Where did God come from?


Eclectic Theosophist
The question 'Where did God come from?' is a useless question, matched for uselessness only by the assertion that God is the uncaused causer.

Even beyond the context of 'God' as Creator/Causer.....there is 'God' in His primal Being, A-causal in nature, wherein all 'causes' and 'effects' appear to arise in the phenomenal world, the expanse of Creation (space/time play). 'God' is the primal Source-Condition of all existence, no matter its form or consistency, invisible or visible....as these are but modifications of primal energy and consciousness, appearing in their various forms.



Well-known member

Claiming half-truth doesn't make it into Eternal Truth no matter how many times you say it or put make-up on it. God isn't an axe-murderer or the accuser of the bretheren. He is Holy. Simply because He made this universe and the beings that inhabit it doesn't mean that any and every being is some facet of His Character or a tiny slice of Him. We are responsible for our sin, not God. You are responsible for your sins, and will have to pay for them for eternity, except you repent.

Desert Reign

Even beyond the context of 'God' as Creator/Causer.....there is 'God' in His primal Being, A-causal in nature, wherein all 'causes' and 'effects' appear to arise in the phenomenal world, the expanse of Creation (space/time play). 'God' is the primal Source-Condition of all existence, no matter its form or consistency, invisible or visible....as these are but modifications of primal energy and consciousness, appearing in their various forms.

Causes and effects are not real things in themselves. This is why the assertion that God is an uncaused causer is meaningless. Causes and effects are the way we ourselves organise the world around us. Take my cat for example. Having studied her for a while, I am fairly convinced that she does not analyse events into causes and effects. But I am equally convinced that she does organise events into categories. So 'things that move on their own and are about so big are tasty.' It is possible to organise the world in other ways than cause and effect. Quantum dynamics suggests that causes are not absolute things either. The beauty of the world is what the world makes of itself and, likewise, the ugliness of it. When it comes to taking a moral position, then I cannot say better than Jesus: he is the way, the truth and the life. I know he existed and died and rose from the dead and is alive now and I know that the world makes sense with him in it. But beyond him I only see darkly. I know that the world needs to make sense of itself and the particular sense that Jesus makes of it cannot be bettered.

Desert Reign

Do not monkey around with God's immutability.

As Jesus taught us, "thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven..."

K, my (deliberately enigmatic) statement was intended as a statement about human nature, not about God's nature. The fact is that whatever God's nature truly is, to us, it is nothing unless someone somewhere makes a statement about it that can be assessed or responded to in some way. To say that God is immutable is meaningless unless you can also say what particular attributes of God are immutable. If human beings remain roughly what they have been for the last 2000 years, then it's a fair bet that things we say about God will remain the same...

I'm only pleading for greater depth of thought and for us all to move out of our pre-programmed beliefs and culture. We are unlikely in my view to really know God, whether immutable or not, if we choose to know nothing other than the same old self-contradictory Sunday school drivel.


Eclectic Theosophist
I Am

I Am

Causes and effects are not real things in themselves. This is why the assertion that God is an uncaused causer is meaningless. Causes and effects are the way we ourselves organise the world around us. Take my cat for example. Having studied her for a while, I am fairly convinced that she does not analyse events into causes and effects. But I am equally convinced that she does organise events into categories. So 'things that move on their own and are about so big are tasty.' It is possible to organise the world in other ways than cause and effect. Quantum dynamics suggests that causes are not absolute things either. The beauty of the world is what the world makes of itself and, likewise, the ugliness of it. When it comes to taking a moral position, then I cannot say better than Jesus: he is the way, the truth and the life. I know he existed and died and rose from the dead and is alive now and I know that the world makes sense with him in it. But beyond him I only see darkly. I know that the world needs to make sense of itself and the particular sense that Jesus makes of it cannot be bettered.

Its all good :)

Life is. - our adventure in the movements of life are our perceptions of it, an ongoing journey and translation of consciousness. Wonderful isnt it? 'God' is the origin, sustainer and transformer of all. There is only this 'Spirit' and its 'Awareness' in every dimension, form and beyond,....'this' is all there is.

Tat tvam asi

Om tat sat

And who would have thought this was a back-alley discussion :eek:



So we get that "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

How did God come to be "In the beginning"?
Eternity (Isa. 57:15; Mic. 5:2; Ps 106:48). We can join him by repenting of our sins and trusting Christ.

Hi Newbie. It's a pleasure to have you here (except for that Pinko Commie part). :Commie:


New member
Let us look at the facts :

God is Spirit.

God sends Spirit

God creates Spirit beings called Angels.

- Bronze like Glowing Feet , Glowing Body, Radiating Energy.

Ezekiel saw Jehovah, who became Jesus later.

- Amber coloured person with Fire covering his lower half.

God gave Jesus another body as seen in Rev 1.

- Glowing Body, Firey Eyes, White clothes.

God, the Father looks like a Sardine and Jasper Stone.

Which is a Transparent reddish brown .

-Rev 4:3

Spirit can mean Wind. Wind is composed of Oxygen and Hydrogen GAS.

Stars give off Radioactive Energy by Fusing Hydrogen and Helium.

Thus, the God Family is composed of some kind of Fused
Energized Radiactive Gas.

Therefore, God must have been the Result of
a Catastophic Gaseous Energy Release,
Possibly the BIG BANG !!!

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Eclectic Theosophist
Omni-active One

Omni-active One

Let us look at the facts :

God is Spirit.


God sends Spirit
God creates Spirit beings called Angels.
- Bronze like Glowing Feet , Glowing Body, Radiating Energy.
Ezekiel saw Jehovah, who became Jesus later.
- Amber coloured person with Fire covering his lower half.
God gave Jesus another body as seen in Rev 1.
- Glowing Body, Firey Eyes, White clothes.
God, the Father looks like a Sardine and Jasper Stone.
-Rev 4:3
Spirit can mean Wind. Wind is composed of Oxygen, Hydrogen GAS.
Thus, the God Family is composed of some kind of Energized Radioctive
Stars give off Radioactive Energy by Fusing Hydrogen and Helium.

Indeed, all is derived, originated and extended from the One Original Spirit expressing in various forms and consistencies.

Therefore, God must have been the Result of a Catastophic Gaseous Energy Release, Possibly the BIG BANG !!!

'God' in his Incorporeal, Invisible, Indefinite, Infinite, Unconditioned BEING was before any creative movement or 'BB',...yet became more "definitive" within the creation of form, dimension, space/time...within the 'context' of 'relativity'. We have two aspects of 'God', the invisible(One Still Inertial Potential of existence, 'No-Thing') and the visible (the moving, organizing, informing, relational, creative aspect of Spirit-energy manifesting as 'every-thing'). God is before, behind and beyond all space/time creation, yet creation arises in God and is carried/contained in God while God is still greater as the infinite encompasser and MIND behind all.

As to the question where did 'God' come 'from',...there is no answer... for no 'from' or 'to' exists where God is One and all :) - only the manifested or defined 'God' who relates and associates with the conditions of Creation (relativity) might be said to have had a 'beginning-point' within such associations of space/time relations, so that at the moment of the BB,....God became relational, defined, qualified, having attributes, qualities of a presumed 'Creator' or 'divine Personality' with 'form'....being 'relatable'.

There is both Nirguna Brahman(God without name or form, attributes or qualities) and Saguna Brahman(God with name or form, with attributes and qualities). Yet still.....all that is formless and form-al....is of God, the One and Only Supreme Source and Originator of all....the Essential Reality from which no-thing and every-thing derives. There is only 'God' and the 'relationships' or paradoxes of existence that arise in God.

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New member
What I have been told all my life is, God beyond everything.
And our brains are made by Him, so we cant understand it fully.


New member
What I have been told all my life is, God beyond everything.
And our brains are made by Him, so we cant understand it fully.

I think you missed the point just a little creation or so. -God the Father created the man and everything that the man was / WAS. - Jesus came along recreating a New Heaven and a New Earth, and a “NEW MAN”, “A NEW MAN”, not the old man; - he is done away with, and WE / The Christians, are made NEW CREATURES, after the pattern of the written Word. - The New Man has an upper chamber (as it were), patterned after the upper-room on the Day of Pentecost. – There dwells the Holy Ghost / Christ. - Not in the lower chamber, but the Upper. ---- NO! – NO! – The Lost doesn’t have that; they are under the OLD LAW, being without Christ in their heart’s upper chamber, - (Parable of it).

Paul –060610


New member

Reviving some older threads for the newbies :)

Isn't 'God' wonderful? ;)


There can't be a beginning of God, the Savior to be, just the beginning of all other things to be saved.

If Jesus was today, they would say that he had Asberger's!!
Don't we all??

Paul -- 030613