Instead you weasle with objections like 'IP thinks we deny that Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD' which has never been addressed that I know of. Why would you take off into that kind of territory, unless your totally stuck with a fraud of a system?
You constantly pull that.
You assert a falsehood about Mads, only to twist its being pointed out to you.
Your above is one more example. For it was you who "slanderously reported" the above about Mads...
So what do D'ists do? They fuss and how about finding 2 towers in the temple and believe they can dismiss not only Josephus but the event...
You constantly do that sort of thing.
On a site owned and run by the very people you hurl labels like intolerant, fraud, delusional, etc., at.
On a site owned and run by Mads.
You are an ingrate who obviously had a poor upbringing in manners; a coward who is only now showing his true colors; a self-impressed books based incompetent; and a lying slanderer who conveniently never has a recollection of his slandering words.
You are, in short; a self-inflicted...