When is the Sabbath?


Well-known member
Since you repeat, so will I.

You have nothing. You are too intelligent to be fooling yourself like this.
And I won't waste more time.


New member
The current week on our Gregorian calendar continued without break from the previous Julian calendar from:
THURSDAY 4th October 1582
to FRIDAY 15th October 1582


However this calendar took hundreds of years to be accepted by other countries, England didn't accept the new Gregorian calendar till the 2nd September 1752:


The Julian calendar began on the 1st January 45BC:


However this calendar also took hundreds of years to be accepted by other countries and over the 1st to 3rd centuries AD, the Roman Empire gradually replaced it's old 8 day week ancient Roman calendar and all the other calendars within the empire with this new 7 day week Julian calendar:


Now the 1st of January 1 AD was a SATURDAY:


This matches Torahcalendar.com:


Which would make the 1st of January 45 BC a FRIDAY:


But what was the day before? Because the Romans were previously using an 8 day week calendar before this date and the days were not called Monday, Tuesday etc (which are all names based on Roman gods), but instead the days were listed simply as; A, B, C, D, E, F, G, & H (8 Days):


Therefore how can the Roman Julian 7 day week calendar invented by the pagan Greek Mathematician Sosigenes in 45 BC over a 1000 miles away from Israel? have anything to do with the 7 day week the Jews and Israelites had been using for hundreds of years before this new 7 day week or even the Roman people's even existed?

The answer is the two 7 day week calendars are totally separate and therefore the Sabbath can not be calculated with our modern Julian/Gregorian calendar!

If you would like to know when the real Sabbath is then you can find here:





The Creator's Calendar

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):


15 mins (or faster with the high speed setting):

International Date Line Change: The Sabbath Unchanged by Worlds Last Chance Ministries?


79 min (or faster with the high speed setting):

Robert-Aaron Richmond explains from scripture how God’s Calendar works:




Well-known member
Putting nonsense into video form doesn't change it. It remains nonsense.

Think about it:

Where did "work six days, rest on the seventh" go? Where is remembering the six day creation? You have weeks that range from 7 to 9 days long in this "creator's calendar".

From your response; "You have weeks that range from 7 to 9 days long in this "creator's calendar" it is clear that you still do not understand what is explained in the OP, that video, or any of the other materials provided. Until you do understand you will remain lost in your incorrect conclusions.


Well-known member
From your response; "You have weeks that range from 7 to 9 days long in this "creator's calendar" it is clear that you still do not understand what is explained in the OP, that video, or any of the other materials provided. Until you do understand you will remain lost in your incorrect conclusions.

Here is what I understand of your concept:

A week is 7 days long. 6 of work, 1 of rest. When a New Moon occurs, it does not count as part of a week. It is a special day on its own. And if the month is to be 30 days long, then the last day of the month doesn't count as part of a week either.

So, to take an example of the 8th and 9th month in your calendar, we get the following:
  1. New moon
  2. 6 days work
  3. Sabbath
  4. 6 days work
  5. Sabbath
  6. 6 days work
  7. Sabbath
  8. 6 days work
  9. Sabbath
  10. Last day of month
  11. NewMoon
  12. 6 days work
  13. Sabbath

There are 8 days between Sabbath (#9) and the next Sabbath (#13). That is a nine day week.

I suppose you will claim it is not a "week"- it's a week plus some spare days (i.e. a New Moon and a spare end-of-month day).

So: what didn't I understand?


Well-known member
Here is what I understand of your concept:

A week is 7 days long. 6 of work, 1 of rest. When a New Moon occurs, it does not count as part of a week. It is a special day on its own. And if the month is to be 30 days long, then the last day of the month doesn't count as part of a week either.

So, to take an example of the 8th and 9th month in your calendar, we get the following:
  1. New moon
  2. 6 days work
  3. Sabbath
  4. 6 days work
  5. Sabbath
  6. 6 days work
  7. Sabbath
  8. 6 days work
  9. Sabbath
  10. Last day of month
  11. NewMoon
  12. 6 days work
  13. Sabbath

There are 8 days between Sabbath (#9) and the next Sabbath (#13). That is a nine day week.

I suppose you will claim it is not a "week"- it's a week plus some spare days (i.e. a New Moon and a spare end-of-month day).

So: what didn't I understand?

There are only 4 weeks to every month. That's it, nothing else to add.


New member
Putting nonsense into video form doesn't change it. It remains nonsense.

Think about it:

Where did "work six days, rest on the seventh" go? Where is remembering the six day creation? You have weeks that range from 7 to 9 days long in this "creator's calendar".

Test all things...study yourselves...be berean...

The moon resets the count and only days its light is reflected are counted...

Kinda like there is much flesh to be had but only some of it is considered food...the rest is not even considered as food...

For example to a faithful one "let's eat!" would only include meat which is clean

And even pork eaters don't include decaying carcasses...

Most are in agreement human flesh is not counted amongst that which is to be eaten...although it is flesh...

So it is with days without moonlight which are not to be counted in the "work six" up to Sabbaths...although they are days...

As shown elsewhere, Satan has his own who are all to willing to counterfeit the Truth...

So I study and pray...may He lead...HalleluYah


Well-known member

Your inability to accept these facts but instead hold to your position without evidence (similar to the other debate we are engaged in) just shows you are stubborn in the face of reason. Is this trait you have something other's have commented on?


Well-known member
Your inability to accept these facts but instead hold to your position without evidence (similar to the other debate we are engaged in) just shows you are stubborn in the face of reason. Is this trait you have something other's have commented on?

Look in a mirror sometime, young man.


Well-known member
Yes, I apologize for thinking you are very young. The error was based on your immature behavior. Apparently that is not always an indication of chronological age. So it goes. Live and learn.
Resorting to insults is often the default position to those who stubbornly ignore the facts after loosing an argument.