and give me the evidence on which you base your knowledge.
I have asked on numerous occasions for a time line for the appearance and disappearance of the Neanderthals as a group. No specific response.
I asked for the scientific papers that supported the position you and 6 took on Neanderthals but you were unwilling or unable to provide that.
Here I am looking to find out specifics of your viewpoint and I get nothing but the standard Stripe which is clearly insufficient to provide information.
So whaddya think Stripe, 6 days, gonna man-up and provide specifics? Or not?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
But Stripey, you refuse to answer my questions and give me the evidence on which you base your knowledge.

Your stupid questions have been answered numerous times.

I have asked on numerous occasions for a time line for the appearance and disappearance of the Neanderthals as a group. No specific response.
Extremely specific. Numerous occasions.

I asked for the scientific papers that supported the position you and 6 took on Neanderthals but you were unwilling or unable to provide that.

When you learn to respect the opposing viewpoint by giving it the common courtesy of reading it, we might believe you when you ask for further material.

Here I am looking to find out specifics of your viewpoint.

Nope. You're lying. You're not interested in the slightest. You're just a troll. :troll:
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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
And remember, Stuu said his philosophy was to read up on opposing viewpoints, but Jonahdog's approach was to simply declare the ideas that he hates to be "wrong."

Darwinists spout platitudes, but when it comes to a rational discussion over the evidence, they run for the hills wailing about not being handed on a plate again that which has been clearly outlined for them.



Your stupid questions have been answered numerous times.

Extremely specific. Numerous occasions.


When you learn to respect the opposing viewpoint by giving it the common courtesy of reading it, we might believe you when you ask for further material.

Nope. You're lying. You're not interested in the slightest. You're just a troll. :troll:

Oh, Stripe, I am crushed. I asked for specifics and you still refuse to provide information. You must have little confidence in its accuracy, that must be it.
Well, I tried, you left me in the lurch. Like a jilted lover. You missed your chance to win me over to your side with your rationality. Another soul you could have reached for your god.


And remember, Stuu said his philosophy was to read up on opposing viewpoints, but Jonahdog's approach was to simply declare the ideas that he hates to be "wrong."

Darwinists spout platitudes, but when it comes to a rational discussion over the evidence, they run for the hills wailing about not being handed on a plate again that which has been clearly outlined for them.

Normally, when someone asks for specifics in support of a position, it makes sense for it to be provided. That is what leads to "rational discussion". But Stripe would rather give us one liners than support his position with scientific evidence.
And 6 days just changes the topic without providing specifics.
Neither has any intellectual honesty.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Oh, Stripe, I am crushed.
Who knows; maybe you'll commit suicide. :idunno:

I asked for specifics and you still refuse to provide information.
Nope. You're a liar.

You must have little confidence in its accuracy, that must be it.
Believe what you want. :idunno:

Well, I tried, you left me in the lurch. Like a jilted lover. You missed your chance to win me over to your side with your rationality. Another soul you could have reached for your god.
Bye. :wave2:


Science never changes as science is already the facts. Only false science changes along with time.

Science won't change because true science is confirmed by its predictability. Physics theories will bring you to the surface of moon/Mars without error (which is considered something predictable), because the theories remain truth all the times and will not subject to any new facts. They may not work only under the circumstance that they fall out of the scope of a paradigm. We failed to launch space craft to the surface of moon/Mars because of wrong calculations or unpredictable factors but not the physics theories themselves. That's why whenever a spacecraft exploded, you won't draw the conclusion that "the physics theories are wrong".

That's argumentative. I didn't say physics or Gods immutable laws change, I said "science" changes its assumptions when new facts come to light. Their are people on this very forum today who think the earth is flat!


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
How Christian of you, Stripe. And how cowardly not to respond and answer specific questions.
Specific questions that have been addressed.

Learn to read, you dishonest troll.

And what would you know about what it means to be a Christian?

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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
WE make too much out of how people look. Those in tropical climates are darker, have flatter noses and those who migrated to cold climates have accumulated to hard weather, are lighter and have long straight noses to breath better in the extreme cold. It is really that simple, yet few understand it.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Given your responses, I suspect more than you do.
A response that shows you know nothing of it.

Christianity had nothing to do with my actions and everything to do with the work of Jesus Christ.
WE make too much out of how people look. Those in tropical climates are darker, have flatter noses and those who migrated to cold climates have accumulated to hard weather, are lighter and have long straight noses to breath better in the extreme cold. It is really that simple, yet few understand it.
Exactly. People adapt to their environment.

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A response that shows you know nothing of it.

Christianity had nothing to do with my actions and everything to do with the work of Jesus Christ.

So what you do with your life and how you live it does not matter. Nice way to be able to live.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I know what you said.
Then why did you switch it? You implied that actions are what defines Christianity, exposing your ignorance. "You are ignorant as usual."

When corrected – Christianity is about Jesus' work – you pretended that meant anything is permissable.

When you cannot conduct yourself sensibly across the span of a few simple posts, it shows that your sole motivation is to reject everything that does not bow to your agenda.

You're a troll with nothing of value to contribute.

Smarten up. :up:

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Then why did you switch it? You implied that actions are what defines Christianity, exposing your ignorance. "You are ignorant as usual."

When corrected – Christianity is about Jesus' work – you pretended that meant anything is permissable.

When you cannot conduct yourself sensibly across the span of a few simple posts, it shows that your sole motivation is to reject everything that does not bow to your agenda.

You're a troll with nothing of value to contribute.

Smarten up. :up:

Sent from my SM-G9250 using TOL mobile app

Stripey, don't get your undies in a bunch. In the meantime, can you provide a time line for the rise and disappearance of Neanderthals as a group/culture? Perhaps you and 6 days can work together on that project.