when did Peter use the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven ?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Off to confession you go. Or maybe you tell fibs in the confessional. :unsure:
Why would I go to confession.

Over something in this thread?

And I meant it when I said "it's too bad". We could use you. You're missed. But you have to get up and see around this MAD obstructed view of yours.


Well-known member
Why would I go to confession.

Over something in this thread?

And I meant it when I said "it's too bad". We could use you. You're missed. But you have to get up and see around this MAD obstructed view of yours.
You need to put off that Catholic religion and pick up the Bible.

Go down that Roman Road of Paul's instead of the wide Catholic one.


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Jesus ministered to every man or woman who had faith.
Regardless of which country they came from.
Nobody was turned away.

Saying it doesn't make it so, and scripture shows something different:

Jesus didn't WANT to interact with the Canaanite woman. He ignored her, his disciples wanted her to be sent away, to which He practically agreed with them, saying that she was beyond the scope of His ministry, and even called her a derogatory term for gentiles, calling her a dog. Yes, He healed her daughter, BUT ONLY AFTER SEEING HOW MUCH FAITH SHE HAD!

If her faith wasn't enough, she would have been turned away.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You need to put off that Catholic religion and pick up the Bible.

Go down that Roman Road of Paul's instead of the wide Catholic one.
I'm going to keep Jesus's religion and continue to read Jesus's Bible (all 73 books).

And I went down that Roman Road of Jesus's----same as Jesus's wide Catholic one.

You should return, come home.


Well-known member
Jesus didn't preach anything to any of those people. They came across His path while He was performing healings and He showed them mercy.
He must have manifested enough for the woman (and others) to believe in Him.
They believed He was the Son of God on earth now.
If that wasn't "good news", what was?
Your false claims get sillier with every passing day.....His death and resurrection hadn't even happened yet. Think....try really hard to Think.
It was still the OT, and would be until Jesus died for our sins and rose again.
The NT gospel.
I'm already in the body of Christ, and the love of God was shed abroad on my heart when I was saved.
You have usurped the final judgement of God when you say you are already saved.
It's His love not some silly effort at loving that I can muster up.
You're stuck in the Kingdom....and it hasn't even come yet.
How can I be stuck in something that hasn't "come yet"?
The kingdom is here now, in our hearts.
The gospel you preach is not a gospel at all. It's a combination of law and grace.
I have never "preached" circumcision, tithing, feast keeping, temple worship, or dietary laws, so why do you think I "preach" the Law?
Which Laws do you erroneously think I am "preaching"?

BTW, what I do preach is indeed good news...that a man can now live without sinning.


Well-known member
Saying it doesn't make it so, and scripture shows something different:

Jesus didn't WANT to interact with the Canaanite woman. He ignored her, his disciples wanted her to be sent away, to which He practically agreed with them, saying that she was beyond the scope of His ministry, and even called her a derogatory term for gentiles, calling her a dog. Yes, He healed her daughter, BUT ONLY AFTER SEEING HOW MUCH FAITH SHE HAD!

If her faith wasn't enough, she would have been turned away.
But He did interact with her, and the Roman, and the other Gentiles, which shows He didn't consider Gentiles less than Jews.
He even used a Samaritan as a "good guy" in one of His parables.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Why don't they do it then?
Jesus said..."Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." (Matt 5:48)
Why aren't you perfect? 'You pickin up what I'm layin down yet?


Well-known member
You're Father in heaven is not perfect because of word games Hoping.
By the grace of God, the gift of permanent repentance from sin, baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of my past sins, and the gift of the Holy Ghost, I can now walk in the Spirit instead of in the "flesh".
To the glory of God.


Well-known member
If you don't know....you ain't.

No assurance = No salvation
That's not the way Jesus saw it.
Luke 6:25 (KJV)
Woe unto you that are full! for ye shall hunger. Woe unto you that laugh now! for ye shall mourn and weep.

Matthew 7:21 (KJV)
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.


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But He did interact with her,

It was extremely reluctantly.

If you can't acknowledge that, then you'll never understand the point I'm making.

and the Roman

Only because of his faith.

and the other Gentiles,

The only other "Gentile" he spoke with was the Samaritan woman, because Samaritans are "half-Jews."

which shows He didn't consider Gentiles less than Jews.

Which has nothing to do with it.

He even used a Samaritan as a "good guy" in one of His parables.

So what?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
By the grace of God, the gift of permanent repentance from sin, baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of my past sins, and the gift of the Holy Ghost, I can now walk in the Spirit instead of in the "flesh".
You remind me of my brief brush with being in a cult Hoping.
To the glory of God.
No. Cults don't glorify God. God would prefer that they are all destroyed, like the houses of cards that they are.


Well-known member
It was extremely reluctantly.
If you can't acknowledge that, then you'll never understand the point I'm making.
I agree with your summation, but to use it to separate the promises of the OT from the reborn Gentiles of the NT is not right.
Jesus dealt with Jews and Gentiles then, and He still does.
Only because of his faith.
Now your on to something !
Faith is the only thing that separates the true believer from the damned.
Not OT or NT, not Jewish heritage or Gentile, not catholic or protestant.
Faith will be how we are judged.
And faith is manifested by our walk on earth now.
The only other "Gentile" he spoke with was the Samaritan woman, because Samaritans are "half-Jews."
One example disproves your Law.